The Descension Wanderers from Another World Event/Re:ZERO (Again)

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Re:ZERO (Again)

Emilia and her group are suddenly dropped into an unfamiliar location, where they meet Alk and co. dispatching monsters. Emilia's group is in disbelief when they find out that no one there has heard of Lugunica, and they soon realize they've been stranded in a different world. They group stays at an inn but finds out the next morning that Subaru has been abducted during the night.

Dark-Haired Boy: Ow, ow, ow... That came out of nowhere... What even happened?

Blue-Haired Girl: Subaru, are you all right?

Subaru: I should be fine. Thanks, Rem. Are Mili and Ram okay too?

Emilia: Yes, we are. Thank you, Subaru.

Emilia: But... Where is this place? Hey, Puck, do you know where we are?

Emilia: Puck? Are you there? He's not responding... What could this mean?

Ram: Perhaps this area is a t fault. the strange phenomenon from earlier could be the case.

Subaru: (That feeling... There's no way... Was I transported to another world AGAIN? What is even going on with my life?!)

Subaru: W-well, anyway, we might as well go take a look around. There's no point in just standing around here.

Ram: We don't need you to tell us that, Barusu. Rem, let's go. Miss Emilia, please stay behind me.

Subaru: What the... The path went and changed again! This place is one hell of a maze...

Ram: It seems we've gotten lost in quite the strange place... And it's all your fault, Barusu.

Subaru: Say what?! I didn't even DO anything!

Rem: Subaru!

Subaru: Whoa... What are these things?!

Light: Are those... people? Alk, this way!

Alk: Wh-whoa. Looks like they didn't even need our help, huh?

Light: Indeed. And what's more it seems that those were the very monsters Lilie asked to us to defeat. A simple double-booking, perhaps?

Subaru: Oh, look, it's other people! You guys are actually real, right? This isn't a dream?

Alk: Huh? Y-yes, we're definitely real. May I ask who you guys are?

Subaru: Er, well, the thing is... we're a bit lost here. Think you could escort us to the exit?

Emilia: Incredible... To think that such a splendid city would exist on top of that maze...

Ram: But I've never heard of this place. "Palpebra," you said?

Alk: Subaru and his group already cleared out the monsters we were assigned to defeat. we figure it's only fair the money goes to them.

Pur Lilie: That's our Alk for you, honest as always! In that case, I'll go ahead and give them the reward!

Emilia: A-a reward? We had merely lost our way- we did nothing to earn a reward...

Light: There's no need to be so humble. This is due compensation for your deeds back there. Please accept it.

Emilia: I'm sorry for inconveniencing you like this... If you insist, however, we will graciously accept this reward.

Emilia: I've never seen coins like these... Are any of you familiar with this currency?

Subaru: Say, do you guys know a place called the Kingdom of Lugunica? That's where we're all from...

Alk: I don't think I've ever heard of a place called that...

Subaru: The four of us got sucked into this strange rift thing, and we suddenly found ourselves in that maze back there.

Light: I see... So you're drifters. I should have expected as much, given that we found you in the Kaleidoscope.

Emilia: Drifters? Kaleidoscope? What exactly do you mean?

Light: I mean to say that people from different worlds often end up in the Kaleidoscope- the maze where you were wandering. You're no longer in your original world.

Emilia: This is all very difficult to believe... However, you don't appear to be lying either.

Rem: What will happen to us now, Sister?

Ram: Do not be afraid, Rem/ No matter what happens, I will be here to protect you.

Subaru: Okay, I think we've got an idea what's happening now. How about we continue this conversation tomorrow?

Subaru: To tell you the truth, I'm totally wiped from walking around in that maze for so long!

Alk: Right, of course. In that case, you should rest up for the remainder of the day!

Emilia: Thank you. We're still new to this place, and there is much we don't know...

Emilia: I'm sure Subaru will feel better once he's gotten some rest.

Light: It's only natural to be overwhelmed at a time like this. There's an inn nearby run by the Guild- perhaps you could stay there for the night?

Alk: Hmm, you probably don't know the process for checking in, right? We'll go with you and teach you!

Subaru: Seriously? Thank you, Alk! You're so reliable- you're like the big boss around here, huh?

Alk: B-boss? I don't know about that...

Rem: *yawn* Well then, I suppose we should retire for the night. If anything comes up, call me immediately, Subaru.

Subaru: Gotcha. Thanks. Have a good night.

Subaru: Ahh... I have absolutely no idea what's going on, but at least I didn't suddenly die or anything.

Subaru: (There's no guarantee that my Return by Death will work in this world... Here's to hoping no other crazy stuff happens...)

Mage: Greetings, traveler from beyond. Resting without a care in the world, I see.

Subaru: Nng? What the...

Subaru: Wh-who the hell are you?!

Mage: Silence.

Subaru: Mrrggg!

Subaru: (No way, what is even happening? Am I... going to die like this? Somebody help me!)