The Poppet Princess/Here and Now

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Here and Now

Prika defeats Simon with one huge blow that reduces most of the town to rubble. In the aftermath, Prika pours her heart out to Simon and asks him to bring them to Grey's grave. There, the two have an earnest conversation and make up, with Prika deciding that they will be siblings from now on. Free from her castle confines at last, Prika parts with everyone, ready to see the world.

Alk: *wheeze* Is it over?

Simon: Why did it have to be you...


Light: Wait, Prika.

Prika: It's about time... you were honest...

Prika: With yourself!


Young Prika: Why can't I go outside? I wanna go!

Grey: You mustn't. There are scary dragons waiting out there.

Young Prika: But I wanna go to Mosnia! They have a princess, right?

Young Prika: I wanna see her!

Grey: Prika...

Grey: If you're looking for a princess, you need not look further than yourself.

Alk: Everyone still in one piece?

Razelt: Barely. That was too close for my liking.

Stella: Prika isn't with us.

Simon: ...Why am I still alive?

Prika: You should sound a little happier about the fact!

Prika: Being alive means getting hugs and all those other good things!

Simon: Wh-what are you doing?!

Simon: There's no more mana left in the town. I've lost.

Simon: I'm done.

Prika: Stop being such a dummy. As long as we're still kicking, we're not done!

Prika: We've got our whole lives ahead of us!

Simon: ...

Prika: Hey Simon, did you make a grace for Grey? I'd like to pay a visit if you did!

Simon: ...I suppose, as the loser, I should at least honor that wish.

Prika: And you're coming with. Let's all go together, guys!

Prika: It's hard to believe that he's actually underneath here, especially since I can't see him.

Simon: ...My father was an indecisive man. He constantly debated what to do about you.

Simon: He continued lying about you identity, all the while wondering if he should confess the truth and free you.

Simon: In the end, he passed with the burden of those lies weighing down on his shoulders.

Prika: That's horrible... If only he had said something...

Simon: That was the kind of man he was.

Simon: Kind, weak, and wishy-washy.

Prika: I would've liked to see that side of him.

Prika: What about you? How do you feel about all this?

Simon: I... I set out to accomplish what he couldn't and I failed.

Simon: Honestly, I should've just left you and all this mess behind from the start.

Simon: But it bothered me more than it should've to see you living like a princess, when your fate should have been no better than mine...

Prika: Hehehe, we're not so different after all, huh? After you threw such a fit about it too!

Simon: I guess not... Haha...

Simon: So much effort wasted, and for what?

Simon: I wonder what my father would've had to say about it.

Prika: Hmmm... Simon, you think we're siblings?

Simon: Huh? Why would you think that?

Prika: Well, Grey's my family, and you're his family, so that makes us family!

Prika: Siblings fight all the time, right? We just had our first sibling fight!

Simon: Pfft, hahaha! The world would be in shambles if that's how siblings actually fought.

Prika: Hey! World's still here, isn't it?

Prika: Come on, bring it in! We should hug it out after a fight!

Simon: ...I see there's no arguing this. Very well.

Prika: I guess this is goodbye for now. You'll come visit though, won't you?

Razelt: Fret not, for my travels carry me far and wide. Do treat me to some more potatoes when I next stop by.

Alk: We'll definitely come back to hang out, so no more fighting in the meantime, got it?

Simon: I'm not sure how to properly convey this, but... I am extremely sorry for everything I put you through.

Light: It's all right. Nobody was seriously hurt, and we ended up finishing the job we were hired to do.

Stella: Prika, do you remember our promise?

Prika: Yeah! Someday, I'll come visit your home, and you'll show me around!

Stella: I shall be more than happy to do so.

Simon: What about us, then? What are our plans from here on out?

Prika: Well... You have to watch over me, don't you?

Prika: And I can't just leave you to get lonely and cause trouble again!

Simon: I'm pretty sure you don't need a keeper anymore, especially not one you can beat.

Simon: ...I will follow my father's will.

Simon: Do whatever you want to do, Prika. Go wherever you want to go. You are free.

Prika: Watch over the place while I'm gone, Simon!

Simon: Hahaha... A sister like her is going to be a handful.

Simon: But we'll be fine from now on. Won't we, father?