The Descension Wanderers from Another World Event/Find Subaru Natsuki!

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Find Subaru Natsuki!

Alk and co. work together with Emilia's group to help rescue the kidnapped Subaru. Following the Witch's scent, they head to the Kaleidoscope. Ram and Emilia use their abilities to find Subaru, but the Dark Mage of the Kaleidoscope appears before them and summons foes for them to face.

Rem: Subaru? Subaru, please wake up. You're going to miss breakfast.

Rem: Subaru? Are you there? I'm coming in.

Rem: Subaru?

Alk: Subaru's disappeared?!

Rem: Yes. I went to wake him up this morning, but he was nowhere to be found.

Ram: That being said, we have an idea as to his whereabouts.

Ram: The lingering scent of the Witch still surrounds Barusu. It is still emanating from the place we found ourselves yesterday- the Kaleidoscope.

Ram: Isn't that right, Rem?

Rem: As far as I could sense, yes. However...

Emilia: It's hard to imagine Subaru would go into the Kaleidoscope on his own- especially without telling anyone.

Light: You're suggesting someone may have led him there?

Emilia: Yes... A mysterious power surrounds that maze, does it not?

Emilia: I feel it would be unwise for us to go in looking for Subaru by ourselves.

Rem: Please, lend us your aid! Help us find and rescue Subaru!

Alk: Of course! You can leave it to us- we'll guide you through the Kaleidoscope. Let's get ready and head over there right away!

Rem: Strange... All signs of Subaru have disappeared from this place.

Alk: Oh no... Could he have been caught up in a shift?

Ram: Wait here. I will use my clairvoyance to look for him.

Light: Clairvoyance? What do you mean by that?

Rem: It's my sister's special power- she can see through other people's eyes. Any success, Sister?

Ram: I found him. He's in a room similar to the one we were in yesterday.

Ram: Barusu is being held captive there by a strange man.

Light: Yesterday? Tat would place it somewhere in the midways. But why would signs of him have disappeared?

Emilia: Spirits, heed me... Can you hear my voice? If you can, please...

Emilia: Come to my aid!

Rem: There's no doubt about it. I can sense Subaru- he's at the end of this passage!

Light: Emilia, what did you do?

Emilia: It's nothing extraordinary- I simply borrowed power from lesser spirits. If only Puck were with me now...

Light: I see. There's much about you that I do not yet know- I'll refrain from prying any further.

Emilia: Thank you. Come, let's hurry and find Subaru!

Mage: Tch... Of all the times for such meddling...

Subaru: Wait... I'm... alive? Why?

Mage: Nice of you to finally wake up, you worthless brat.

Subaru: H-huh? Who the hell are you? What do you want with me?!

Mage: Hah, don't make me laugh. As if you're worth doing anything to. I'm simply going to send you back to your original world.

Subaru: My... original world? How did you know about that? Who even ARE you?!

Mage: If you wish to live, you'd do best to obey me, child.

Subaru: (Hold on... If this guy's telling the truth, this means I might have a chance of going home...)

Subaru: (If I can just bring Emilia and the rest of them with me...)

Emilia: Subaru! You're okay!

Alk: The Dark Mage of the Kaleidoscope!

Rem: You've made me angry. Release Subaru at once- while I'm still feeling merciful.

Mage: I have no time to listen to the likes of you!

Rem: Give Subaru back to us, now!

Subaru: Everyone, calm down! If we just talk this out, we can-

Mage: My patience is at an end! Do not interfere!

Rem: Subaru!

Emilia: Please, let him go!

Mage: I'm afraid that's as much attention as I can spare you lot.

Mage: O all-devouring Darkness... O transient shadows that abound... Grant me your strength!

Mage: Take care of these brats for me!

Emilia: Just hold on, Subaru! We'll rescue you- no matter what!