The Descension: Cross Blue Event/Primal Reversal

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Primal Reversal

The plan is successful, and the primal beasts are sent back to their original world. Zeta and Beatrix promise to come visit again before heading home.

Nimbus: Damn it... How long until the next shift hits?!

Light: It's closing! Can you push them through now?!

Zeta: I've just about had enough... Of youuu!

Light: We're not going to make it at this rate!

Stella: No...

Stella: Stars, open the way!

Light: This is it! We must act now!

Alk: Beatrix!

Zeta: Stay back, or you'll get caught in the blast!

Alk: But Beatrix-

Zeta: She'll be fine. Her and Embrasque get stronger the worse of a pinch they're in.

Zeta: Just watch. Bea's actually pretty impressive when she gets serious.

Beatrix: Graaaagh! This is NOTHING compared to when Flamek blasted me!

Beatrix: No way I'm losing to this!

Beatrix: Embrasque Sword! Devour this karmaaaa!

Zeta: This is our chance! Alk, let's go!

Alk: Okay!

Nimbus: Just get in there already!

Zeta: Spear of Arvess! Give form to my faith and become a piercing fang!

Light: It's finally over.

Alk: Stella! Are you all right?

Stella: Yes, I'm just... a little tired...

Light: You both should hurry as well! The next shift could be here at any moment!

Alk: Er... It doesn't look like it's closing any time soon, does it?

Stella: I believe it has stabilized.

Light: ...Is that not a problem?

Beatrix: Should it be? Now we can come over and hang out whenever we want!

Zeta: It ALSO means that more primal beasts can hop over as well.

Beatrix: Huh? Oh! I didn't think about that...

Alk: Well, Beatrix isn't wrong either.

Stella: Yes. I'd like it if you came over to visit again.

Zeta: That's enough of that. You're gonna suffocate the poor girl. Besides, we should leave for now and clean up the rest of this mess.

Beatrix: I-I know, okay?! I totally didn't forget about the primal beasts or anything!

Zeta: Thanks again, everyone. We owe you big time.

Light: We should be the ones thanking you. I don't know what we would have done without your expertise.

Nimbus: Yeah, what he said. We'll catch you around sometime.

Beatrix: Next time we stop by, you better take us to other worlds!

Beatrix: Like that ocean one you were telling us about! And that... Yama one? Or whatever!

Alk: Sounds good to us.

Stella: Yes. We promise we'll be waiting.

Zeta: Wow, Bea, you've gone and made all these plans without me.

Zeta: Just kidding. Anyway, see you guys later! maybe if we're lucky, there won't be primal beasts next time.

Beatrix: It'll be a paaaarty!

Stella: Yes, it'll be fun!