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Episode 1
Lady With a Knife

Alk and co. find a woman appearing to be in a spot of trouble with a ruffian. However, things aren't quite what they seem to be at first.

Alk: Did you guys hear something?

Stella: A couple of voices. It sounded like one of them was in trouble.

Light: Let's check it out!

Alk: Hold it right there!

???: What do YOU want? Can't you see we're busy here?

Light: Busy? Get your hands off that poor, defenseless woman!

???: Don't stick your nose where it don't belong!

???: Defenseless woman? That's adorable.

???: But I can handle myself, thank you very much.

Nimbus: Hmph. Looks like we ain't needed here.

???: Not at all! I ought to thank you for giving me this opening.

Light: That's some impressive movement.

Tatiana: You think? They don't call me Tatiana the Swiftblade for nothing, you know.

Loan Shark: Hmph, more like Tatiana the Dine and Dasher!

Light: Dine and dash? We... We've completely misjudged the situation!

Loan Shark: Ya think? This broad's been swindlin' my pub from day one! Pay yer damn tab already!

Tatiana: Why, I NEVER! I mean, sure, maybe I did have a drink or two... Who's counting, anyway?

Nimbus: You might have a problem.

Light: Tatiana, was it? Is this man telling the truth?

Tatiana: My bar tab? Hmm... Maybe he is, maybe he isn't.

Tatiana: More importantly, you all came here to my rescue, didn't you?

Tatiana: It'd be nice if you could rescue me from this awful barkeep... It shouldn't be thaaat much!

Nimbus: Ridiculous. Let's get outta here.

Light: Wait... We can't just let this go unresolved.

Nimbus: You can't be serious! You're gonna cover for her?

Alk: Whew... She really went to town, huh?

Tatiana: Aw, don't be like that! You said you'd come to my rescue, right, friends? I'm not one for hard labor, you know!

Nimbus: Friends? Don't get the wrong idea here, lady.

Tatiana: You were impressed with my skills, weren't you? I'm sure we could make loads of money as a team!

Light: *sigh* All right. I'll pay for it.

Tatiana: Aw, thank you so much, widdle bunny! I'll get you lots and lots of carrots to eat, okay!

Light: Don't get the wrong idea, I'm doing this not for you, but the poor barkeep you've been terrorizing.

Tatiana: Same difference!

Loan Shark: Appreciate it, fellas. Welp, she's your problem now! Heh-heh.

Tatiana: Okay then! What's our first stop gonna be, friends?

Alk: What're you talking about?

Tatiana: For our celebration, of course! We need to raise a toast in the name of friendship!

Nimbus: A toast?! On whose tab, exactly?

Tatiana: I mean, obviously not mine, right? It's MY welcome party, after all! Let's booze it up while the night's still young!

Episode 2
Tatiana the Swiftblade

Alk learns the basics of knifeplay with Tatiana as the two bond over fishing and food.

Nimbus: Damn... They just aren't bitin' for me today. How about you?

Alk: No luck here either.

Tatiana: Fishing poles? Tsk, tsk. You two have SO much to learn.

Nimbus: The hell are you goin' on about? How're we supposed to fish without fishing poles?

Tatiana: Easy. Here, watch and learn, guppies.

Tatiana: Now pay attention, okay? I'm only going to show you this once. THIS is how you fish... Tatiana-style!

Alk: Whoa... There they are!

Tatiana: Well? Think you boys are up for it?

Nimbus: I admit that was rather impressive, but how do you plan on retrieving it?

Tatiana: Isn't it obvious? Here, take a closer look at the knife.

Nimbus: Hmph, I should've guessed. You've got a string around it.

Alk: I guess that's why they call you the Swiftblade, huh?

Nimbus: Yeah, well... That ain't fishing if you ask me.

Tatiana: You've gotta be able to do at least this much if you're gonna live here, right?

Nimbus: Uh... We don't actually live around here, but yeah. Do what you want.

Alk: That's right. We live in Starview, remember? But that was a really neat trick!

Tatiana: *sigh* Isn't Starview Village just the best?

Tatiana: All the food and drink you could ever dream of... all for free!

Tatiana: *sigh* Having friends sure is lovely, isn't it?

Alk: You're just planning on eating all our food, aren't you?

Alk: Speaking of which, it's almost noon! We'd better get going.

Tatiana: Sounds good to me! Let's crack open some cold ones and enjoy this fresh catch!

Alk: It's almost ready, so hold on a little longer.

Tatiana: No worries! Just give me a bottle and I'm a happy camper.

Nimbus: Easy on the sauce, Tatiana. You know how you get.

Tatiana: Oh, don't be such a buzzkill, Nimbus. I'm not THAT bad.

Nimbus: This... is some pretty damn good fish.

Tatiana: Right? All the fish around there are, really. I was hoping I'd get to pair it with a quality bottle, but alas...

Tatiana: You sure know your way around a fish though, Alk! I might just have to loosen my belt.

Alk: There's still plenty left, so make sure and eat your fill!

Tatiana: Phew, I couldn't eat another bite! Say, Alk, this would be the perfect time for a digestif, don't you think?

Nimbus: I don't think so. You're just gonna have to deal.

Tatiana: Ugh, fiiine.

Alk: Actually, Tatiana... I'm actually about to head back and do some more fishing.

Alk: Do you think you could teach me how to do that thing with your knife there?

Tatiana: Interested in becoming a quickblader yourself, are you? Fine by me.

Tatiana: I mean, it's the least I can do after you've spoiled me silly, right? But you'd better do exactly as I say, got it?

Alk: Okay. I'll do whatever it takes!

Tatiana: That's what I like to hear! So first, I'm going to need you to get me a drink.

Nimbus: You know...

Alk: Tell you what—if you manage to catch, say, ten times as many fish as me, you can have an aperitif before dinner. Sound good?

Tatiana: Deal! Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?