The Descension Wanderers from Another World Event/Life in Another World

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Life in Another World

Emilia's party defeats the creatures, but is trapped in the mage's spell. Subaru can't stand to see his friends in pain and manages to escape the mage. Subaru's group decides that they should set up a base in Palpebra while trying to figure out a way to return back to their home world.

Emilia: It ends now!

Mage: Hmm. So you had some mettle after all. How vexing.

Ram: There's no one left to protect you. Hand over Barusu to us.

Mage: I see... If that's the case, then how about a little bit of... this?

Mage: O all-devouring Darkness... O dark Labyrinth hidden from the sun's radiance... Show me what truly lurks within!

Emilia: What is this place? Where am I?

Emilia: Subaru! Are you okay? Whatever you do, don't leave my side!

Emilia: Subaru? Wake up, Subaru! What's going on?

Emilia: N-no! No!

Rem: Sister... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Ram: Rem, please. Don't leave me alone...

Mage: And so it ends!

Subaru: Shamak!

Mage: Wh-what? This sensation...

Subaru: Graaaah!

Subaru: Heh... This much, even I can do!

Mage: You filthy-

Subaru: You claim to be able to send me back to my world, but...

Subaru: I could never go along with someone like you. Not when you hurt my friends!

Emilia: S-Subaru?

Subaru: Are you okay, Mili? I kicked the crap out of that guy, so you don't have to worry anymore!

Emilia: I intended to rescue you, but it sees I was the one who was rescued- yet again.

Mage: Why is it... that nothing ever goes according to plan? All these damn interruptions...

Mage: Fools, the lot of you! Though the blame for this failure lies on me as well...

Light: He's escaped...

Subaru: (Crap... Did our only chance of getting back home disappear with that guy? I was so focused on taking him out, I completely forgot...)

Emilia: Thanks to you, we've escaped this predicament unscathed. How can we ever thank you?

Light: There's no need- I'm sure you would have done the same for us.

Light: Now that we've saved Subaru, what do you intend to do next?

Subaru: Hmm... Good question.

Subaru: Well, since we're not sure what to do, I figure we might as well stay in Palpebra! Everyone here's taking real good care of us, after all!

Ram: How can you say something like that, Barusu? Did the kidnapping make you lose your senses?

Subaru: No, that was a serious suggestion! I mean, we know next to nothing about this world!

Subaru: Who knows how long it'll take to find a way home. We might run out of money to pay for lodging!

Subaru: Before that happens, I figured it'd be best to find some work and make sure we have clothing and shelter- using Alk's connections, of course.

Alk: Er, you don't even need to do all that. We can just ask the Guild for a favor- I'm sure they'll take care of you guys!

Subaru: Are you for real, Alk?! If that's the case, then staying in Palpebra is definitely our best bet.

Rem: I agree. I think the safest thing t do would be to establish a foothold here.

Ram: Yes. I'm surprised, Barsus. Your suggestions are rarely that worthwhile.

Subaru: Oh come on, I actually had a good idea there! I deserve some better praise than that!

Emilia: Do we really have the time to be standing around like this? Everyone back home is probably worried about us...

Subaru: We'll do everything we can to find a way back to Lugunica! Still... there's no telling how long it'll take.

Subaru: Plus, you never know when someone else like that mage could pop up!

Subaru: If you consider all of that, getting our life here set up and stabilized should probably be our top priority.

Subaru: I know you're eager to get back home, but don't worry. We haven't given up on it!

Emilia: Subaru...

Subaru: It's okay. If we work together, I'm positive we'll find a way back home!

Subaru: Still, we can't go and do anything reckless.

Subaru: If we want to get back in one piece, we'll need to make sure we take the time to rest while we're here!

Emilia: I understand. I believe in you, Subaru.

Subaru: You can leave everything to me! I am and always will be on your side, Mili!

Light: Well, then. Once you've gotten settled here, let's speak again. Please feel free to consult us if you have any questions!

Light: There likely isn't much we can do for you, but you have our promise that we'll do everything in our power to aid you!

Subaru: Everything, huh? You now what I'm in the mood for? Sinking my face into something nice and fluffy- like YOU!

Light: Wh-what? S-stop that right now!

Rem: Since you've been such a help to us, we will make sure to repay you in kind.

Emilia: I'm sure that you can find a use for our powers at some point on your adventures.

Ram: Indeed. Always being on the receive end is disgraceful. If you ever need our help, please tell is immediately.

Alk: We'll make sure to do that! You guys should feel free to do the same, of course!

Subaru: You bet! Thanks for all your help. Big Boss Alk!

Alk: P-please don't call me that..