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Episode 1
Of Mice and Sven

The young mousefolk boy Sven is obsessed with the legendary hero Whitetail, having read about his tales in a book penned by Claudius. Sven meets Nimbus one day and asks to be his apprentice. Nimbus initially refuses, but finds himself swayed by the little mouse's stout persistence.

Nimbus: That smooth talkin' bastard... I thought this'd be important, but we're just runnin' more of his errands!

Alk: Heh. Or maybe you're just pretending to be tricked by him every time—it's a cute thing you two have going.

Nimbus: Huh?! I ain't pretendin' to do—

???: Aaah!

Mousefolk Boy: Ohmygosh, Whitetail! It's you! I can't believe my eyes!

Nimbus: Who the hell are you?

Sven: Oh! My apologies. My name is Sven!

Sven: Hearing the legends of Whitetail inspired me to go on my own journey and travel the world!

Sven: Are you not familiar with the legends? They're all in this book! Please, have a look!

Nimbus: The Return... of... Whitetail? What kind of nonsense in this?

Alk: This is definitely about you, Nimbus. Though certain parts have clearly been... embellished.

Nimbus: What parts?!

Light: Curious, look at the last page. It says it's edited by Claudius Navelle.

Nimbus: That no-good, scheming—

Sven: When I read this book I made up my mind—I want to become strong and cool, just like you!

Sven: So please, Whitetail! Please make me your apprentice!

Nimbus: Absolutely not.

Sven: Whaaa?

Nimbus: Listen here, pipsqueak. Let's get a few things straight. I. Am. Not. Whitetail. I—

Nimbus: Get down!

Sven: Ohmygosh... am I dreaming? The great Whitetail himself is fighting to save ME!

Sven: If I'm gonna be like him, I need to prove that I'm strong too! Here I come!

Light: This little mouse isn't half bad!

Sven: How did I do, Whitetail? Did you see me there? I gave it my all!

Nimbus: Look out behind you!

Nimbus: You idiot...

Sven: Wh-Whitetail? Is that you?

Sven: Ow... Everything hurts...

Nimbus: Stop movin'. Those are some serious wounds. Why'd you have to go and do somethin' so stupid, huh?

Nimbus: And just to be clear: I'm not Whitetail. When your wounds heal, I want you outta here.

Sven: What do you mean you're not Whitetail? Look at you! Who else could you be?

Sven: You're the hero who put an end to the war between the catfolk and dogfolk.

Nimbus: That wasn't me. That was these guys here.

Light: Sven, was it? You're one of the mousefolk, are you not? Why do you look up to Whitetail so?

Sven: Everyone always told me the war had nothing to do with us mice. But I don't know...

Sven: I always had this feeling that we mousefolk would get swept up in it too one day. I wanted to be ready for that! To fight!

Sven: But then the war went and ended—well, YOU put an end to it, Whitetail! It was unthinkable!

Sven: You inspired me and countless others. That's why I want to become just like you!

Alk: So you left your home and went on a journey alone? That's pretty brave.

Sven: So, please, Whitetail! I beg you! Make me your apprentice!

Nimbus: Goddamn it, kid, I told you...

Nimbus: Gah. Fine. If you've come this far, I guess there's no stoppin' ya.

Stella: Indeed. Welcome to Starview Village, Sven. We're glad to have you on the team.

Sven: Th-thank you!

Nimbus: All right, Sven. Let's get a few things straight.

Nimbus: I'm not Whitetail. You sure you're okay with that? Don't do anything you'll regret later.

Sven: Y-yes. I understand, Wh— I mean, uh...

Nimbus: Nimbus.

Sven: Nimbus! I understand completely, Master Nimbus!

Episode 2
The Measure of a Mouse

Nimbus scolds Sven while the two of them traverse the Kaleidoscope together. Discovering further danger, Nimbus makes sure that Sven has what it takes to proceed down the path of an adventurer. Sven shows he is determined, and they take down the threat. Later, when Sven is totally exhausted from the fight, Nimbus admits the boy has quite the fighting spirit.

Light: Where are Sven and Nimbus? I haven't those two around today.

Stella: They're in the Kaleidoscope.

Alk: Huh, Nimbus is actually going through with that training.

Sven: Hya!

Sven: Wow! Incredible! So cool! You're the best, Master Nimbus!

Nimbus: How many times do I gotta tell you? Never take your eyes off your enemy!

Sven: I'm s-sorry! I was just...

Nimbus: What?

Sven: I was distracted by you! You look JUST like Whitetail when you fight...

Nimbus: *sigh* Whatever. If you're gonna keep dawdling around here, I'm just gonna leave you behind.

Sven: W-wait!

Nimbus: What's this?

Sven: Miss, are you all right?!

Battered Adventurer: Th-thank you...

Sven: It's nothing! It's the least I can do, especially if I want to become as strong as the legendary Whitetail!

Nimbus: Are you able to walk? Oy, ratboy. Let's head to the surface.

Battered Adventurer: Please wait! My companion, he... is still in here. The monsters...

Battered Adventurer: I was the only one... who made it out...

Sven: Don't worry, miss, leave it to me! I'll go help your friend!

Nimbus: No, you won't—head back to the guild and call for help. I've got this.

Sven: B-but... I want to go fight alongside you, Master...

Nimbus: You think you're up to it?

Sven: Huh?

Nimbus: I'm asking if you're ready to take the final step. This ain't no fairy tale we're walkin' into. I wanna know if you've got what it takes.

Nimbus: You might die. Others might die. Are you prepared for that?

Sven: I don't know if I am... but I do know that if I don't go through with this, people will get hurt!

Sven: So, I have to do it! I'm going with you!

Nimbus: All right. Sorry for puttin' you through a test like that, kid.

Sven: A... test?

Nimbus: Also, we're still in the midways. You won't be dyin' any time soon, so relax.

Sven: O-oh! Well... That's good!

Nimbus: Nuff talking. Let's get a move on, Sven!

Sven: Okay!

Nimbus: Show 'em what you've got!

Sven: Hiyaaaa!

Nimbus: Eyes on the target, kid!

Sven: Of course!

Alk: The little guy looks totally spent! What happened?

Nimbus: Heh. We made it to the edge of the midways. Just the two of us.

Alk: What's with the big grin on your face?

Alk: Well. At least Sven is sleeping it off well. He seems so happy just lying there.

Nimbus: He's a merry little mouse, ain't he.

Nimbus: But he certainly does give it his all. That much I can't deny.