The Descension: Not Today, Romero Event/SAGA is as SAGA Does

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SAGA is as SAGA Does

Tatsumi explains that Franchouchou can continue to save Saga by resuming idol activities in this new world. He arranges for Alk and co. to assist in the matter.

Sakura: Phew... We can finally relax. With everything that's happened, it hasn't been easy.

Junko: We can't sit around for too long though. There's still the matter of finding a way back to our world.

Lily: I hope we can get on that fast, especially since Romero's gone missing too.

Yugiri: We should probably expect to stay in this Saga for the time being.

Tatsumi: Aaaattention! I have a PLAN!

Tatsumi: I found all of our makeup and music equipment in the labyrinth earlier...

Tatsumi: Which means we're going to save Saga by saving the Sagas of both Japan and this world! Go, Franchouchou!

Sakura: Hold on a second! You mean we're going to be idols here too?!

Tatsumi: You bet! Idols will "live" on in the Sagas of both worlds!

Sakura: That's asking a lot...

Ai: I was worried about keeping my singing and dancing skills up, so this works for me.

Sakura: Wha?!

Saki: Not like we've got anything better to do right now. Might as well live it up as idols in the meanwhile!

Tatsumi: I've already got idol stuff lined up for you! No time to slack! Get ready to get out there and show them what you're made of!

Everyone: Roger!

Sakura: Wait! How is everyone okay with this?!

Tatsumi: Alk and his friends will be helping us starting today! Give them a round of applause!

Everyone: Glad to have you!

Tatsumi: You're going to treat these grounds as your lesson studio. Now carry on! My next order of business awaits!

Alk: I sure didn't expect us to be helping with your idol activities.

Sakura: I apologize for our producer making such a sudden request...

Alk: Oh, it's fine. We're kind of curious actually.

Stella: Yes. The idea of idols intrigues me.

Stella: Fascinating. Especially impressive is how they move their arms and legs independent of each other while dancing to the music.

Nimbus: Their timing was a bit off during that spin though.

Sakura: Really?!

Junko: Let's start from the top again. Our movements might have gone sluggish since we're so used to being zombies.

Ai: Yeah, I suppose there's room for improvement. But maybe we can take a little break firs-

Alk: All that sound must've drawn the monsters. Let's go, Nimbus!

Sakura: Behind us too!


Alk: Sorry about that! Is everyone okay?!

Sakura: F-fortunately, yes. Big thanks to Tae-chan too.

Stella: Tae is a most proficient biter. Truly brave.

Alk: A proficient biter? I sure hope her jaw's okay...

Sakura: Oh, about that! Um, she just has an incredibly sturdy jaw! Right, Tae-chan?

Ai: We were too naive. If we want to be idols in this world, we might have to learn to fight too.

Saki: I'd be cool with that! I wouldn't mind being the best as more than just idols!

Lily: In that case, I want to be a mage!

Sakura: I can't believe this! Aren't you all taking to life in this world a little TOO easily?

Stella: I am pleased to see such motivation from everyone.

Alk: Oh, I just remembered. You're going to need some equipment to hold a concert, aren't you?

Sakura: Yeah, our producer mentioned we'll have to look for some.

Alk: Okay, leave the equipment to us. There are things you'd probably have trouble acquiring on your own anyway.

Sakura: Ah! But we wouldn't want to impose on you...

Stella: It is no bother at all. This will give you more time to focus on practice sessions.

Alk: Yeah, we really want to help. As long as it's okay with you.

Sakura: It's more than okay! Seriously, we can't thank you enough... We'll double our efforts to put on a great show!

Yugiri: Sakura-han? What's with the pained expression?

Sakura: These people are so nice to us. It hurts that I can't tell the truth about ourselves; it's like I'm deceiving them...

Yugiri: Hm, no way around that, is there. We're zombies after all.

Nimbus: Something smells...

Sakura: Wow! You even brought us mics and in-ear monitors! This is perfect!

Ai: For sure... How did you manage to secure all this equipment?

Stella: We had to go to many places.

Alk: Truth is, we happen to have connections in the idol business.

Sakura: With all of this, doing a concert in this world's not a pipe dream anymore!

Stella: I'm glad you like the selection.

Sakura: Mm-hm! I can already tell the concert's going to be a success!