The Descension: Not Today, Romero Event/New World SAGA

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New World SAGA

Instead of being greeted by bright lights and music for an upcoming concert, Franchouchou's members awaken in an unfamiliar place. Upon finding refuge with Alk and co., they decide to be extra careful in keeping their zombie identities secret while living in this new world of Saga (aka Saloon Garden).

Young Man: Who can tell me what day it is? That's right- it's the day of our next live event!

Girl: Um... We should probably go to the venue early to be safe.

Young Man: Stay right where you are, dum-dum! I gathered you all here because I have something to explain first!

Young Man: For starters, today's event is-

Girl: Huh? A blackout? Let me try turning on the electricity.

Everyone: UGWAAAAGH!

Ai: ...ra! Wake up, Sakura!

Sakura: Mng... Huh? Where are we?

Ai: Wish I could tell you. One thing's for sure- this is definitely not the mansion basement.

Tatsumi: Guess what? I have no idea where we are either!

Sakura: Then why bother saying ANYTHING at all?!

Junko: Every room I checked is the same. It's like a maze.

Lily: It's so dark and scary in here! I want to leave already!

Yugiri: I feel the same, but wandering around endlessly isn't going to get us to the exit faster.

Sakura: Look, someone's here! Let's ask if they know the way out!

Sakura: Um, excuse me. We got lost and were wondering if you might happen to-

Zombie: Gwaargh!

Sakura: EEEEEP!

Sakura: I-i-it's a zombie!

Tatsumi: No way! We all know there's no such thing as zombies!


Saki: I'll handle this, Tae! Duck when I swing! RAAAAH!

Tatsumi: The concert was supposed to be today, right? Look at all the fans who've come to watch.

Ai: Idiot! Now's not the time to be escaping from reality!

Tatsumi: GAAAAAH!

Light: I thought I heard a scream coming from this way... Was it my imagination?

Ai: More zombies? You just don't know when to give up!

Alk: Yeowch! What are you doing?! And what's with the baguette?!

Sakura: Eep! They've caught up to us!

Sakura: W-wow, you sent them flying...

Light: Alk, it's best we withdraw for now! The rest of you should follow us!

Pur Lilie: Zombie hordes in the Kaleidoscope? Sounds like I'm gonna be buried in paperwork again...

Light: I suggest putting out an extermination request soon. Of course, we will lend our aid in the effort.

Sakura: Um, where exactly are we? There are so many things I've never seen before...

Alk: I don't want you to be too alarmed about this, but-

Stella: You've drifted from your world into ours.

Sakura: We're in another world? Um, please tell me you're joking...

Sakura: ...You're totally not. I can't believe this is happening.

Tatsumi: Indeed, we've come from Saga to Saga.

Sakura: Huh? What do you mean?

Tatsumi: See this spot on the map? Saga, it says.

Sakura: Saga? I only see "Saloon Garden."

Tatsumi: Take the first two letters of each word, and what do you get? Exactly, the "Saga" of another world!

Sakura: ...

Pur Lilie: Alk. We should talk about this.

Alk: I know what you're going to say. We definitely can't just leave them alone.

Pur Lilie: Nice to know we have an understanding! I'll prepare a residence for them. Should keep the auditors at bay!

Sakura: Really?! Thank you so much!

Light: I believe you still have much to grow accustomed to. To that end, we offer our assistance.

Alk: Yep, we're here to talk if you need anything. We've helped out plenty of people in the past!

Sakura: Awesome, we really owe you one!

Ai: Hey, Sakura? If I could borrow you for a second...

Sakura: Those guys are willing to help us! We couldn't be more lucky!

Yugiri: That's for sure. But if they find out we're zombies...

Junko: They might turn their blades on us next.

Ai: Yeah, they definitely seem anti-zombie. We'll want to keep up our cover.

Saki: You guys are overthinking it. I'm sure we'll be fine.

Lily: You're way too easygoing about this, Saki-chan.

Sakura: There's no guarantee that we'll be safe... We'll want to be extra careful about hiding our true identities.

Sakura: That goes double for you, Tae-chan. No more randomly biting things, okay?

Tae: Gwar.

Sakura: *sigh* What's going to happen to us from here on out...