Suzuka (New Year)/Stories

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Episode 1
To Yamato We Go

Invited to the diviners' New Year's celebration, Alk and friends bring along Suzuka, who wears a kimono to disguise herself. While shopping, Suzuka hears from Murakumo that there's alcohol for sale, but the others stop her before she can try a sip. After a day exploring the town, Suzuka decides to forget about her worries and swears to enjoy herself.

Suzuka: No way! Impossible! Not happening!

Alk: Wh-what's with that reaction? It's just a New Year's celebration in Yamato.

Suzuka: But the Diviners' Commission is the one planning it! You know, THE Diviners' Commission!

Suzuka: Gaaah, I'm dead if I go there... DEAD, I tell you!

Alk: Um, yeah... I don't think that's gonna happen...

Suzuka: Well, what about the ninjas after me for defecting? Having me around would just put you all in danger...

Stella: But I want you to go with us...

Suzuka: Ahhh! No fair, Stella... Don't pull at my heartstrings like that!

Alk: Actually, now that you're a fugitive, wouldn't that make the diviners your allies?

Suzuka: Would it? Wait... it totally would!

Alk: So there's no reason to worry! We'll have Suizen handle everything.

Suzuka: Did you hear that, Stella? I can go!

Stella: Then we should get you ready.

Suzuka: Wh-why did I have to change into a kimono?

Alk: I mean, you regular clothes make it obvious you're a ninja...

Suzuka: Th-then shouldn't I be wearing a more elaborate disguise? A mere change of clothes won't be enough!

Alk: Nah, that's going a bit overboard. Besides, you look great in that kimono. It'd be a waste to hide you away with a disguise.

Stella: I agree. You look beautiful.

Suzuka: Hehe... You really think so? Thank you.

Inaho: Of course you look beautiful! This kimono was handpicked by Shirano and yours truly, you know! No one could possibly recognize you after such an extreme makeover!

Shirano: Princess, I understand you are trying to reassure her, but that was very rude.

Shirano: However, she is correct. You give off a completely different air from before. I also believe you are safe.

Suzuka: Urgh... Promise? You're so nice, Shirano!

Inaho: Come now, this is a vacation for you, is it not? Then let us make it an enjoyable one!

Suzuka: Ohhh... Inaho, I don't deserve you!

Suzuka: Okay! I'm going to have so much fun, the new year won't even recognize me!

Mizuchi: ...Chairman?

Suizen: It's nothing. Looks like everything's going smoothly.

Suizen: I leave this celebration in your hands, Mizuchi. Don't forget to have fun yourself.

Stella: Are you alright?

Suzuka: Y-yes, I'm fine! I am a ninja, after all. I can just look at this as a good muscle-building exercise!

Suzuka: Eep!

Inaho: You do not seem fine to me... Here I shall help you up!

Alk: Why don't we divide the boxes up? They'll be easier to carry that way.

Suzuka: Urgh... Sorry about this.. and thank you...

Shirano: Oh dear, we shall have to return for the heavier items. Going forward, you would do well to remember that greed has consequences.

Murakumo: Oh, so this is where you all were.

Murakumo: This place is quite exquisite, no? The water here has an exceptional taste. thanks to the mountain air. Which makes the drinks here all the more-

Suzuka: Drinks? A-as in... alcohol?

Alk: Suzukaze.

Alk: No.

Suzuka: Ah, my apologies. Understood.

Soushiro: Oh my, do we have a rowdy drunk on our hands?

Alk: Rowdy doesn't even BEGIN to cover it. It was tragic. I refuse to let Suzuka go through that again.

Suzuka: What exactly did I do?!

Suzuka: Ah, wait, I don't want to know... But at the same time I dooo!

Inaho: Oho, you have piqued my curiosity as we-

Stella: Inaho... No.

Inaho: What did you DO?

Suzuka: That's what I want to know!

Suzuka: Phew...

Alk: What's up? Are you tired?

Suzuka: Ah, not at all! I'm perfectly fine!

Suzuka: I was just thinking... you all are so nice...

Suzuka: Until recently, I never would have imagined such a peaceful life for myself.

Alk: Suzuka...

Suzuka: I'm so... so...

Suzuka: Sooo glad I came to Starview Village! It's practically a paradise!

Suzuka: In comparison, the shinobi village is the darkest, most vile place in all the worlds! It should've been burned to ashes when that kid blew it up!

Alk: Well. I'm glad you're doing okay.

Suzuka: I'm doing better than okay! I'm doing GREAT! Why am I worrying about those jerks so much? Screw them!

Suzuka: I'm going to have even more fun just to spite their stupid faces.

Suzuka: Let's start by sampling that teahouse's specialty dishes!

Stella: Sounds good to me.

Alk: Well, don't eat too much. You need to leave some room for dinner.

Episode 2
Just a Slip

While Suzuka chats with Suizen at the New Year's party, Inaho appears with the Waters of Ecstasy. She gives the drink to Suzuka, but it makes Suzuka drunk. The inebriated Suzuka races off to find Suizen, with Alk chasing after her, only to discover her former ninja superior fighting Suizen. However, instead of running, Suzuka takes all her frustrations out on her superior, putting her in a good mood.

Suizen: Now then, may this party be an enjoyable one. Cheers.

Inaho: Cheers!

Suzuka: This food is so delicious... I'd love a drink with it... but I must resist! Alcohol would pair so well with these dishes, though!

Suizen: It looks like you are all having fun.

Suzuka: Ah, th-the chairma-

Suizen: That's right. I am Suizen, the Chair of the Diviners' Commission. It's nice to finally get a chance to talk with you.

Suzuka: I... Um... Y-yes, it's an honor to f-finally meet you!

Stella: Don't be scared, Suzuka.

Suzuka: B-but!

Inaho: Hey, you diviner doo-doo head! Stop bother my Suzuka this instant!

Suizen: Since when is she "yours"... I was simply making conversation.

Inaho: Hmm... is that true, Suzuka?

Suzuka: Y-yes. We're definitely just talking... Probably.

Inaho: Then I will allow it! But if you need anything, give a holler, you hear me?

Suzuka: *sigh* You're like the boss I've always wanted but never had!

Suizen: And here I thought we could have a quiet conversation. I should have known better...

Suzuka: Hm? Inaho, what's that bottle you're holding?

Inaho: Oh, this ol' thing? This contains a sacred nectar known as the Waters of Ecstasy!

Inaho: Since you cannot drink alcohol, I brought this as an alternative for you!

Suzuka: I-Inaho... Thank you sooo much!

Suzuka: Ahahaha! Look at the plates! I can really dish out a good performance, can't I?

Suzuka: More plates, pleeease!

Inaho: Wh-what happened to her?

Alk: Ah, geez... Not again... Inaho, what did you give her?

Inaho: I-I just gave her a drink from my mother's collection-

Mizuchi: Are you talking about the Waters of Ecstasy? That liquid has an intoxicating effect on humans!

Suzuka: Wheee! Haha!

Suzuka: Hehe, you two are just so adorable...

Suzuka: Two... Two cutie-pies in a league all their own!

Mizuchi: S-Suzuka... Please, control yourself...

Stella: We've got our work cut out for us, Mizuchi.

Suzuka: Wait a minute... Where's little Suizen?

Alk: Ah... Maybe he had some work to take care of?

Suzuka: But I didn't even get to punch his cheeks! We should go find him!

Suizen: To get like that after a few drinks, she must have had a lot bottled up inside.

Suizen: Or perhaps she was always like that. You all would know, correct?

Master Ninja: So you were aware of our presence... Are you mocking us?

Suizen: You were pretty obvious. Did you think this would be easy? We have a fugitive ninja, a celestial maiden, and the Diviners' Commission on our side, you know.

Suizen: You seem rather flustered.

Master Ninja: Y-you little... How DARE you look down on us!

Suzuka: Ah, I spy with my little eye... our adorable Suizen!

Suzuka: So this is where you were! We were looking all over for you, you know!

Alk: Um, looks we're interrupting your work after all.

Suizen: Well, yes, but you entrance has spoiled the dramatic atmosphere a bit.

Master Ninja: So you're back, Suzukaze!

Suzuka: Hm? What're you guys doing here? You on vacation too?

Master Ninja: You dimwitted-

Master Ninja: Forsaking your ninja way has disgraced you! I cannot bear the sight of such disgusting tomfoolery! You must be disposed of!

Master Ninja: Fall into the dark depths of-

Master Ninja: What the- Suzukaze, you dare to-

Suzuka: Ugh, will you just SHUT UP already!

Suzuka: You just keep yapping, and I'm sick of it! All you're doing is reminding me of all the bad times, just when I was having fun!

Suzuka: Well, I've had it up to HERE with you!

Master Ninja: Wh-what are you-

Suzuka: I've been waiting to say this for a long, LONG time...

Suzuka: You're too damn gloomy! The whole lot of you! All this talk about forsaking this, and betraying that, and blah, blah, BLAH!

Suzuka: But if ONE person complains to their superior or anyone else, THEY'RE the bad guy! What kinda sense does that make?!

Master Ninja: You-

Suzuka: What's so disgusting about me, anyway?! I'll have you know these clothes were picked out for me by my friends! I've never been better!

Suzuka: Hey, are you listening?!

Alk: Were you planning on taking them all out on your own?

Suizen: I was just out for a stroll. I promise.

Suizen: You can play with your former colleagues to your heart's content. The commission will take care of the rest.

Suzuka: Okaaay! Thank you!

Suzuka: By the way... Can I pinch your cheeks?

Suizen: Huh?

Episode 3
Performing in Style

Suzuka, now sober, discovers that her drunk self had signed up for the New Year's talent show. Having no routine, she turns to Alk who puts his producer skills to use, and Suzuka is able to dazzle the audience with her ninja arts. however, Suzuka quickly realizes that the spectacle has caused her to reveal that she is a ninja in disguise, adn she cries out in panic, not knowing she already kicked the stuffing out of her ninja superior before.

Suzuka: Ugh...

Suzuka: I did it again! Stella TOLD me to be more careful, and I let her down!

Suzuka: The Diviners' Commission even dropped by to thank me for yesterday. Just what did I do?

Suzuka: I need to ask someone what happened, but if I do, they'll find out I don't remember anything. What if they kick me out of Starview Village?!

Stella: Suzuka, are you all right?

Suzuka: Y-yes, I'm perfectly fine! Please don't kick me out!

Stella: What are you talking about?

Suzuka: Huh? I'm not in trouble?

Suzuka: I-I mean, never mind me! O-oh yeah, what's with all the flashy people around? Is something going on today?

Alk: Huh? Ah, lemme guess... You don't remember...

Inaho: This is not the time to be loafing around, Suzuka! Come here this instant!

Suzuka: Alk, please... What's going on?!

Alk: They're holding a New Year's talent show today.

Suzuka: O-okay... What does that have to do with me?

Alk: Well, you insisted on participating...

Suzuka: I...

Inaho: And to make things interesting, you and I turned it into a competition!

Inaho: This is no mere talent show, Suzuka. It's a battle between rivals!

Suzuka: What do I do now?

Alk: Well, have fun, of course.

Suzuka: Are you INSANE?!

Suzuka: There's no way I can get up on that stage! Help meee!

Alk: Uhh... If it's that terrifying, you can just withdraw...

Suzuka: I can't do that!

Suzuka: Of course I want to, but...

Suzuka: If drunk me keeps messing up like this, Stella could kick me out of Starview Village!

Alk: Yeah, I don't think she'd do that...

Suzuka: Regardless, I don't want to disappoint Stella any more than I already have!

Suzuka: Please, Alk, I'm begging you. Help me!

Suzuka: There must be some way to turn someone like me into a performer good enough to impress Stella, right?

Alk: It may not sound like it, but you're asking for a lot, you know that?

Alk: Hmm... Given the time limit, it's probably best to make use of your natural talents and individuality...

Suzuka: Uh... Alk, what are those?

Mr. Producer: We don't have time for questions. We need to get practicing right away.

Mr. Producer: For starters, can you show me all your ninja equipment?

MC: And that's all for Inaho and the fox kits! Thank you very much!

MC: Up next is... Ah, our next performer wishes to remain anonymous... Is that allowed? Well, whatever! Come on up, whoever you are!

Suzuka: Ah, uh, umm... Yes, th-that's me!

Mr. Producer: Don't worry! You've got this!

Light: We'll be cheering you on!

Stella: You can do it, Suzuka.

Suzuka: All right, Suzuka, breathe...

Suzuka: I'm entry number seven! I hope you enjoy my performance!

Mizuchi: I see! She's performing using her ninja arts!

Inaho: Oho, good call, Suzuka. I am impressed!

Stella: She's shining so brightly...

Alk: Yeah, she could give herself more credit...

Inaho: I shall admit defeat. You won fair and square!

Inaho: That being said, that show of yours was a real eye-opener! For something so plain, it sure was aggressive!

Suzuka: Um, thank you... I think? That doesn't sound like a compliment!

Stella: It was very cool.

Suzuka: Ah... Hehe... I'm so glad I did all that practice.

Suzuka: It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Audience: Hey, she's the one who did that performance, right?

Audience: That was something else, huh? I think she's a ninja from the East...

Suzuka: ...Wait.

Suzuka: Um... Wasn't that whole point of me changing clothes to hide my identity?

Alk: Ah... Yeah, now that you mention it...

Suzuka: I just showed off my ninja arts for all the world to see... My cover's completely blown!

Alk: Well, I don't think you need to worry about those ninjas anyways.

Suizen: Indeed. You won't be hearing from them again.

Suzuka: Why are you two so calm about this? I'm in deep, deep trouble!

Suzuka: Nooo! Somebody help me!