Tae Yamada (Zombie Land Saga Collab)/Stories

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Episode 1
Losing Your Head over Sales

As a favor to Tatsumi, Alk and co. keep watch over Tae during her errand with Sakura to sell fish cakes. When a rabid dog bites off Tae's Head and runs away, they are fortunately able to revive it.

Tatsumi: All gathered? Great! Good morning, everyone!

Sakura: So, um... What exactly are we here for?

Tatsumi: It's simple. Sakura, Tae, I have a job for you two.

Sakura: Hooray! Work's come in, Tae-chan!

Tae: Gwar.

Alk: And I'm guessing you called the rest of us here to help with that?

Tatsumi: Oh, not with the work itself. I need someone to watch over Tae.

Light: Wait, explain yourself. I'm not sure I like where this is go-

Tatsumi: Sorry, gotta run! I have other matters to tend to! the job details are in this memo. Toodle-oo!

Sakura: It's been a while since we last got to work together! Let's give it our all, Tae-chan!

Tae: Gwar.

Light: Er, just to be sure... Is she going to be all right?

Light: I mean, can we be certain she won't bite audience members during a performance?

Sakura: Yeah, that can be a bit of a problem, huh? Well, just consider it her way of communicating.

Light: Are we really going to just leave it at that?!

Alk: Which reminds me: what's with the nickname "Legendary Tae Yamada"?

Sakura: Yeah, the word is she's a legend...

Nimbus: Heck, does it really matter? let's get a move on already.

Light: Hold it! I remain unconvinced that this is a good idea!

Shopkeep: I look forward to your assistance with today's product promotion campaign!

Sakura: Thank you for the opportunity. This is... deep-fried fish cake?

Shopkeep: Oh, you know of these things? Tatsumi told me about 'em- in exchange for the job!

Shopkeep: They're too good to not be snapped up by everyone! Best of luck!

Alk: So we'll be playing the role of sales reps, huh...

Light: Will Tae be able to withstand the aroma of fish cakes right in front of her? It'd be a shame to have them disappear into her mouth...

Sakura: S-sure! I think she can handle it! ...Probably!

Tae: Gwar.

Sakura: Thanks for the reassurance, Tae-chan. So we're on the same page then- absolutely no eating. Good.

Sakura: Come try our crunchy new snack! You're guaranteed to love it!

Townsperson: I'll have one, please.

Alk: Look how hard Tae's working. Guess we were worried for nothing.

Light: Perhaps you're right. I may have been overthinking it.

Dog: Woof!

Tae: Gwar!

Alk & Sakura: Eek!

Alk: No way! Wait right there!

Sakura: What do I do?! Oh, I know! Nimbus! Can you take Tae-chan's place?

Nimbus: You've gotta be kidding me!

Alk: This is bad! Really bad! A head bouncing around is going to freak people out!

Light: They couldn't have gone far. If we just search the vicinity...

Tae: Gwoo...

Alk: Thank goodness you're safe!

Tae: Gwa, gwargwar.

Alk: Yeeoowch! Keep your teeth off my hand, please!

Townsperson: I'll take two.

Nimbus: H-here you go, meow. Thank you very much, meow.

Alk: Sorry we're late! Hope there wasn't too much of a panic here.

Sakura: Oh, we managed! thanks for saving Tae-chan!

Tae: Gwar.

Alk: Phew, what a relief. By the way, Nimbus, did you just say "meow"?

Nimbus: I'm gonna forget you asked that, and you're gonna forget you heard anything! We clear?!

Light: Should Tae really be doing jobs like this? Because I'm definitely feeling uneasy.

Sakura: Ahaha... I'm sure it'll be okay next time! Right, Tae?

Tae: Gwar.

Episode 2
You're Safe With Me

During a fan meetup, a bandit leader blending into the crowd takes Sakura hostage. Tae is quick to chomp on him, giving Alk the opportunity to fend off the entire bandit group.

Sakura: There, that should do it. You look great, Tae-chan.

Tae: Gargwar.

Alk: Glad to work with you two again. The event should be fun!

Light: Hold it, Alk! Do you realize just what sort of event it's going to be?

Alk: Sure, it's a meetup where fans get their photos taken with the idols.

Light: Therein lies the problem! What could Tatsumi possibly be thinking?!

Light: Entrusting the bite-happy Tae with an event necessitating close encounters is highly irresponsible!

Alk: Having been bitten myself, I kind of know how you feel...

Sakura: I-it'll be fine! I mean, Tae-chan doesn't ALWAYS bite people, right?

Tae: Gwar.

Alk: Why don't you get into position, Light? If she doesn't bite, then we know it'll be okay.

Light: A fine point. I suppose it's worth a try...

Tae: Gwar.


Sakura: Tae-chan, no! Light isn't food!

Light: Indeed, nor am I some sort of chew toy!

Sakura: I-I'm sure the main event will go swimmingly! Nothing to worry about!

Alk: Today's your photo opportunity with Number 0 and Number 1! Please form a line and wait for your turn!

Townsperson: Been waiting for this! I'm hyped!

Sakura: Thanks for coming! Let's get into our poses-

Tae: Grr...

Sakura: Um, please stand over here! In between the both of us!

Sakura: Say cheese!

Alk: Next person!

Light: Her head was completely lopsided. Is that really okay for the photos?

Alk: The fans seem happy enough, so... Sure, I guess.

Alk: Next!

Sakura: Um, you might want to remove that hood for the photo-

Bandit Leader: Don't move!

Sakura: EEEEP!

Bandit Leader: If you want to see her live, then hand over your money!

Bandit Leader: Bet you're just swimming in cash with how popular your group is!

Light: This bandit must have infiltrated the crowd!

Alk: He may have allies. We'll want to be careful.


Sakura: Tae-chan?!

Bandit Leader: Rrgh! Damn, that smarts! The hell's the big idea?!

Stout Bandit: Hey, that's our boss you've sunk your teeth into!

Lanky Bandit: Let go of him, ya freak!


Stout Bandit: AIIEE!

Bandit Leader: Holy smokes! Did I just do her in?

Alk: Meteor Break!

Light: Alk, I have the ropes ready! Let us tie them up!

Alk: Good going, Light! Are you okay, Sakura?

Sakura: Yeah! Now we just have to put Tae-chan back together!

Sakura: Tae-chan! Thank you so much for saving me earlier!

Tae: Gwar.

Alk: Looks like she's able to think for herself after all.

Light: Given that she cannot speak, we can only assume.

Light: Though I do sense a bond between you two. That much is certain.

Sakura: Tae-chan! Let's call the fans back so we can continue the photo shoot!

Tae: Gwar!

Episode 3
Drop-Dead Performance

Behind stage, Light expresses concern about Sakura and Tae's upcoming performance. it starts off well enough, but everyone is thrown for a loop when Tae unexpectedly utters a death metal growl halfway through. The others play along, turning it into a screaming match of sorts. After the show, Tae expresses her gratitude by biting Light.

Sakura: Today's concert is going to be so much fun, Tae-chan!

Tae: Gwar.

Light: I wouldn't be so sure...

Alk: Well... Everything turned out okay so far, right?

Sakura: That's right. Tae-chan's really up to the challenge.

Tae: Gwar.

Sakura: See what I mean?

Light: Then again, I suppose we only need to provide support.

Alk: Yep!

Light: *sigh* How I've grown accustomed to this...

Sakura: Thank you so much for showing up today, everyone!

Tae: Gwaaar.

Audience: WHOOOO!

Sakura: We're going to party it up as Number 0 and Number 1! Here's hoping you'll follow along!

Tae: Gwaar.

Light: Their movements could not be more out of sync... And those sluggish movements are the epitome of zombiehood!

Light: I grow extremely wary! Our support does not extend to their onstage performance!

Alk: By this point, the townspeople are probably used to their quirks.

Light: So you say...

Alk: I mean, even you find Franchouchou to be an entertaining group, don't you?

Light: Indeed... I do consider myself their ally after all.

Alk: Then surely it's only natural for the audience to feel the same way.

Sakura: I've been doing plenty of jobs with Number 0 lately.

Sakura: Anyone happen to come by our sales even the other day?

Spectator 1: I brought your fish cakes!

Sakura: Thank you so much! Aren't we such a lucky pair, Number 0?!

Tae: Gwaar.

Spectator 2: I went to the photo op!

Sakura: Really?! You fans are the best!

Sakura: And the best fans deserve the best possible show we can put on! Let's gooo!

Audience: Huzzaah!

Sakura: Louder now, come on! Say it like you mean it!


Audience: Wha?

Light: My goodness! What was that sudden scream about?


Light: Alk! What's come over you?!

Alk: C'mon, Light. You give it a try too.

Alk & Light: GWAAAARRR!

Sakura: Um... GWAAAAAH!

Audience: GWAAAAARR!

Light: What have I just witnessed... More importantly, I'm bushed from all that screaming.

Alk: Same. My throat's all dry from that death metal screaming sessions in the second half.

Sakura: Great work, you two! Thanks for pitching in back there!

Alk: Ahaha... Glad we were able to fake it well enough.

Tae: Gwar.

Alk: Was that a "thank you"? Well, you're welcome.

Light: I still don't understand you well, but it's become clear to me that you care for your friends.

Light: Keep up the good work. For I will be cheering you on.

Tae: Gwaar!

Light: Ack!

Sakura: Ahaha, Tae-chan! Biting's not always the best way to express your joy, okay?

Tae: Gwagwaaar!