The Poppet Princess/A Country No Longer

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A Country No Longer

Prika and company find the ruins of Mosnia, and confirms that Razelt spoke true- Mosnia hasn't existed for hundreds of years. Though her prince was never real, Prika is content enough to know that he was her friend, and that now she has Alk and company to call friends too. Determined to learn the truth about Grey, Prika asks everyone to take her back to Simon.

Alk: ...This place is in shambles. Watch your steps, guys.

Light: This place is more rubble than ruins, Razelt, are we in the correct location?

Razelt: We should be... These ruins have been sleeping undisturbed for a long time.

Razelt: I learned a little of Mosnian history during the course of my extensive education.

Razelt: In the far past, the Farlands and Mosnia were engaged in a series of skirmishes over territory.

Alk: So, uh... Mosnia lost to the Farlands? Is that what happened to them?

Razelt: No, the conflict never escalated into war. There was no love lost between our countries, but Mosnia fell to ruin on its own.

Razelt: The cause was apparently civil war, but I'm afraid I don't know the details.

Alk: A civil war, huh... What a way to go...

Alk: Hey, isn't that the ruins of a gate? Doesn't the shape look like the coat of arms in your letters?

Prika: Yeah, it's... exactly the same.

Prika: ...

Prika: Then I guess the Mosnia I knew was never real.

Razelt: I'm sorry, but... yes.

Prika: When I was little, Grey told me I was a princess.

Prika: So I started writing letters, hoping to find my Prince Charming... And one day, wouldn't you know it, a prince started writing back.

Prika: Isn't that just the strangest thing? Letters from a prince of a country that doesn't exist anymore!

Alk: Prika...

Prika: Hey, what're you looking sad for? I'm totally fine!

Prika: No matter who my prince was, he was still my pen pal.

Prika: Plus now I've got friends like you!

Alk: You're a tough one.

Alk: I'd be proud to call you a friend, Prika!

Light: I as well. No matter what happens, we will be there for you.

Light: Speaking of which... What do you wish to do from here on out?

Prika: Well...

Prika: That Simon guy said a whole bunch of stuff that really made me mad.

Prika: Do you think he's still waiting back where we left him?

Light: He didn't follow us, so it's highly likely that he remained there.

Prika: Then I want to talk to him one more time!

Razelt: For be it for me to turn away a friend in need! Be honored, for I shall accompany you to see this dreadful plight through!

Prika: ...Are you coming with me?

Stella: Yes. We go together, Prika.

Prika: ...Are you sure? I'm probably going to drag you guys into another mess.

Light: I'm afraid that statement only strengthens our resolve. Friends look out for one another.

Prika: Thank you, thank you!

Prika: Don't forget we still have to find Grey too!

Alk: No running from anything, huh?

Alk: Let's go pay Simon a visit then! Time to get us some answers!

Prika: Yeah... Yesterday was rough, but we made it through somehow!

Prika: We'll be okay no matter what happens! Let's do this!