The Poppet Princess/Despite it All

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Despite it All

With the group in a pinch, Prika blasts open the gate and leads the group in a retreat, stepping into the outside world for the first time. That night, she has a heart-to-heart with Stella, who helps her acknowledge that her good memories with the prince were real, even if the prince himself wasn't.

Razelt: D-did we win?

Alk: Doesn't look like it...

Razelt: Scoundrel! I shan't tolerate more unruly behavior!

Razelt: You shall not pass! Not before me!

Prika: N-no!

Prika: Stop this!

Prika: ...!

Prika: Let's get out of here, guys!

Alk: *pant* Did we lose them? Because I dunno how much longer I can keep going like this...

Light: It seems like the poppets aren't following. Perhaps they can't leave the town's boundary...

Alk: Prika, you all right?

Prika: J-just peachy! Why? What's with the worried looks?

Light: Please, don't take Simon's words to heart. We don't have proof that he was telling the truth yet.

Prika: I... I know that, but...

Prika: What even is the truth anymore?

Prika: Everyone's told me completely different things, and I'm just so confused about it all!

Razelt: I understand how you must feel. Even I, the great Razelt, cannot tell what the facts are.

Razelt: But if you can trust no one statements, why not search out the truth yourself?

Prika: Search... But how?

Razelt: The ruins of Mosnia's capital lie just outside this forest.

Razelt: We should be able to find the Mosnian coat of arms etched into the architecture and compare it to the ones that's in your letters.

Light: In any case, let's make camp here for tonight, and you can think on what you wish to do.

Stella: Prika? Why are you still awake?

Prika: Stella?

Prika: Ah... Just had a few things on my mind...

Prika: S-Stella?

Stella: I promise to stick by your side when we're out here.

Prika: Oh... You sure did, didn't you?

Prika: Wait, OUT here? Outside?! I didn't even realize... with everything that happened...

Prika: These woods are kind of amazing. They feel so alive, even at night, huh?

Stella: Yes. I felt the same way when I first camped out.

Prika: I saw a black blob go flying out of the trees earlier! I wonder what kind of bird it was!

Stella: Perhaps it was a bug. Bugs can fly too.

Prika: Hmm, like a rhino beetle? They can fly, right? That's so cool! I've never seen one before!

Stella: Those letters you're holding... Are they the ones you received from your prince?

Prika: Yeah, I... I brought them with me wen I left the castle. I don't know why.

Stella: He seems to have been an important pen pal of yours.

Prika: A pen pal? I've never thought of it that way before, but now that you mention it...

Prika: You know, I always looked forward to his letters.

Prika: I created the town and spruced up the castle just for the day he'd come visit.

Prika: Grey used to worry that I'd get bored, but honestly I was so busy that I never had a moment to relax!

Stella: You did a good job. The castle was beautiful.

Prika: Right? I had no idea when he'd show up, so I kept everything in tip-top shape!

Prika: ...But if Mosnia was already gone this whole time... That means the prince was never real. Our friendship? Poof. Never existed.

Stella: Well... I wonder.

Stella: If something never existed, it was never there in the first place. But that's not the case here, is it?

Prika: I mean, I guess? We definitely exchanged conversations in our letters- I didn't image that, so...

Prika: Huh... You're right. Just because Mosnia isn't real, doesn't mean the prince isn't.

Prika: I've made up my mind! I'm going to check out those ruins!

Stella: Then we'll go together.

Prika: Hey, Stella? Next time, you should tell me about the place you live! That, um... Starview? Starview Village?

Stella: I'm not good at talking, but I will do my best.

Prika: It's kind of been a dream of mine to chat like this. Just us and the stars...

Prika: Minus all the bad stuff that got us here, of course!

Stella: Then let's keep chatting.

Prika: You're up for it? Awesome! Let's blab the night away!