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Episode 1
The Young Merchant

After saving a caravan from a monster assault, Alk and co. encounter the caravan's leader, Tahweel. They find out that the young merchant was an old friend of Rolan, to whom he made a promise to ensure peace in the region. Nimbus then invites Tahweel to join them in Starview Village.

Alk: A caravan... We should probably avoid getting seen by them, yeah?

Nimbus: Yep. That'd just cause a hassle and a half. Let's find another route past here.

Alk: Well... So much for that! Let's help them out, Nimbus!

Alk: Watch out!

Zealous Merchant: No touching the merchandise! It lowers the value, and we can't have that. This stuff is mighty important to me!

Alk: Looks like you didn't need much help after all.

Zealous Merchant: No, no. On the contrary- you've spared me a great deal of effort!

Tahweel: The name's Tahweel. I'm the leader of this here caravan. As a token of my gratitude, I'll give you a stellar bargain on one of my-

Tahweel: Now hold on a minute there. Aren't you... the Hellcat of the Dunes? You used to stay with Rolan! Fancy meeting you here, of all places!

Alk: Do you know this guy, Nimbus?

Nimbus: He looks familiar. Might have been one of the peddlers that always came by Rolan's place.

Tahweel: Are you traveling this land? I'm on my way to this town here.

Tahweel: No doubt it's fate that's brought us together in such a place! Would you mind accompanying me?

Tahweel: I will, of course, compensate you for your time. In return, I would like a chance to speak to the Hellcat of the Dunes himself. Surely I can ask that much?

Nimbus: Fine, whatever you want. But just one thing: call me Nimbus.

Tahweel: Oh, my apologies. I wasn't aware of your real name. It's nice to meet you, Nimbus.

Nimbus: Is he for real? What kind of business can you do in a broke-ass town like this?

Alk: I'm pretty sure we came to the right place. I wonder what he's planning...

Tahweel: Come one, come all, for bargains galore! We're running a special promotion today- eighty percent off ALL items!

Emaciated Villager: E-excuse me... Do you happen to have any food? Meat, perhaps?

Tahweel: Various circumstances prevent me from directly selling certain items... But if you buy something else, maybe I could stick it on for free.

Emaciated Villager: R-really? In that case, how about this?

Destitute Villager: I can offer you this rug. How much do you think it'd be worth?

Tahweel: My, my. This is quite the exquisite fabric. Let me think... Okay! I'll give you double market price for it.

Destitute Villager: D-double?! Truly?! Thank you so much...

Nimbus: Hey, Are you, uh... trying to go bankrupt or something?

Tahweel: Good commerce is all about picking that right place and people to sell to. That's the secret to keeping the peace.

Tahweel: Ah, that's right. This next town is a doozy, tons of goods to sell. I'll be having you help me out.

Tahweel: Alcohol, procured by... less than legal means. Anti-government sentiment is strong in the area, so this helps them blow of steam.

Alk: Is... that a good idea? Encouraging them to drink to relieve stress?

Tahweel: It's not the most elegant solutions, no. But in this cruel world, people need a bit of sympathy... and the bottom of the bottle offers plenty.

Tahweel: But don't misunderstand. I'm not running a charity tree here. When there's an opportunity to make money, I take it.

Tahweel: Keeping watch drains the stomach, doesn't it? Here, I brought you dinner.

Nimbus: Oh. Thanks, I guess. Sorry, uh, did you need something?

Tahweel: Need? No, not really. I just wanted to talk with you, alone, is all.

Tahweel: ...You lost someone very dear to you.

Tahweel: I consulted Rolan many times on business matters. I... would like to think he and I were friends of sorts.

Tahweel: I still remember all the stories he told me about the stars, you know.

Tahweel: Once, I even asked him if he would let me have you- to join my caravan. He said no, of course.

Nimbus: Heh. I wouldn't have wanted to work for anyone crazy enough to hire the Hellcat of the Dunes anyway.

Tahweel: We made a promise. That we'd do our best to preserve the peace in the kingdom in our own ways.

Tahweel: I thought that... if I had you on my side, I could do that better.

Nimbus: Peace? How exactly did you think I was gonna help with that? You know what this world is like.

Tahweel: You saw it today, didn't you? Trade helps people, especially the starving ones. When people are fed, the fighting goes down.

Tahweel: If I want to keep doing that, I need to grow my caravan... I have to expand the scale of my operation.

Tahweel: I need to find a new trade route.

Tahweel: A brand new one, untread by any other merchant.

Tahweel: I suppose this is where we go our separate ways. Parting is such a sweet sorrow, isn't it?

Alk: Well, you're always traveling around, so I'm sure we'll get to see each other again!

Tahweel: Indeed. If we do meet again, I hope to hear more about your travels- with no details spared.

Nimbus: Hold on.

Nimbus: If you really wanna know that bad, come with us. You've already figured it out anyway, haven't you?

Tahweel: So you did find it... The place beyond the stars Rolan always spoke of.

Alk: Wait, was meeting us your plan all along?

Tahweel: Oh no, it most definitely was a coincidence- one which I am thankful for.

Tahweel: Here, a contract. In exchange for accompanying you on your travels, I offer you the complete cooperation of my caravan.

Alk: A contract? Wow, you're really serious about this, huh.

Tahweel: And that, my friends, is what we call a done deal.

Tahweel: I'm flattered you've taken a liking to me- I trust I can look forward to your continued patronage?

Nimbus: Heh. Only if you can prove that you're not all talk.

Episode 2
Profit from Peace

Alk and co. head out to help Tahweel after being invited by him. They find out that an anti-royalist organization is planning to attack the area. They attempt to stop the rebel group's efforts, but fall into a trap instead. Tahweel then shows up, alongside a top brass from the same anti-royalist organization, saving Alk and co. from a dangerous situation.

Nimbus: Damn, that is a lot of stuff. Are you seriously planning on selling ALL of this?

Tahweel: Of course. It's peak shopping season, and I plan to sell every last item in stock. Come on, just a bit more work to do before we can open.

Light: Don't tell me the only reason you called us out here was because you were short om staff...

Tahweel: Now, now. You will be well-compensated for your timely labor, rest assured.

Hooded Man: We're still waiting on a response. Will you cooperate with us or not?

Tahweel: As you can clearly see, I'm awfully busy at the moment. I hardly have the time to chat with the likes of you.

Hooded Man: If you affiliate yourself with us, we can offer you all sorts of places to do business-

Tahweel: Would you look at that, it's already time to open the shop! Let's shelve this conversation for another time.

Nimbus: Anti-royalist rebels? You're tied up with enemies of the kingdom?

Tahweel: Oh, so those feline ears of yours aren't just for show, I see.

Tahweel: I wouldn't say I'm "tied up" with them. I just offer them information I get while running the caravan.

Alk: Aren't you worried people will think you're part of their organization?

Nimbus: That could get ugly real fast.

Tahweel: Relax. I know what I'm doing. I make sure to maintain careful distance at all times.

Tahweel: I don't take risks. My plan is to profit from peace, after all.

Tahweel: To think that they would come all this way. I suppose I wasn't direct enough with my last rejection.

Tahweel: Gah, those crazy punks. I don't need this right now...

Alk: Why'd you call us out so late? I thought you said to relax until tomo-

Tahweel: The rebels are making a move. We need to get out of here before we get caught up in this too.

Tahweel: They're planning on capturing this town and using it as a bargaining chip in negotiations. They're going to take everyone hostage.

Nimbus: They can't be serious... The kingdom will never go for that. It'll be a bloodbath...

Tahweel: My thoughts exactly. However, there's zero reason for me to stick my neck into this mess.

Tahweel: If I'm going to run, I wanted to take you all with me-

Stella: We will stop them.

Alk: If we inform the guards, they can help the people evacuate.

Light: We can't stand by and allow harm to come to the townspeople. We must act.

Nimbus: That's right. We don't want to get you involved in this, so if you're going to skip town, do it now.

Tahweel: ...I'll do just that. I can't afford to let anything happen to the caravan, after all.

Tahweel: Do you think me a coward?

Stella: No. Please do what you think is right.

Guard: Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. We've informed the residents- feel free to join them at the evacuation point.

Alk: I suppose we've done all we can for the time being...

Light: We mustn't let our guard down. The rebels may still attack the evacuation shelter.

Alk: Wait... Where are the people?

Rebel Leader: Get them!

Guard: I don't know where you got your intel, but I'm afraid we can't let you get in our way.

Nimbus: Damn- they had a spy in the guard?!

Rebel Leader: Attack, men!

Nimbus: There's way too many of them to hold back, Alk.

Alk: I know... But we-

Tahweel: Not another move! Time for this buffoonery to come to an end.

Rebel Leader: H-how the hell... Why are YOU here?!

Dignified Man: I should be asking you the same thing. Planning an attack without my approval- you KNOW this region is under my control.

Rebel Leader: I... We only...

Dignified Man: Lay down your arms. That's a direct order. I pray you're not foolish enough to disobey it.

Tahweel: Well then. I suppose I can leave the rest to you?

Dignified Man: Indeed. You have my gratitude for your timely warning. I trust you'll arrange a cover-up for us?

Tahweel: Of course. I'll make up a story about some quarrel or other.

Alk: Tahweel... You didn't evacuate after all?

Tahweel: Nope. I went and had a chat with a higher-up from the rebel faction. I just let him know his subordinates were up to no good.

Tahweel: Planning an insurrection like that without permission from the top brass is a no-go, you see. I was sure he'd move to stop them.

Nimbus: Whatever happened to not doing things unless they benefitted you?

Tahweel: See. that's what I thought at first as well... Until I considered that stopping this attack was actually in my best interests too.

Tahweel: I can't exactly set up my caravan here if war breaks out, now can I?

Light: Quite the entrepreneurial spirit you have there... Though I suppose it did save us from a bind.

Tahweel: To tell you the truth, I mostly did it because I felt leaving in such a fashion was... a bad look for me.

Tahweel: Running away like that... would be like throwing away the promise I made to Rolan.

Tahweel: I just... did what I thought was right, I suppose.

Tahweel: Because I'm through with having regrets.

Episode 3
To Keep a Promise

Tahweel heads out to a remote town in the borderlands to propose setting up shop there. In an effort to keep his promise to Rolan, Tahweel offers the anti-royalist organization another shot at working together, so long as they don't employ the same underhanded tactics as before.

Tahweel: Excellent, sales are on the rise. I'm glad to see everything is moving along smoothly even when I'm not here.

Tahweel: No other trouble to report on? Both caravan-related or otherwise.

Caravan Sub-Leader: Nothing in particular. With you away, we're all busy managing the caravan.

Caravan Sub-Leader: I think we've managed to instill a sense of responsibility in members across all locations as a result.

Tahweel: Got it. I'm glad to hear that. Keep up the good work- I'm counting on you.

Tahweel: This is a brand new product of mine- a precious pearl, a type of stone only birthed in a place blessed with water.

Tahweel: Show this to a collector, and you'll find yourself swimming in more money than you know what to do with.

Alk: Getting this whole operation to run effectively without you was really a smart move, Tahweel. You're a genius!

Tahweel: No, Alk, it's precisely the opposite- any organization that can't run without its leader is doomed to fail.

Tahweel: Some degree of faith and trust in your subordinates is absolutely necessary.

Nimbus: Sounds like you just want less work to do.

Tahweel: How rude! I'll have you know that I've got plenty on my plate- starting now, in fact.

Tahweel: Ah, that's right. Almost forgot to mention this- I'll be having you accompany me.

Village Mayor: Welcome, Mr. Tahweel. What brings you to us today?

Tahweel: A business proposal. I'd like to set up a shop in your very town.

Tahweel: Making this town more easily accessible would prove lucrative for future trade. What do you say?

Village Mayor: Of course! Please feel free to do so! We have many young people who would be willing to help out!

Tahweel: Glad to hear it. Once you gather whoever you can, my man here will fill you in on the details.

Nimbus: "Lucrative," huh?

Tahweel: That look in your eye suggests suspicion, dear Nimbus. Do you doubt me?

Nimbus: This place is pretty much the definition of the boonies. What exactly is lucrative about it?

Tahweel: An opportunity to expand into a developing market, is what.

Tahweel: Once we get established here, we'll be the only game in town- a monopoly in the making.

Alk: Setting up here isn't exactly free though, is it?

Tahweel: It's an investment. All it has to do is yield profit eventually- this is a long-term strategy.

Alk: Um, are you really sure we should go with you? We don't want to fan the flames any further...

Tahweel: Nonsense, you're just perfect for the job. I need bodyguards, and you know the situation better than anyone.

Nimbus: We're not your manservants, you know.

Rebel Leader: ...What are you doing here?

Tahweel: Oh, just a check-in, is all. I wanted to see if you've repented since our last meeting.

Tahweel: Come on, now. That was a joke. You don't want to make your superiors any angrier, do you?

Rebel Leader: If you don't have anything to say, then leave. Just looking at your face makes me sick.

Tahweel: Quite a temper on you... As a matter of fact, I do have something to say.

Tahweel: As long as you don't go acting the way you did before, I'd be willing to partner up with you. What do you say?

Rebel Leader: ...Just what are you planning, exactly?

Tahweel: Well, to be totally honest, I was hoping to use this as an opportunity to rein you in.

Tahweel: If you pull the same stunt as before, I'll wipe you out.

Tahweel: But of course, having to do that would mean incurring serious losses. I'd prefer a more... profitable approach.

Rebel Leader: Fine. We'll hear you out.

Tahweel: Now that's what I'm talking about! Don't worry, I'll make sure that you benefit from this arrangement too!

Tahweel: I look forward to your continued patronage.

Nimbus: Drinking all alone, eh?

Tahweel: What, are you looking for a drinking buddy?

Nimbus: Alk's not old enough to partake, so... I guess I am.

Nimbus: You know, you're really different now, after all that stuff happened.

Tahweel: Different? I wouldn't say so. I'm just doing business as I always have.

Tahweel: I suppose I have changed my perspective slightly though. I stopped looking at everything in terms of profit and losses, for one.

Tahweel: And... I guess I decided that being true to myself was a better look.

Tahweel: Still, you won't see me baring my heart open for everyone to hear. That's just my personality- and yours too, I think.

Nimbus: Hah. Don't go lumping us together like that.

Tahweel: I still haven't given up on recruiting you into my caravan, you know.

Tahweel: I'm expecting a promising development on that front in the future- don't let me down.

Nimbus: Sorry, but I'm not interested. Your caravan's food sucks.

Nimbus: But I guess I can help you out from time to time. You've got a promise to keep, after all.

Tahweel: That I do. In my own way, I'll see that promise realized.