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Episode 1
Mummy Boy

While fighting in a ruin, Alk and co. discover an amnesiac mummy inside a casket marked by the name Tarha. The mummy accepts Tarha as his name, then faints from hunger. The Starview crew treat him to a meal before he decides to join them.

Nimbus: Take that!

Light: That should be the last of them. Now all we need to do is report back to the village-

???: Ooo... I riiise!

Alk: Wh-what?!

???: Who dares disturb my slumber...

Bandaged Boy: You could've at least knocked politely!

Bandaged Boy: Wait. Where am I... WHO am I?

Nimbus: What the hell? Who is this kid? An undead?

Alk: I guess? He looks like a mummy of some sort...

Bandaged Boy: Mummy? Is that... my name?

Alk: Er, no, probably not... Do you really not remember who you are?

Bandaged Boy: HMMM...

Bandaged Boy: Nope! Can't recall a single thing! Ahahaha! Oh well!

Stella: So you have lost your memory, just like Alk.

Alk: Unlike me, he seems to be taking it in stride. That's actually kinda... amazing in its own right.

Light: At the very least, he doesn't seem to be hostile.

Stella: There is some writing on the side. "Here... lies... Tarha."

Bandaged Boy: Is THAT my name? It sounds familiar... I think?

Tarha: Eh, whatever, that works! From now on, you can just call me Tarha! Hahaha

Tarha: Hurk!

Alk: Wh-what's wrong?!

Tarha: I'm... starving...

Tarha: Thanks for the meal! Phew, that was tasty!

Light: Was it really such a good idea for us to bring him here?

Alk: I mean, I wasn't about to leave him in the ruins like that.

Tarha: Ahaha, you guys are so nice! I like you!

Alk: Well, Tarha, now that you've got some food in you, do you remember anything?

Tarha: Hmm... Nope! My stomach's full, but my head's empty!

Nimbus: What do you plan to do from here on out? Go back to sleep in your casket?

Tarha: I'd rather not, if I can help it.

Tarha: It's kind of weird to be awake since I was sleeping for so long...

Tarha: But I definitely don't want to go back to that cold, dark place.

Light: I suppose there's no helping it, then.

Stella: Tarha, would you like to come with us?

Tarha: Y-you sure?

Stella: Of course. We welcome you.

Tarha: Y-yeah? That's...

Tarha: Heh... heheh! I'll allow you the honor of being my friends, then! You know, as thanks for taking me in!

Nimbus: Oh, come on, tsunderes are so out of season.

Tarha: H-hey, I know what that means, and I promise I'm NOT that!

Tarha: Besides, you're the ones who woke me up, so this is actually your fault! You should be taking responsibility for me!

Alk: I guess you're not wrong...

Tarha: Yeah, see? So long as you get it!

Tarha: Ahahaha! Feels like it's been forever since I got to be this pumped!

Tarha: So what kinda adventures do we get to go on?

Episode 2
Dead Living

Tarha joins Alk for some foraging, when he runs into Regitare, a fellow undead. Regitare reveals that he doesn't remember much of his past and says that it doesn't bother him. After all, he has his friends in the present to look forward to. Taking that advice to heart, Tarha finds it a little easier to live without his old memories.

Tarha: BOO!

Tarha: Ahaha! Did I scare you? Got you good, right?

Alk: Tarha... I get that you love pranking people, but you shouldn't go overboard, okay?

Challua: It's okay! Shroombo happy!

Shroombo: Mea leggo!

Alk: Sorry for all the fuss. We were only supposed to be foraging, but Tarha can't help himself...

Regitare: Hohoho! It's all right. The lad's not 'urting anyone.

Tarha: RWAR!

Regitare: GAAAAH!

Tarha: Ahaha! Nice scream, old man!

Alk: T-Tarha?! Didn't I just tell you not to go overboard!

Tarha: Bleeegh! You gotta catch me if you want me to stop! Ahaha!

Alk: Sorry for the scare, Regitare! Tarha, get back here!

Regitare: The lad loves his pranks, eh? I thought me 'eart was going to stop for a moment there.

Challua: But Regitare already dead!

Regitare: Oh! That's right, I forgot again!

Tarha: What? So you're actually dead, old man?

Regitare: Well, that was a quick game of tag!

Tarha: I'm good at avoiding scoldings!

Tarha: Anyway, if you're dead, then that means you're the same as me!

Regitare: Hmm... Your situation's a tad different, but I suppose you could say that.

Tarha: When did you die? Since you're all bones, it must've been a long time ago! Longer than me!

Regitare: I wonder... I don't rightly remember.

Regitare: When you live long enough, you start to forget all the things from way back when.

Tarha: Ahaha, you just said "live along enough" even though you're dead!

Regitare: Blooming 'eck, I forgot again already!

Tarha: If even you don't remember your past... does that mean everyone eventually forgets?

Tarha: Old man, doesn't it bother you that you don't remember?

Regitare: Well, does it bother you?

Regitare: If it does, you just need to take a closer gander at everything around you now.

Regitare: That's how these young ones here saved me.

Challua: You saved me too!

Challua: I love Regitare!

Regitare: Hohohoho! It's a little embarrassing to be told that so frankly!

Tarha: Everything around me, huh...

Alk: Sorry for the wait! Let's dig in!

Tarha: Yeah, let's!

Tarha: Mm, that's good! Your cooking always hits the spot, Alk!

Alk: Ahaha, thanks!

Tarha: Oh! Nimbus! Stella! I picked these mushrooms! You should have some!

Nimbus: Yeah, yeah.

Stella: I did. They're very good.

Tarha: Aren't they? If you want more, I'll go pick more!

Nimbus: We just started eating them. You don't need to go rushing off yet.

Light: Haha, I see you're full of energy today. It's fine to play pranks, so long as you do it in moderation.

Tarha: ...Right.

Alk: Tarha? You okay?

Tarha: Ahaha, yeah, don't worry about me!

Tarha: I just realized how much fun I'm having right now, that's all!