The Poppet Princess/That's Not a Town

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That's Not a Town

The robed man introduces himself as Simon, and reveals that the town and castle were made by the princess Prika through creation magic. He asks the group to check on Prika in the castle, which they agree to. As they travel through town, Razelt accidentally discovers how fragile the structures are, before more Poppets appear and attack.

Razelt: Hah-hah-hah! Is this what it is like to have a brush with death? Well done, my friends! Bask in my praise!

Razelt: But now that I have a moment to think... Perhaps I could have even taken them out by myself!

Alk: Uh-huh. Sure, yep. I'm gonna ignore your shaking knees and help you up now.

Light: What is a Falands prince like you doing out here?

Razelt: Well, you see... I was on a tour throughout the land when, somehow, I became separated from my tutor!

Alk: Why am I not surprised he got lost again...

Robed Man: ...You really are a prince of a large kingdom then.

Razelt: Did you not trust my initial introduction? I am who I say I am! Is that so hard to believe?!

Stella: Hello, my name is Stella. Who are you?

Robed Man: O-oh, sorry... I haven't even thanked you for saving my life.

Simon: I'm Simon. I appreciate you stepping in when you did.

Simon: This here is my home. It's not much, but feel free to come in.

Alk: So... Creation magic, huh.

Simon: Yes. The whole town and castle were all made by Princess Prika, whom I serve.

Alk: Hold up... You're telling me this was the work of ONE person who used magic and nothing else?

Razelt: Is this true? ...And to think you thought me the liar earlier...

Simon: I suppose it must seem strange to outsiders. Only those of a special bloodline are capable of such a feat, but I've long grown accustomed to seeing it.

Simon: The poppets were also created by the princess, though I don't understand why they suddenly attacked like that...

Simon: I'm sorry, but can I impose on you one more time? Could you check the castle to see if the princess is safe?

Light: Perhaps this is related to the strange monsters emerging from the forest...

Light: How about this: if you don't mind us investigating a few matters along the way, we'd be happy to look in on her.

Simon: That is completely fine by me. Please do what you see fit.

Light: I still find it difficult to believe that these grand structures are made of magic and nothing more.

Stella: Doesn't this place remind you of Starview Village?

Alk: I was actually thinking the same thing when we first got here.

Razelt: Are you daft? How could an empty ghost town like this compare to the rowdy chaos of your lively home?

Razelt: I cannot say I prefer such emptiness!

Razelt: That was not my fault! I swear I merely breathed upon it!

Alk: Relax, no one's going to scold you. The way that thing crumbled though...

Light: It makes one think this is a decorative wonderland and not a place for living in.

Light: More poppets! We'll have to fight through them!

Razelt: These rascals again? Very well! Surely this time you will take turns and fight fairly, won't you?