The Descension: Not Today, Romero Event/First Concert in SAGA

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First Concert in SAGA

While handing out fliers in town to promote Franchouchou's upcoming concert, Alk and co. hear of monster sightings accompanying recent earthquakes. They end up as security detail for the concert, where a giant Romero shows up.

Sakura: Idol group Franchouchou here! Come see what we're all about!

Alk: They're holding their first concert soon! Please come check it out!

Alk: Phew... With all the flyers we handed out, I'm expecting a decent audience.

Stella: Yes, I believe it will be quite an event.

Sakura: Ehehe, I sure hope so!

Townsperson: Um... Are you sure this is the right timing for a concert?

Alk: Huh? Has something happened?

Townsperson: There've been rumors that monsters have been popping up after weird earthquakes lately. A concert could be risky...

Sakura: Oh, I had no idea! Hm, what should we do...

Alk: No worries. We'll be acting as event security the whole time. Right, Stella?

Stella: Yes, we will safeguard the venue.

Sakura: Why are you going out of your way for s? It's not like we can give anything back in return.

Stella: The promise of being able to see your concert is a reward in itself.

Stella: So please go through with it.

Sakura: Stella... Thank you so much! I won't let you down!

Alk: You just leave any monsters to us. We'll make sure this concert goes smoothly!

Light: I press this switch when they've gone onstage. And I press this one when the first song begins...

Tatsumi: I'm sorry to ask for your help with the lighting. We're short on staff, you see...

Light: Worry not, for I do not mind in the least. The switch for the second song is... this one? No, it should be this one!

Sakura: Wow! Get a load of the crowds!

Lily: This isn't our first concert ever, but it's been so long since our last one... I'm kinda nervous!

Yugiri: But it is our first concert in this new Saga... It's going to be a challenge.

Saki: Nothing to be afraid of, Shrimpy! We've just gotta power through it now that we've made it all the way here.

Junko: Yeah, all that's left is to make this the best concert we possibly can.

Ai: Can we get a final comment, Sakura?

Sakura: This is our first show since waking up in this world, but... Stella, our first fan here, will be watching us.

Sakura: We owe it to her and all the other fans to completely blow them away!

Saki: Yeah! Let's show 'em what we've got!

Everyone: Whooo!

Nimbus: What's with the glowing sticks? Are these things supposed to be weapons?

Alk: Ahaha, not exactly. We're supposed to swing them around. It even changes color if you press here.

Alk: It's starting!

Stella: Yes, how exciting.

Stella: Look how brilliantly they shine! They're amazing!

Alk: Nice... They're definitely the real deal as idols.

Saki: We're Franchouchou, and we appreciate you all coming out to our first concert in Saga!

Saki: We idols are gonna dominate the world starting right here! You're about to witness history!

Alk: Don't tell me... Was that one of the new monsters in town?

Romero: Woof!

Everyone: What the heck?!

Tatsumi: What happened to you, Romero?! Had a little too much to eat?!

Light: This is bad! We should cut the concert short-

Tatsumi: Nuh-uh! Absolutely not!

Tatsumi: I'm sure Romero's just gotten a bit chunky from the stress of not getting enough playtime!

Light: How do you even come up with such logical fallacies?!

Tatsumi: C'mon, girls! Shower Romero with a bit of attention, would you?

Ai: I have no idea what's going on, but the show must go on! Saki- MC duties, if you will!

Saki: Would you look at that?! A giant fan of ours is here to watch! On to the next song!

Romero: Woof!

Sakura: Eep, Romero! You're not supposed to be onstage!

Alk: We can't ignore it any longer! Let's fight the dog off-

Sakura: Wait, don't hurt Romero! He's our cute little puppy!

Alk: Seriously? That big doggo right there?!

Sakura: In his normal state, he's really small! Maybe playing with him a bit will bring him back to his normal size...

Stella: Alk.

Alk: I know!

Alk: Okay, we're going to draw his attention while the rest of you focus on the concert!

Sakura: Got it! You be careful now!

Nimbus: Tch. So we've gotta buy 'em time by fending off an overgrown mutt, eh?

Alk: Won't be your first time holding back, Nimbus.

Nimbus: Eh, whatever.

Alk: Let's go! The success of Franchouchou's first performance is riding on us!