The Poppet Princess/Growing Misgivings

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Growing Misgivings

After comparing information, Prika reveals she has no idea why her Poppets are out of control, nor who Simon is. Her confusion only grows when Razelt tells her Mosnia was destroyed over 300 years ago. Determined to get answers, Prika grabs her prince's letters and asks Alk and friends to bring her to Simon.

Alk: *sigh* That was hopefully the last one.

Razelt: Where are they all coming from, and what could they be after?

Prika: It shouldn't be possible for the poppets to disobey me...

Light: This is the third time they have attacked us. Do you not have any clue what their goal is?

Prika: Obviously not! This has never happened before.

Prika: First Grey disappears, and now this. Something must be wrong...

Light: You kept mentioning this Grey person. Who exactly is he?

Prika: Grey is, well, Grey! He's a fairly old man who serves as my retainer...

Alk: Guess there's no chance that he could be Simon then, huh?

Light: The only other person we ran into was a young man named Simon. He claimed to be your servant and asked us to look in on you.

Prika: I've never met a Simon in my life!

Alk: But he definitely said that he knew you.

Prika: Like I said, this is my first time ever speaking with any people besides Grey!

Prika: None of this makes sense... I don't know what's happening with Mosnia either, since the prince's letters stopped coming.

Razelt: That Mosnian prince of yours... Is he from the Kingdom of Mosnia?

Prika: You've heard of it then?! Do you know if there's trouble brewing over there?

Razelt: ...The Kingdom of Mosnia fell to ruin 300 years ago.

Razelt: In truth, we're standing in former Mosnian territory at this very moment. The royal castle ruins should be somewhere near this forest.

Prika: That's not possible. I was corresponding with their prince up until recently.

Light: About that... Was Grey the one always handing those letters to you?

Prika: Yes, but... What are you suggesting?

Prika: I should really organize these letters. It's so hard to tell which ones are more recent when they're mixed like this.

Prika: "The murash flowers are finally in bloom this year. I hope one day soon I can show you the sights of their magnificent petals lining our streets."

Prika: Do they really expect me to believe that Mosnia didn't exist this whole time?

Prika: That... these letters were all a lie?

Prika: I wonder what you'd say if you could speak.

Prika: They HAVE to be mistaken, right? Otherwise my whole life would've been a complete lie!

Prika: Why does my chest feel so tight...

Prika: Grey told me to wait here, because one day delegates form our home country would come to collect me.

Prika: I'd finally fulfill my role as princess...

Alk: We ended up having to stay the night.

Alk: But now what do we do?

Light: I have a question about Prika.

Light: Do you think she's been lying to us?

Stella: I do not believe so.

Alk: Gonna agree with Stella here. She doesn't strike me as the conniving type.

Light: Then we are in agreement.

Light: She herself is not lying, but she is surrounded by falsehoods.

Light: I'm curious about this Grey person, but we should speak with Simon first and find out what he knows.

Alk: I feel like we should bring Prika with us, but that might be kinda difficult...

Razelt: Whatever are you going on about? We require her presence to expediate the discussion!

Razelt: First things first, I shall go awaken our sleeping beauty. Will the rest of you care to join me?

Alk: P-Prika?!

Prika: Were you trying to leave without saying a proper goodbye to your host? How rude!

Stella: My apologies, Prika. We didn't mean to be impolite.

Prika: *giggle* Where are you headed anyway?

Light: Well... We wish to pay Simon another visit and ask him to clarify a few matters-

Prika: Perfect! I was just thinking of seeing him myself!

Prika: If I'm lucky, he might even know where Grey is!

Prika: That's why you're going to take me to see Simon!

Razelt: Good morning, my tardy princess! I do sincerely hope you have had something other than potatoes for breakfast!

Prika: What? How can I be tardy if we never agreed to meet up beforehand?

Light: All right, Prika. You are free to join us.

Prika: Excellent! Lead the way, everyone!