The Descension: Not Today, Romero Event/Our SAGA Continues

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Our SAGA Continues

Franchouchou's members blast their accumulated Saga Power at Romero, cutting him down to size- literally. Tae's body parts accidentally go flying in every which direction, but they manage to make it seem like part of the show. With a successful concert behind them, the Franchouchou girls decide to resume their idol activities until they're able to return to their own Saga.

Saki: WHOO! Are we feeling hyped yet?!

Audience: UUUOOOOGH!

Nimbus: Heh, talk about a clueless audience...

Alk: It's all good as long as they're enjoying the event!

Sakura: But when will-

Sakura: Huh? What's this?

Tatsumi: Oooh! As Saga idols, Saga Power burns bright within you!

Light: What does that even mean?!

Tatsumi: All right, it's time to put an epic end to this show by blasting Romero with Franchouchou's Saga Power!

Sakura: Whaaat? How would we do THAT?!

Stella: Sakura, I believe in you!

Stella: Let's cheer them on, everyone.



Sakura: I can feel the energy welling up from within... So this is Saga Power!

Yugiri: The producer said to blast it at Romero-han, but I have no idea how to do that...

Lily: How about we shout at the top of our lungs together with our fists held out?

Ai: That might work, since we could pass it off as part of the performance. What should we shout through?

Saki: We're talking about Saga Power here, so how about Saga's super famous... *mumble*

Sakura: All right. Hold hands, everyone! You too, Tae-chan!

Sakura: Ready, set... go!

Everyone: Sa! Ga! Ni! Shi! Ki!

Romero: WOOOOF!

Sakura: Thank goodness you're back to normal, Romero! I'm sorry we left you alone all this time.

Saki: Hope y'all enjoyed the show!


Alk: Phew, it turned out okay somehow.

Sakura: Tae-chan!

Sakura: EEEEK!

Tatsumi: ...

Light: ...

Audience: ...

Alk: We'd better pick up her pieces fast! Her body's scattered all over!

Sakura: Wha? But how do you-

Alk: No time to explain!

Sakura: Th-thank you...

Sakura: Ta-dah! Our teamwork put her back together!

Audience: Oh, neat. Cool special effects there.

Audience: Yeah, wasn't expecting that. Ahaha!

Saki: Er... Ahem! Well, that's it for today's show!

Saki: Hope you'll continue to support us!

Alk: So you girls are zombies, huh? That's kind of unexpected.

Ai: Huh, you don't seem very surprised...

Light: We've... had a similar situation before.

Nimbus: Your scent immediately gave it away. Humans don't give off that scent.

Junko: You mean you noticed from the get-go? Yet you kept our cover...

Nimbus: Just didn't see any need to make a fuss about it.

Alk: Anyway, it's a real shocker for the average person, so you'll probably still want to keep it a secret in public.

Tatsumi: We certainly will.

Sakura: Um, Stella... You know our secret now, but I hope you'll continue to support us going forward.

Stella: But of course. I look forward to your next concert as well.

Yugiri: All's well that ends well.

Lily: We have Romero back too! It's a miracle how he got so big!

Romero: Woof.

Saki: Consider this our first step to world domination! We're just getting started!

Tae: Gwar.

Sakura: Hold on a second... I know everyone's in a celebratory mood right now, but we haven't solved anything.

Sakura: We still have no clue how to get back to our world!

Ai: Well, of course. We were too focused on practicing for the concert to worry about that.

Junko: Not like panicking will do us any good anyhow.

Junko: Besides, I wouldn't mind staying in this world for a bit longer.

Tatsumi: Thanks to today's concert, Franchouchou should now be known far and wide in this new Saga!

Tatsumi: So we're gonna keep it up until we return to our own Saga! There's your answer, Sakura!

Sakura: Gah! Fine! Might as well give it our all since there's no telling when we'll be able to return!

Stella: I look forward to more concerts.

Alk: Ahaha, you can beat we'll be cheering you on all the way. Best of luck.

Sakura: Thanks, guys! We're so lucky to have met you!