The Descension: Cross Blue Event/From Blue Skies

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From Blue Skies

While investigating a strange shift in the Kaleidoscope, Alk and co. run into two women fighting something they call primal beasts.


Zeta: Bea, are you okay?!

Beatrix: That didn't hurt... Not even a little! H-heheh! I can take way worse than that!

Zeta: Just because you can, doesn't mean you should! You took the brunt of that last hit, and it was nothing to sneeze at.

Zeta: We should take a break here. Both of us need to be in top shape if we're going to beat those things.

Beatrix: Right... F-fine!

Beatrix: Where are we anyway? Some kinda weird cave? Ruins? Weren't we just fighting outside?

Zeta: Yeah, we were...

Zeta: Think we passed through that hole? it looks so weird... Doesn't seem like something a primal beast would've made.

Beatrix: Zeta, umm, you don't think...

Zeta: Break time's over.

Zeta: How kind of you to follow us over.

Beatrix: Actually, this is our chance! Me and Embrasque are charged up and ready to go!

Zeta: Ahaha, that's the spirit. Guess it's better than letting our prey get away, huh?

Zeta: Let's finish this, Bea!

Beatrix: Heheh, leave this to us! Come on, Embrasque!

Alk: No monsters here either. Something's gotta be off.

Light: The previous shifts was different than usual... Could the monsters have run away in fear?

Nimbus: Hold on, something's coming!

Light: Are you all right?! What's going on?

Zeta: Shoot... Civilians?

Zeta: Sorry, but it's dangerous here. You need to leave-

Beatrix: Are you kidding meeee!

Light: What are those creatures?! Careful, Alk, those aren't normal monsters!

Zeta: That's right- they're primal beasts! You guys need to get out while you still can! Bea, can you stand!

Beatrix: Ha, course I can! Take much more than that to put me outta commission!

Zeta: We'll have to buy time until these people can evacuate, Bea!

Beatrix: Oh, crap!

Alk: We'll help!

Beatrix: What?! Nuh-uh, are you crazy! They're PRIMAL BEASTS! We're not kidding!

Alk: I'm not sure what that even is... I just know that I won't abandon someone who could use a hand!

Nimbus: Besides, nothing wrong with strength in numbers when you're fighting tough ones, yeah?

Zeta: Couple of good eggs, aren't you? Reminds me of a certain someone we know.

Zeta: Okay, then. We'll be counting on you, but don't let yourselves get hurt!

Beatrix: Might want to listen to her. Their hits REALLY hurt!

Beatrix: Time for some payback! Leave the final blow to me!