The Descension: Cross Blue Event/Info Exchange

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Info Exchange

Zeta and Beatrix, visitors from another world, share all they know about primal beasts. The gang enlists the help of Palpebra's adventurers in a plan to send the primal beasts home.

Alk: *pant* Mind going for that finishing blow now?

Beatrix: You got it!

Beatrix: Damn it! They got away AGAIN!

Alk: Oh... Did we... mess this up?

Zeta: Nah, not at all. Those guys are tough, so actually, I'd say you saved our skins. Thanks for that.

Beatrix: Yeah, that was the closest we've come to beating them! You guys're pretty strong!

Zeta: By the way... What is this place? You guys don't seem like you're from the Phantagrande Skydom.

Light: About that... Please listen carefully and calmly...

Zeta: ...So we got sucked into a "shift" and ended up in another world.

Light: Those primal beasts that followed you... They're too dangerous to be left alone.

Light: Is there anything we should know before the next time we deal with them?

Beatrix: Guess we should start from the top. We're part of the Society, and it's our job to hunt those primal beasts down.

Zeta: Bea!

Beatrix: Oh, come on! You can't expect me to keep everything secret in a situation like that!

Zeta: That doesn't mean you should share EVERYTHING!

Zeta: Ugh, fine. We're in another world anyways, right?

Light: I see... So primal beasts are godlike beings, and the specific ones you're dealing with possess the ability to read memories and alter their forms and abilities based on them.

Beatrix: Yeah, Zeta fought the originals a while back. Good thing for us is that these copies aren't as strong as the real deal.

Zeta: I don't want to even think about the havoc they can wreak in another world... We've got to deal with them sooner than later.

Pur Lilie: I think I get the gist of it... In other words, it's time to out the Kaleidoscope on lockdown!

Light: Hiring some skilled adventurers to help us track down the beasts might be a good idea.

Alk: We'll definitely have to let them know their targets can change shape. We've gotta catch them before they escape the Kaleidoscope...

Zeta: Wow, you guys took all that in stride.

Alk: Eh, you get used to this kind of stuff around here.

Zeta: Ahaha! Is that right?

Beatrix: Now I'm itching to get going! Zeta, let's do a sweep of the Kaleidoscope-

Zeta: Nope! We're staying put! No rash actions when we don't have our usual resources at out disposal.

Zeta: Listen, everyone, I appreciate all the help, But don't go thinking you'll be able to defeat the primal beasts on your own.

Nimbus: You saying we're not strong enough?

Zeta: Ah, no, nothing like that. It's just that regular weapons and magic aren't enough to beat them.

Zeta: You're going to need strategy and... well, mostly special weapons. Like mine.

Zeta: Bea and I are the only ones that can deal the final blow.

Beatrix: Yeah, you can count on me! I'll get them next time for sure!

Zeta: Bea... If charging in alone worked every time, we wouldn't be here right now.

Alk: We had them cornered though, didn't we? Out next attempt should go smoother...

Zeta: That's the thing. Landing the final blow is always rough since they're good at running away. If only we had another friend from back home here...

Stella: What if you returned home first?

Stella: The entrance that brought you here is still open. Probably.

Pur Lilie: Stella, you can tell?

Zeta: Now that you mention it, the hole we fell through was still open when we left. Which means... We could punch our primal pals back through it.

Beatrix: Is that all? I could do that in my sleep!

Light: We should hurry then. There's no telling when that hole will close.

Pur Lilie: Let's get this show on the road! Prepare to witness Palpebra's adventurers doing what they do best!

Zeta: Should we wait here for now?

Light: There are a few more details I'd like to iron out. Would you mind joining us at our home base?

Alk: It's a special sort of place, so you'll have to keep its location a secret.

Alk: You two are still awake?

Zeta: Can you blame us? Today was crazy, and then you brought us to an awesome place like this.

Zeta: Couldn't help but mull over our thoughts, wondering about other worlds... and our world's place in this sky...

Beatrix: Plus dinner was awesome! Alk, you're pretty good in the kitchen!

Zeta: We owe you a lot. Seriously. Thanks for everything.

Alk: I-it's the least we can do since the battle plan hinges on you both more than us...

Beatrix: Don't you worry about a thing! Once we kick those primal beasts back home, we'll rally our crew friends and take them down!

Beatrix: ...You know, now that I think about it, you guys remind me an awful lot of that crew.

Alk: Huh... How so?

Zeta: They're a mixed bunch, but... they're all good people.

Beatrix: If they were in your position, they would've helped us out without a doubt- just like you're doing!

Stella: I'd love to meet them one day.

Beatrix: Hehe, you guys would get along like a house on fire!

Zeta: For sure. Who knows? Might even actually happen one day, given their penchant for the unexpected.

Adventurers: There it is! That has to be it!

Zeta: Thanks for the tip. You adventurers over here are pretty capable after all.

Zeta: Nowhere left to run... Wait-

Light: There's no time left! Hurry!

Beatrix: Heheh, guess we'll just have to beat you through after all!

Zeta: Works for me! Let's go, Bea!