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Episode 1
Suzuka the Ninja, on the Job!

After receiving new orders from above, Suzuka winds up in Starview Village by accident. She meets Light and, suspecting that he might be involved in some mysterious disappearances, pretends to lose her memories. Afraid of being sent to the Diviners' Commission, she begs to stay in Starview Village.

Samurai: At attention, Suzuka!

Suzuka: Sir! Commander Suzukaze, reporting for duty!

Samurai: As announced earlier, we have been tasked with investigating the mysterious disappearances.

Samurai: The diviners will not tolerate any delay. We each have a part to play in clearing our names in this matter!

Suzuka: Yes, sir!

Master Ninja: Suzukaze, your task is to deal with the fugitive ninja involved in the disappearances.

Master Ninja: The law of ninja is absolute—the sentence for defectors is death. Execute without hesitation.

Suzuka: As you command!

Suzuka: Why... Why MEEEEE?!

Suzuka: There's absolutely NO way I'm cut out for this! I mean, it was a total fluke I ended up commander anyway!

Suzuka: Besides, it's the diviners' job to look into this kind of stuff! Why'd us ninjas get saddled with work too?

Suzuka: And this whole fugitive business... Forget offing the other person, I'm totally dying first!

Suzuka: We're talking about a child prodigy here—the same one that blew up an entire village! I'm deader than dead if I pick a fight!

Suzuka: Grr... Those big wigs probably just needed a convenient sacrifice so they don't lose any more of the good ninjas...

Suzuka: *sniff* Why, oh why, was I born a ninja?

Suzuka: Gah! Wh-what's happening?!

Suzuka: You've got to be kidding me!

Suzuka: Not like thiiis!

Alk: Everyone ready for Kaleidoscope—

Suzuka: Aaaahhhh!

Alk: I can't... see...

Nimbus: Who's this?

Suzuka: Ugh...

Suzuka: Nngh... Huh?

Suzuka: Gahh! Wuh-what?! Where am I?

Suzuka: Ohmigosh, a-a-a real yokai? Please don't eat me—I'm too young to die!

Nimbus: And give myself an upset stomach? No thanks.

Stella: That's Nimbus. I don't think he's yokai.

Stella: Hello, and welcome to Starview Village.

Suzuka: Oh, uh, nice to... meet you? I'm Suzuka.

Suzuka: And where exactly is this Starview Village? I think I got spirited away here somehow...

Light: No need to panic. I assume you hail from Yamato, judging by your clothes. We can send you home in no time.

Suzuka: (This thing can send me places? Does he know something about the disappearances? He's sus! TOTALLY sus!)

Suzuka: (This calls for some sleuthing!)

Suzuka: Oh no, my head hurts a ton! I can't... remember who I am!

Alk: Did you just... get amnesia?

Suzuka: That's right! Oh, woe is me! I have no memories!

Suzuka: I wouldn't have anywhere to go, even if you sent me to the East. I'd rather stay here with you guys.

Suzuka: Promise I can be helpful! I've lived by myself for so long, I can do house chores blindfolded!

Suzuka: I'm in pretty good shape too! Whatever you need, I'm your girl!

Nimbus: You know you lived by yourself a while, huh? What happened to losing your memories?

Suzuka: U-uh, I only meant that as a gut feeling! I don't actually remember!

Alk: You mentioned the East without us saying anything... You SURE you're not a ninja from there?

Suzuka: A n-ninja?! Wuh-wha... What's that?

Suzuka: Urgh... Why do I always—

Light: Always?

Light: Maybe we should just bring her to the Diviners' Commission and let them deal with this.

Suzuka: The commission?! Now h-hold on just a moment there! Please don't take me to those meanies!

Suzuka: Let me stay here... I'll do anything...

Stella: Light...

Light: Surely you see how suspicious she is.

Stella: Regardless, I am capable of monitoring her.

Alk: She's not a bad person either... probably.

Nimbus: (Rather, she's so bad at keeping secrets I doubt we have anything to worry about.)

Light: All right... We keep an eye on her for the time being then.

Stella: We will be watching your every move, Suzuka.

Suzuka: H-hooray? Thank you so much! Promise you won't regret it!

Episode 2
Hard Pass on that Ninja Life!

The gang goes out for dinner and drinks. After hearing Suzuka's complaints of the ninja life, Alk points out that as long as Suzuka is in Starview Village, she can quit being a ninja and not worry about becoming a fugitive. Realizing this, she hits the drinks a little too hard celebrating her new life with her first real friends.

Suzuka: H-here I go!

Suzuka: Gwah!

Suzuka: *sigh*

Nimbus: What's up? Had enough already?

Suzuka: YOU'VE seen how many times I've tripped on my own feet today! A lady can only deal with so much in one day!

Nimbus: It's honestly kinda impressive how much you trip and roll over.

Alk: You've even saved our behinds a couple times like that.

Suzuka: R-really?

Stella: Statistically speaking—

Suzuka: Statistically?!

Stella: Eighty percent of Suzuka's falls end up assisting us.

Stella: The other twenty percent actively puts us in unfavorable positions.

Light: No reward without risk. Besides, the odds are in our favor.

Light: Stand proud, Suzuka. Your assistance has been of great help.

Suzuka: Oh, gosh... You really mean that? Thank you, thank you!

Suzuka: I've never been praised like that before... I could just...

Alk: I'm not really feeling like cooking tonight... You thinking what I'm thinking?

Nimbus: Hear that, ninja girl? How about it?

Nimbus: We're about to grab some food and drinks. You coming or not?

Suzuka: Someone pinch me... Did I actually just get invited to dinner after work with coworkers?

Light: Everyone have their drinks? Very good... Cheers!

Suzuka: Wowie... I'm so happy I could die...

Alk: Please don't.

Suzuka: Okay, I'm not actually! I just never knew it was possible to be this happy with other people!

Nimbus: She drunk or something?

Light: She must have been through a lot... I imagine her previous companions were not the friendly sort.

Suzuka: Friendly? HA! Give me a break—most of my comrades literally DIED for their duty!

Suzuka: And when they did, everyone else told off all the people who cried!

Suzuka: Ugh... I'm SO over this job. I wish I could just quit already!

Stella: Can you not?

Suzuka: A ninja's a ninja for life, Stella! If you even try to run, they'll hunt you down no matter where you go—

Alk: But you're in a different world now. Aren't you safe so long as you're in Starview Village?

Suzuka: Th-that's...

Suzuka: Th-that's totally true! How did I not notice such a simple fact?!

Suzuka: I guess I don't need to keep it a secret anymore...

Suzuka: Everyone, the truth is... I'm a ninja!

Alk: We... already knew that.

Suzuka: I'm leaving the ninja life for good! Right now—you'd better believe it!

Nimbus: Usually I'd tell you to shut up, but... today's an exception.

Suzuka: That's more like it!

Suzuka: I'm telling you, they're the worst! The worst of the worst! Are you listening?!

Alk: Yep. All ears. Totally.

Suzuka: The way they spoke to me was awful too! Always telling me how to act and dress! Ugh, makes me so mad!

Suzuka: Sure, I actually did bumble my way to commander somehow, but they treated me like some floozy!

Alk: Right. How awful. Truly terrible. The worst.

Suzuka: You see where I'm coming from? I knew you would, Alk! You're so smart! And cute!

Suzuka: I just wanna pinch your cheeks...

Alk: Can someone get her off me?

Suzuka: Eurgh, my head... How'd I get back?

Suzuka: Oh, Alk—

Alk: I... I didn't see anything!

Suzuka: H-huh? Hold on, what—

Suzuka: Oh... Stella! Why did Alk just...

Suzuka: Why are you keeping your distance?

Stella: Suzuka... You should take it easy on the alcohol.

Suzuka: Say what? What in the world did I do yesterday?!

Suzuka: Eurgh, maybe it's better if I don't know...

Episode 3
Ninja No More!

Suzuka and Stella end up accidentally transporting to Yamato, where another ninja spots them and mistakes Stella for a celestial maiden. He demands that Suzuka hand Stella over, but Suzuka refuses and fights back. Alk and the others arrive to help, and once the ninja are dealt with, Suzuka announces her retirement from the ninja life. She is quick to follow her friends back home to Starview Village.

Suzuka: Wallet? Check! Shopping list from Alk? Check! Ready to go with all my gear!

Stella: Then we go.

Suzuka: Made it to Palpebra!

Suzuka: Or not?! Where are we?!

Suzuka: Everything looks familiar somehow...

Stella: I believe we've arrived at the East.

Suzuka: Yeah, now that you mention it... this IS Yamato! How did we get here?

Stella: A transfer error, if I had to guess.

Suzuka: Oh, no, no, no! Don't tell me my bad luck landed us here!

Stella: It was probably an error on my part. I'm sorry, Suzuka.

Suzuka: Y-you don't have to apologize! It was an accident, right? Then it's nobody's fault!

Suzuka: We should figure out how we're gonna get back!

Stella: Once we locate the World Flipper, we can return to Starview Village.

Suzuka: Sounds like a plan—I'll keep you safe in the meantime!

Master Ninja: Well, well... look what the wind dragged in. We thought you'd gone for good, Suzukaze. And the girl with you...

Master Ninja: We require her for further observation. Let's go.

Stella: We are close, but if we go any further, Yamato—

Suzuka: Watch out!

Master Ninja: Have you heard the latest rumors in the city? Apparently there is a celestial maiden among us.

Suzuka: *gasp* What are you doing here?

Master Ninja: Those rumors are doubly interesting, now that I see the presence of the diviner with you.

Master Ninja: Suzukaze, hand her over.

Suzuka: I, uh... That...

Master Ninja: Don't tell me... you've grown to care for her?

Master Ninja: If you know what's good for you, you WILL comply!

Suzuka: Aaaahhh!

Master Ninja: You're not getting away!

Suzuka: Eurgh...

Master Ninja: Enough delusions. You have been and always will be a ninja... A tool to be used.

Suzuka: Urk...

Master Ninja: Give up.

Master Ninja: Hand her over, Suzukaze.

Suzuka: Rgh... Raaaahhh!

Suzuka: Nuh-uh, no way!

Suzuka: That's a big fat no from me!

Suzuka: There's no WAY I'm double-crossing one of my first real friends!

Master Ninja: You dare defy me?!

Suzuka: Stella!

Stella: I trust you.

Suzuka: I'll protect you, no matter what!

Suzuka: Ninja Art: Kamaitachi Gale!

Master Ninja: You fool! Do you understand what you're doing?!

Nimbus: I think it's pretty obvious, don't you think?

Suzuka: Everyone! How did you get here?

Fox Kit: Yokai Network, at your service.

Master Ninja: Disgusting creatures, all of you!

Nimbus: Look alive, Ninja Girl! The faster we take care of these punks, the sooner we can grab some after-quest drinks!

Suzuka: You know it!

Suzuka: *pant* *pant* Sorry, but... I'm quitting the ninja life.

Suzuka: Stella has nothing to do with the disappearances. I know you won't believe me, and the evidence looks bad, but I'm telling the truth.

Suzuka: Hunt me down all you want. Just leave my friends out of it.

Suzuka: Goodbye.

Nimbus: That was pretty formal for you.

Suzuka: I can pull it off when the occasion calls for it!

Stella: Let's go, Suzuka.

Suzuka: Don't need to tell me twice! Starview Village, here we come!