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Episode 1
A Shocking Naivety

After confronting a suspicious man, Alk and the others meet Telluna. She brings them to her elderly neighbor's house, who explains that Telluna's naivety has led to problems in the past and that she is currently penniless on account of being scammed. Unable to pay her rent and in danger of being evicted, the gang invites her to stay in Starview Village instead.

Man: Oh, T-Telluna! Your power... Those sparks! I-if I can just...

Light: ...You there. What are you doing?

Man: Eep! Wh-wh-who are you?!

Telluna: Ah! It's you again! Hello there!

Man: Eep! I-I need to go! I'm sorry!

Telluna: Aww, he ran away again...

Light: Do you know that man?

Telluna: Huh? No, not really.

Telluna: I just noticed him hanging around me for the last few hours.

Telluna: I figured he must have some reason for following me, but whenever I call out to him, he runs away.

Alk: That's... really creepy...

Light: And concerning. Perhaps it would be best to tell the Guild about this.

Telluna: N-no! You shouldn't judge a book by its cover!

Alk: Yeah, in this case, we kinda should...

Light: Better safe than sorry. For now, we shall escort you home.

Telluna: Really, you will?

Alk: Of course! Ah, and we'll take some of those bags. They look pretty heavy.

Telluna: Wow, thanks a lot! Ehehe, you're right, they ARE heavy!

Telluna: Grannie, I brought the stuff you asked for!

Elderly Woman: Welcome back, Telluna. Thank you for always helping me.

Telluna: You don't need to thank me. That's what neighbors are for, silly!

Telluna: Let's put everything here.

Elderly Woman: Ah! M-my back! Ow, ow, ow...

Telluna: A-are you okay?!

Telluna: U-um... Could you guys help Grannie over to her chair?

Alk: Huh? Oh, sure.

Elderly Woman: Phew... Thank you. I should be fine now.

Telluna: I'm glad you guys were here to help. I can't touch anybody right now...

Telluna: Ah, right. Um... This'll sting a bit, so sorry in advance.

Alk: Ow! Wh-what was that? Static?!

Telluna: For some reason, my body collects and stores elemental thunder inside me... I can kinda control it, but...

Telluna: If I don't discharge it before touching someone, it can really hurt them...

Light: I see... That's quite the predicament...

Elderly Woman: So this is your first time hearing about her powers. I thought you were friends of hers, but that doesn't seem to be the case...

Elderly Woman: Who are you people, and what business do you have with Telluna?

Alk: H-huh? Business?

Telluna: I just met Alk and the others while shopping today!

Telluna: They were worried about me going home by myself, so they offered to come with me. Don't worry, Grannie, they're super nice people!

Elderly Woman: Ah... Is that so? My apologies. I shouldn't have accursed you without any proof...

Elderly Woman: Telluna is a very sweet child... But she's as gullible as she is kind.

Telluna: Jeez, Grannie, you worry too much! I'm not THAT easy to trick.

Elderly Woman: Oh? I seem to remember you giving all your money to a con artist recently...

Telluna: Urgh... B-but he said he was in trouble...

Elderly Woman: Telluna, take this. It's not much, but think of it as a tip for the errands you ran today.

Telluna: Y-you don't need to pay me!

Elderly Woman: Of course I do! You haven't been paying your rent, have you? At this rate, you're going to be evicted!

Telluna: Th-that's okay! I might be small, but I'm sturdy! I don't mind sleeping outside!

Alk: N-no, that's a little too far...

Stella: Telluna, would you like to say with us?

Alk: Ah, we do have an open room. There are a few conditions for living there, though...

Telluna: A-are you sure I wouldn't be a burden?

Light: Of course not. But we won't force you to go either.

Elderly Woman: ...Telluna, this must be fate. You should go with them.

Telluna: Okay! I promise I'll be a good little houseguest!

Stella: Good. We welcome you, Telluna.

Telluna: Thank you! And I'll do everything I can to pay you guys back!

Telluna: If you need help with anything, just leave it to me!

Episode 2
A Smile Every Day

Alk and Light search for a missing Telluna, only to find her at a shop. According to her, she stopped a thief from robbing the hop, but upon hearing his story, she asks to work at the shop while the thief says goodbye to his daughter, on the condition that he turns himself in. The thief, however, does not return, proving Telluna was tricked again. The shopkeeper then gives her some treats as thanks for her help, cheering her up.

Light: Alk! What about over there? Did you find Telluna?

Alk: No, and she hasn't returned to Starview either... Where could she be?

Light: I just hope that she hasn't been caught up in any dangerous situations...

Telluna: Welcome, welcome! Step right up!

Light: Telluna?! What is the meaning of this?!

Telluna: Ah, Alk and Light! Welcome to the shop! Are you looking for anything in particular?

Alk: Yeah, YOU! What's going on?

Telluna: I'm working at this shop right now! At least until Mr. Thief comes back!

Light: Er, care to elaborate on that last part?

Telluna: Umm, well, you see...

Shopkeep: Stop, thief! Somebody, help!

Telluna: Hold it right there!

Thief: Outta the way, brat!

Shopkeep: Th-thank you, young lady! Now... you! Cough up what you stole this instant!

Thief: I-I-I'm so, so, so sorry! I don't know what came over me! I just saw that beautiful hair accessor and HAD to have it...

Thief: Y-you see, my family is going through hard times... *sniff* I just wanted to get my lovely daughter a present to make it up to her!

Telluna: I-is that true?! Oh... I had no idea! *sniff* Aww... that's so sad!

Telluna: But it's not an excuse to steal, you know! Your daughter wouldn't be happy knowing her presents was stolen...

Shopkeep: She's right, you know! Now, come on! I'm turning you in!

Thief: W-wait! At least let me say goodbye to my daughter!

Telluna: Um, wait, sir! I think I have an idea!

Light: So you offered to help out at the shop until that thief returns...

Telluna: That's right. I figured his daughter would be worried if her father suddenly disappeared...

Alk: Well, I'm sure that's true, but... How do I put this...

Shopkeep: Are these people friends of yours, young lady? In that case, why don't you head home now? Thanks for your help today.

Telluna: Huh? B-but that man hasn't come back yet!

Shopkeep: And he's not going to... You were tricked.

Telluna: W-we don't know that for sure yet! At least let me help out until close! Please!

Shopkeep: If that's what you want, I won't stop you... But don't get your hopes up.

Telluna: I won't! Thank you, sir!

Telluna: Sorry about this, but I can't go home just yet. You guys can ho back without me.

Light: Actually, why don't we help out as well? Working a job you're unfamiliar with must be difficult alone.

Alk: Yeah, and we already finished what we were doing here, so we're free for the rest of the day.

Telluna: Th-thank you! Then let's all wait for Mr. Thief together!

Light: I had hoped to be proven wrong but... It looks like that man won't be returning...

Telluna: I'm sorry you two got sucked into this mess with me...

Alk: Come on, we're the ones who offered, right? You don't need to apologize.

Alk: It is a bit disappointing though, isn't it?

Light: Telluna, that kind heart of yours is a rare virtue, but remember that too much of anything is bad for you. Even kindness.

Telluna: Yeah... I know...

Telluna: But... If the same thing happened again, I think I'd still believe him.

Telluna: I'd rather be tricked than ignore someone who might be in need!

Telluna: Besides, I'm a pretty simple person. Even if I'm disappointed he didn't return, that'll go away with a good night's sleep! So you don't need to worry about me.

Light: ...I see.

Shopkeep: Well, the shop's all closed up. Good work out there, little lady. You can head home now.

Telluna: I'm sorry, sir!

Shopkeep: You don't need to apologize. Having such a cute poster girl for the day really helped my sales!

Shopkeep: Don't you worry your little head about me. Ah, it's not much, but take these treats! Make sure you share with your friends too.

Telluna: Wow! Thank you so much!

Alk: Well, I guess all's well that ends well.

Light: ...Indeed.

Telluna: Ehehe, I got to help out, and I even got snacks in return!

Telluna: Today was a great day!

Episode 3
A Lurking Shadow

Alk, Telluna, and Light once again run into the suspicious man, who turns out to be a researcher at the Arcane Arts Academy. He asks for her help with his research, and Telluna happily accepts. In her excitement, she gets a little too close to the nervous researcher, who panics and runs away, with Telluna in hot pursuit.

Alk: It's nice to see your elderly neighbor is still doing well.

Telluna: Yeah, I'm so glad we could pay her a visit!

Bartender: Ah, Telluna! Perfect timing...

Bartender: Um, you see... Some strange guy has been asking about you!

Bartender: He keeps muttering your name and walking around... But whenever we try to talk to him, he runs off!

Alk: Could it be...? That sounds like the guy from the other day. I haven't seen him recently...

Light: Well... It looks like we can finally ask him what he wants in person.

Alk: That's him! That's the guy from before!

Telluna: Hey ,you! Why are you looking for me?!

Light: Wait!

Light: Now... Why don't we all have a nice, long chat...

Light: Tell us- why have you been following Telluna?

Man: F-f-following?! I-I was just... I... Umm...

Man: I, uh... You see... H-here!

Alk: T-Telluna, did you do that?!

Telluna: N-no! My body just released the electricity on its own! I... I...

Telluna: I-I'm sorry, sir! I didn't mean to break your thingamabob!

Man: Heh... Hehehe!

Man: It worked! It worked! My theory was correct! I knew it!

Alk: Huh? Wait, what's going on?

Man: Ah! F-f-forgive me! I just... I-I...

Telluna: It's okay. Breathe.

Telluna: We're not going anywhere, so just take your time and tell us what's going on.

Man: A-all right... Y-you see...

Light: You mean to tell me YOU are a researcher at the Voluntas Arcane Arts Academy?!

Man: Y-yes... I've been... studying the properties if lighting... and applying them to magic...

Man: I-I wanted to ask... Telluna for her help... b-but the timing never felt right...

Telluna: Is that all? You coulda asked me at any time!

Man: I-I-I'm sorry... I'm used to being cooped up in a lab, so... I-I'm not very good at talking...

Light: So you thought running away was the better solution? Did you not realize how suspicious that me you look?!

Man: S-suspicious...? Oh... O-oh dear... I-I never meant... I-I-I'm so sorry...

Telluna: Ah, but... I don't think I could help with your research...

Telluna: I mean... I'm not that smart. I don't think I'll even know what you're saying half the time... I'll just be a burden...

Man: Th-that's not true! Y-your powers are absolutely essential to my work!

Man: P-p-please! Lend me your power!

Telluna: W-would I really be helping you out that much?

Telluna: In that case, I'll do it! I'd love to see my powers be useful!

Man: Th-thank you so much! Now my research will finally make some progress!

Telluna: So, when do I start? Tell me about it!

Man: A-ahhh! T-t-too close!

Telluna: Ah, I'm sorry... My powers are kinda scary, huh...

Man: N-no, that's not it! It's not your powers that are the problem!

Telluna: Really? Good! Then tell me all about your research!

Man: Eek! D-don't get any closer!

Alk: Well... Looks like he'll get lots of practice talking to people.

Light: Indeed he will.

Telluna: Why are you running away?! Tell me right now!

Telluna: Stop!