The Poppet Princess/The Castle in the Woods

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The Castle in the Woods

Alk and friends travel to an unexplored forest for a job, where they discover a castle and its town in the distance. As they approach, they see a mysterious robed man and the prince Razelt under attack, and drop in to save them.

Unknown Princess: It's night already...

Unknown Princess: Another day gone, and no sign of Grey.

Unknown Princess: Geez... Where could that old man be?

Unknown Princess: A good retainer doesn't just disappear without a word!

Unknown Princess: This is the first time he's left me alone for so long...

Unknown Princess: Am I supposed to sit here and do nothing?

Alk: So about the job, we're supposed to look into the monsters coming out of this unexplored forest, right?

Light: Correct. Apparently, even the bravest hunters stay clear of these woods.

Alk: I don't blame them. Something is off about all this.

Stella: The town and the castle look beautiful though.

Light: Beautiful it may be, but Alk is right. Why would anyone want to build a settlement in the middle of nowhere?

Light: The trees practically brush up against the builds, and there aren't even any people around-

Light: Wait, no... Someone's being attacked over there!

Princely Man: Can't you flee any faster? They have guns, and they do not seem keen on chatting!

Robed Man: It's too late. They've already caught up to us...

Princely Man: V-very well, I shall demonstrate my aptitude for defense! This will be a simple matter!

Princely Man: Come at me, one at a time, and turn your aim away from any of my handsome features!

Alk: Razelt, is that you?

Razelt: Alk?! Stella! Light! What in the world are the lot of you doing here?

Razelt: Never mind, don't answer that! I need help protecting this little runt! Please say you'll lend a hand!

Alk: How do you always say lame stuff like that with a straight face...

Light: Enough banter! We have incoming foes!