The Poppet Princess/The Lonely Princess

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The Lonely Princess

Alk and friends arrive at the castle, where they are verbally assaulted by Prika who mistakes them for someone else. The princess quickly realizes her mistake and invites them inside, eager to host people for the first time ever. She explains that her retainer Grey is missing, and that her only contact with the outside world is through letters with Prince Frau of Mosnia.

Light: We've finally arrive. The castle appears even more impressive up close.

Alk: Definitely a lot bigger than I though it'd be, and more than enough rooms for one princess.

Alk: You sure we can just waltz right in? Feels kinda wrong somehow...

Razelt: What is there to worry about? It is not as if we are here to cause trouble! Let us tarry no longer!

Unknown Princess: Greeey!

Razelt: GAAH! What is the meaning of this?!

Unknown Princess: What are you standing out here for? Don't you think you've neglected me for long enough?!

Unknown Princess: I'm going to be sick if I have to spend another day eating steamed potatoes!

Razelt: Potatoes?! I'm the one that will be sick if you keep shaking me around! Unhand me this instant!

Unknown Princess: ...Grey, since when did you have soft and smooth skin?

Unknown Princess: Wait. You aren't Grey,

Unknown Princess: Who in the world are you people?!

Stella: Good day. I'm Stella. Are you perhaps Prika?

Prika: That would be me, but...

Prika: Are you all people?

Alk: Y-yeah? Can't you tell just by looking at us?

Prika: That means you came from outside! Have you met with Grey?

Prika: Is... he not with you?

Prika: You must have run into him on your way in! Didn't you see anyone with white hair and wrinkles?

Alk: Uh, nope, can't say we have. The only person we ran into doesn't meet the description.

Prika: ...Where could that old man be?

Prika: Oh, you're ALL people, including that fluffy, furry thing, right?

Prika: That means you're guests, and I should be rolling out the red carpet! Come inside!

Razelt: What an odd young lady... Is she truly a member of rotalty?

Alk: I guess? Looks that way to me, at least.

Prika: Ahem. I knew this day would come eventually, so I've had preparations always at the ready!

Prika: Go on, dig in! Help yourself to everything on the table!

Light: Are these all potatoes? I almost feel like eating so many will turn my taste buds into sand...

Prika: Sand? Don't be ridiculous! It's not as if you're one of the buildings in town!

Prika: Speaking of which, you didn't touch any of them, did you?

Alk: Err, one of us might've laid a hand on stuff without knowing it was gonna disintegrate

Prika: I have to rebuild AGAIN? Oh gosh, I can feel a headache coming on...

Alk: Wow... So you actually built everything by yourself using magic.

Alk: But why do it in this forest? There's practically no one living here.

Prika: Well, I needed space to build a town and castle. How else am I going to properly welcome my Prince Charming?

Prika: I have to be ready whenever he finally shows up. That's what Grey told me, anyway.

Alk: Huh... Kind of a weird thing to make someone prepare for...

Razelt: Did somebody say "prince"? Fortunately for you, the genuine article is already in your midst. I am Razelt, a prince of the Farlands!

Prika: The Farlands? Never heard of it.

Prika: Besides, I'm not waiting for just any prince. I've been exchanging letters with Prince Frau of Mosnia!

Razelt: The audacity of this woman! Wait, did you say Mosnia? But...

Prika: You mentioned coming here to do an investigation or something?

Prika: That means running around and researching things, doesn't it?

Prika: You all seem a little young to be exploring outside. Actually, I don't think I've ever met people as young as you before!

Razelt: W-would you mind composing yourself and speaking a tad but slower?

Prika: Well, excuuuse me for being a little excited! This is the first time I've spoken with people outside of Grey!

Stella: Prika, have you lived here your entire life?

Prika: Yes, I've never gone beyond the walls. It's too dangerous outside.

Alk: It's okay to be a little cautious, but... You've honestly never gone outside a SINGLE time?

Prika: Grey insisted against it! What else was I supposed to do?

Prika: What? Did I say something weird?

Prika: Huh?! Wh-what was that?!

Razelt: It came from beyond the castle walls. Are those insolent poppets wreaking havoc again?

Prika: Why are the poppets acting on their own?!

Prika: I command you to obey me!

Razelt: A-are you out of your mind! That was dangerous!

Prika: I don't understand! Why aren't they listening to me?

Alk: Chat later, fight now!