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Episode 1
Planting, Not Stomping!

Light and Taiga train Alk together, but their methods prove to be too vague and ineffective for the relatively inexperienced learner.

Taiga: Damn... Mighty fine view, eh? Just when I thought I'd seen it all.

Taiga: Still so many sights to see, skills to master... Enough adventure for a lifetime.

Light: Are you feeling better, Taiga?

Taiga: Well, if it ain't the champion himself! Heh... I owe you one fer earlier, friend.

Taiga: But to answer your question, I'm as fit as a fiddle—just drank a li'l too much water, is all.

Light: Yes, well... you were swelled up something awful when we found you.

Taiga: Hah-hah-hah! I'll admit, takin' on all 'em sea monsters on my own wasn't one of my best ideas.

Taiga: Just means I've got a rematch on the horizon.

Taiga: Surely you've someone you'd like to take another shot at, right?

Light: Yes... I do have a score I need to settle.

Light: It's not one I can laugh about, however.

Light: By the way... How come you never doubted my true identity?

Taiga: There are some things y' learn with age... One good look into yer eyes was all I needed t' understand.

Taiga: That... and yer distaste for yer current form.

Light: Rather presumptuous... and accurate.

Light: Taiga, could ask a favor of you?

Taiga: Sure thing. If it's within my power, o' course.

Alk: Yaaaugh!

Taiga: Don't let yer emotions get ahead of you. Again!

Alk: Okay... Yaaah!

Taiga: No, no! Your spirit and your blade must be one and the same!

Alk: Don't let my emotions get ahead... but put my spirit into it? Can you explain?

Taiga: You youngsters and your explanations... Save the thinkin' fer after you put your sword down— now's the time for FEELIN'!

Light: Much too labored, Alk. Relax your shoulders... Imagine the blade as an extension of your very self.

Light: When you swing, imagine having already sliced through your target.

Taiga: There y' go! Now, this applies t' all types o' weapons, not only swords! Very sage advice, champion.

Light: Not at all. I was merely supplementing your instruction, Taiga.

Taiga: Listen here, sonny... Pay attention to the timing of yer steps.

Taiga: No, no! You need to put yer foot down harder!

Taiga: No, no! Plant yerself!

Light: Planting, Alk. Not stomping.

Taiga: Exactly. Now let's see those planters planted!

Alk: Wait, what am I planting again? Like this?

Taiga: No, no! You've barely put your foot to the ground!

Light: Use all the might you can muster, but make sure to start from your hips.

Taiga: Exactly! And don't forget about yer knees, too.

Alk: Huh? What about my knees?

Light: You wouldn't want for them to lock, would you?

Taiga: Well said, champion. The boy still needs to get his fundamentals in order.

Light: Good eye, Taiga. If we can't solidify his fundamentals, he won't have anything to build upon.

Taiga: What's the matter, sonny?

Alk: Oh, nothing... I'm just amazed at how you two seem to understand each other so well.

Taiga: Call it mutual understanding earned through years of experience.

Alk: Awesome... Master! Teach me how to do that thing with the sword again!

Taiga: "That thing"? Yer gonna have to be more specific!

Episode 2
The Eternal Thunder Fist

Taiga recognizes Nimbus's combat prowess and offers to pass down his skills for the next generation. However, Nimbus rejects the offer, calling Taiga out for throwing the towel too early, lighting a fire within him.

Nimbus: Step back—I'll take care of this!

Nimbus: White Roar!

Taiga: Oho!

Alk: Good work, everyone!

Alk: Look at all this cash! I think I might treat myself tonight!

Nimbus: You're more fired up than usual.

Alk: Well, it's not often I get to treat myself to someone else's cooking, you know?

Nimbus: Huh... I've never thought about it that way. Sorry.

Taiga: There ain't no spice better than hunger after a hard day's work! Let's dig in!

Taiga: I've gotta say, yer fightin' style's quite peculiar, Nimbus.

Nimbus: Yeah?

Taiga: Yer strikes display great ferocity, yet disciplined precision. It's the mark of someone who fights with purpose.

Nimbus: Hmph. The mark of a survivor, I guess.

Taiga: I once knew another youngster who fought like you back in the day. His skills were unrefined, but his strength was undeniable.

Taiga: I'm sure by now I'd be completely outclassed by him.

Nimbus: Don't sell yourself short, old man.

Taiga: You know, I think you'd do well to employ the art of the arcane fist. I'll teach you myself. How about it?

Alk: Whoa... That sounds like it'd be perfect for you, Nimbus!

Taiga: Thanks to my arcane arts, even these old bones can pack a serious punch. It'd be a real force to be reckoned with in your hands.

Taiga: But... I need to see just how far this technique can go.

Nimbus: Sorry... Try someone else.

Taiga: Oho... And would you mind if I asked why?

Nimbus: You can still fight, can't you? So don't act like your time is up already.

Taiga: My time? Don't be silly, I never said anything like—

Nimbus: You're always goin' on about how you're too old for this, or too senile for that... I'm tired of the excuses.

Taiga: Senile? I don't think I ever—

Nimbus: Doesn't matter. Spare me the melodrama.

Nimbus: If you need to see just how far your technique can go, you're more than capable of doing so with your own fists!

Nimbus: And once you've proven you have something worth learning... I might take you up on your offer.

Alk: There Nimbus goes again... Acting like he's too cool for school.

Nimbus: Shut it, Alk.

Taiga: Gaaaw-haw-haw-haw!

Taiga: Yer exactly right, Nimbus! And I've been a damn fool for not seein' so sooner!

Taiga: Forget everything I said. Let us feast... so we may be stronger tomorrow!

Taiga: Heh-heh... I guess SOME things aren't learned with age, eh?

Taiga: Well played, Nimbus. I see yer precision ain't just limited to yer fists.

Taiga: These fists of thunder still have plenty of juice to go!

Taiga: Swifter than lightning... RAGING SOUL FIST!