Suizen (White Day)/Stories

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Episode 1
Episode 1


Cafe Owner: Welcome! And...

Cafe Owner: Congratulations, you're our 314th customer of the day!

Cafe Owner: As luck would have it, you've won yourself a grand prize!

Cafe Owner: Come on in and have a gander at your gift!

Suizen: Cease your blathering.

Alk: Wh-whoa, what's the big idea, Suizen?

Suizen: Ah, perhaps I overreacted just a tad. My apologies.

Suizen: You say that I am today's 314th customer, and yet I can practically hear crickets chirping from how empty your store is.

Suizen: Still, I'm not heartless enough to walk away from someone in need. If you'll be honest from now on, I'll listen to what you have to say about your troubles.

Alk: You need a guy to be your promo boy?

Cafe Owner: Yeah... You see, our shopping district decided to have all the stores participate in one big White Fest promo.

Cafe Owner: But our business is already short on hands, and our budget is tight enough as is-

Suizen: So you decided to rope a customer into helping.

Suizen: Normally I'd berate you for how foolish such a plan would be, but for someone who's been driven into a corner, it's an impressive gamble.

Stella: I also think it was an interesting idea.

Alk: Uh, Suizen. Don't tell me you're wearing that outfit because you're actually gonna help them...

Suizen: But of course. You know me, always interfering with other people's business. If I can help someone, then I will do al I can to assist.

Cafe Owner: Th-thank you so, so much!

Suizen: Then let's get started immediately, shall we? Firstly, there are many issues with your store beyond just the White Fest preparations...

Suizen: The most egregious of which is the negative energy dwelling within the place. You're going to attract more than a few nasty customers if this keeps up.

Cafe Owner: H-how do we go about fixing that?

Suizen: By changing the flow of thoughts that occur in these walls. Redecorating and adjusting your business model should do the trick.

Suizen: To do that, I'll need you to go over your business in detail and teach me everything you've been doing-

Cafe Owner: I'll do it! Whatever you need, I'll provide!

Suizen: Is that so? Excellent.

Alk: That smile is giving me seriously bad vibes...

Mizuchi: I must concur...

Alk: Hmm...

Nimbus: Hey. What're you looking all constipated for?

Alk: Trying to think up a new sweet... Suizen said he'd do it, but I figured I should help somehow-

Nimbus: You sure he even needs it? He looks like he's already come up with something.

Suizen: You've come at a good time. Would you like to help with tasting my test sample?

Alk: Wait... Huh?! You already finished making it...

Suizen: That's because I used an already existing recipe. This is a popular sweet from the East.

Suizen: Please, dig in.

Alk: My tongue... The flavors! The texture! This is amazing!

Nimbus: But too sweet for my tastes, but hey... not bad. I think Stella and the mothers would be super into it.

Alk: Gosh, Suizen... You really can do anything you put your mind to, huh?

Suizen: Within reason. I know my limits.

Suizen: Anyway, if I have your seal of approval, then this should do fine on our new menu.

Suizen: All that's left is to unveil my trump card. Might as well use everything within my repertoire, now that I've come this far.

Suizen: Welcome, ladies. We hope you'll enjoy your visit.

Soushiro & Murakumo: Stay as long as you like.

Alk: This is crazy. I'm blown away. Seriously...

Suizen: You should work your own charm too, you know?

Alk: ...Why help out to this extent though?

Suizen: To facilitate the forming of bonds. I have a feeling this town will be a place where many destinies intertwine.

Suizen: Besides, I wanted to take this chance to test out a new curse.

Alk: C-curse?! Y-you're joking, right?

Suizen: Yes, I am.

Suizen: I must say, it's interesting how utilizing curses is similar to conducting business.

Suizen: Vigilance is key for success in either.

Suizen: Welcome. I'll be with you in just a moment.

Alk: He's seriously something else...

Alk: But I guess if he's having fun, then that's what counts.

Alk & Suizen: Weclome!

Episode 2
Episode 2


Alk: You want to drum up MORE business for White Fest?

Cafe Owner: Yes, but not just for me. I'm extremely grateful for how much you've helped my shop, but the shopping district as a whole isn't doing too well...

Cafe Owner: We'd appreciate it greatly if you could lend us more of your wisdom!

Nimbus: Y'know, this is YOUR business. Don'tcha think you're relying too much on other people-

Suizen: That's fine by me. If you truly think my expertise that valuable, then I'll do all I can to assist.

Suizen: The purpose of White Fest is to show appreciation for those you care for, correct?

Cafe Owner: Y-yeah, that's the idea. Mostly you give sweets as a present to the people you wanna thank.

Suizen: In that case, appealing to emotion should be the simplest way to drum up business.

Suizen: Welcome home, Dad! I behaved all day, just like you told me to!

Suizen: Yeah, everything's fine. See? I can handle stuff by myself!

Suizen: Huh? You got me a present?

Suizen: Thanks, Dad! I love you!

Suizen: Just like that, you too can show appreciation for those closest to you! Don't miss out on our special White Fest sale!

Nimbus: Anyone else feel like hurling, or just me?

Mizuchi: Chairman, you... you shouldn't... But... Aaahhh...

Suizen: Heh. Was my acting not a thing of beauty?

Alk: Suizen! If you're here... does that mean that's a shikigami over on stage?

Suizen: No, this one here is the shikigami. Acting like that requires more finesse than my shikigami is currently capable of.

Alk: I-I guess that makes sense... You're really drawing the crowd in with your skills.

Suizen: Is there something you'd like to say?

Nimbus: Nah, not really. Not like you'd listen to me, anyway.

Suizen: Do you think it pathetic that I, someone without parents, am acting like I know what familial love is like?

Nimbus: Now you're just putting words in my mouth. If that's what you think I'm thinking, then you're off the mark.

Nimbus: ...Not gonna lie though. This whole charade rubs my fur the wrong way.

Alk: Doing more research?

Suizen: It appears that the town is populated by quite a number of orphans. I've realized my current strategy is in poor taste and have decided to look for other options.

Alk: You know, Nimbus was only worried about you. Not that he'd admit it out loud.

Suizen: Mhmm. He wasn't the only one. Mizuchi also voided a few concerns.

Suizen: Do I truly appear to be taking on more than I can handle?

Alk: Well, it wouldn't be the first time...

Suizen: I see. This was all meant to be a way for me to relax, if you'll believe it.

Alk: R-relax?! You're kidding.

Suizen: I'm not. Consider that, as chairman of the Diviners' Commission, I am normally beholden to the opinions of my superiors and subordinates.

Suizen: It's honestly refreshing to be able to direct matters however I please.

Alk: In other words, all this work is actually... fun?

Suizen: I suppose. It reminds me a lot of moving pieces around a shogi board, so yes... I would say I'm enjoying myself.

Alk: You're quite the guy, Suizen.

Suizen: Glad you can recognize that.

Alk: Well, don't let me get in the way of your fun.

Alk: Actually... Won't you let me join in?

Alk: Everything's better with friends, right? Not gonna lie, I felt a little left out when I was racking my brains for an idea, and you came up with a sweet all on your own.

Suizen: I see.

Suizen: In that case, why don't we come up with another sweet as our next strategy?

Alk: I'd be down for that!

Alk: Er, do you really have to be so precise with your measurements? Pretty sure the recipe just says "a heaping spoonful."

Suizen: Of course. It's the fault of the recipe maker for being so careless with vague instructions.

Suizen: Not all of us are skilled enough to get by an instinct like you, Alk.

Alk: This is turning out to be tougher than I expected it to be...

Suizen: Heheh. I won't hear any complaints now.

Nimbus: What the hell're those two up to?

Stella: They're making sweets together.

Mizuchi: Indeed. It seems we needn't have worried.

Nimbus: Who was worried, huh?

Suizen: *sigh*

Alk: Whoa! That was awesome! You're so good at this, Suizen!

Suizen: You don't need to compliment me every time I flip the skillet.

Episode 3
Episode 3


Suizen: Mizuchi, I have an urgent request.

Suizen: I need you to make preparations for a party posthaste.

Mizuchi: Of course, leave everything to me-

Mizuchi: Did... you just say... party?

Suizen: I did. I've already prepared letters of invitation, so if you could, deliver those as well.

Suizen: I swear, I have no ulterior motives. This is meant to simply be a good time.

Suizen: We should invite that devious fox and her kits too.

Mizuchi: A-all right!

Inaho: This is unfair! How is it that a diviner like you gets to wear new clothes?

Inaho: Diviners are not allowed to look good!

Suizen: It's not my fault if you feel inferior. I told you to come dressed for the occasion.

Fox Kit: Izumi looks cute!

Fox Kit: Very cute!

Fox Kit: And cool!

Shirano: I am curious as to what brought this on. I never imagined you would invite us to a celebration...

Suizen: I was inspired by my experience with White Fest in Palpebra. It's a holiday for the purpose of expressing appreciation.

Inaho: Does that mean you wish to thank us? But whatever for?

Suizen: Your confusion is understandable, I suppose.

Soushiro: Izumi, I apologize for the wait.

Inaho: Oh! Hello, everyone! I am pleased to see you all here!

Suizen: I wanted to thank you all for the other day. Though this is but a paltry way to express it...

Suizen: I hope you'll find this dinner and flower viewing experience to be enjoyable.

Shirano: You made this strawberry daifuku?

Suizen: It was my handiwork, yes, but Alk was the one who suggested the recipe.

Alk: I figured it was the perfect dessert to go along with the scenery!

Soushiro: A pleasing combination, indeed. I commend your foresight.

Shirano: Your proficiency in cooking is surprising. I could teach you a think or two, if you wish.

Suizen: A diviner being taught how to cook by a yokai? My superiors would be furious if they found out... Which means I would be more than happy to take you up on the offer.

Suizen: Before that, however... I have request: could you guide me somewhere?

Shirano: Lady Kuzunoha. You have a visitor.

Shirano: Lady Kuzunoha!

???: I heard you the first time.

Kuzunoha: What did you come here for, boy?

Kuzunoha: Worried that we aren't holding up our end of the deal?

Suizen: Not at all. I merely bring a gift.

Suizen: Though it is meager compared to all I owe, I hope you'll accept this homemade present.

Kuzunoha: Hoping to curry favor with the Nine-tailed Fox, are we?

Suizen: Oh dear. I'd heard that, like your daughter, you had a weakness for sweets. Is this gift not to your liking?

Kuzunoha: ...Hand it over.

Kuzunoha: It's good.

Suizen: I'm glad to hear it.

Suizen: You know, I'd once heard a tale about a mighty diviner who was raised by a fox.

Suizen: Quite a few people have compared me to the diviner in that story.

Kuzunoha: What are you trying to imply?

Suizen: Nothing. I suppose that, if that diviner was me...

Suizen: Then he must have departed this world with his heart full of happiness and appreciation.

Suizen: That's all I wished to say.

Kuzunoha: Is that so...

Kuzunoha: I'll be taking all this daifuku.

Kuzunoha: ...Be well, boy.

Suizen: I will, thank you.

Suizen: Mizuchi, my ever faithful comrade in arms- I owe you my thanks as well.

Suizen: Shirano, if your offer earlier was not made in jest, then I would love to learn cooking from you.

Shirano: I would be more than glad to be your teacher.