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Episode 1
The Diviners' Comeback

Suizen visits Starview to propose an alliance with the Diviners' Commission—offering to join the party himself as part of the deal. He resolves to unveil the secrets surrounding Stella's doppelganger.

Light: Stella is at it again.

Alk: Yeah. She's been glued to the World Flipper doing checks and maintenance.

Light: After seeing the masked girl summon Orochi with a World Flipper, I suppose I can hardly blame Stella for her caution.

Stella: Something is coming.

Suizen: Oh, I wasn't expecting such a welcome party. Could you tell I was coming?

Light: Suizen?!

Suizen: It has been a while. I trust you've been in good health?

Alk: Yes, but gosh, you gave us a good scare. Why the sudden visit?

Suizen: A simple test of Yamato's World Flipper, as it IS under my jurisdiction.

Suizen: The Diviners' Commission thanks you for your assistance, Stella. We could not have recovered it ourselves.

Stella: My assistance?

Suizen: The synchronization. Our World Flipper has been running continuously ever since.

Suizen: Any layman could walk straight through to another world. Honestly, it's as troublesome as it is convenient.

Suizen: I assure you, however, the Commission is taking the utmost care to guard it. You need not worry about unwanted visitors.

Light: I can think of a few foxes who'd be all too excited to sneak through...

Alk: You said you were just testing the World Flipper out, Suizen. Do you have time for a chat, or were you going to head straight back?

Suizen: I have a matter to discuss with you, actually.

Suizen: As Chair of the Diviners' Commission, I, Gogyou Suizen, would like to propose an alliance.

Suizen: Stella, Light, Alk. As the representatives of Starview Village, would you agree to enter a pact with the Diviners' Commission?

Light: An alliance? Why?

Suizen: As you are well aware, Yamato is comprised of two merged worlds— the Yamato of the East, and the Yamato of the West.

Suizen: The Commission endeavors to understand the merge's cause, as well as alleviate the confusion and chaos it brought about.

Suizen: In our haste, we played right into the Grand Diviner—that masked woman's plans, but... Our true goal still stands.

Stella: Did she know what caused the merge?

Suizen: I believe so, yes. I would not be surprised if she caused it herself.

Suizen: Your fates are closely intertwined with hers, leading me to believe you may be instrumental in exposing the truth.

Light: I see. You wish us to provide intelligence.

Suizen: Put simply, yes. In exchange, I offer my services as the Commission's most powerful diviner. Ask, and I shall lend you my full support!

Alk: That's a dramatic way to say you want to join the party.

Alk: We'd never say no to some extra help, right Stella?

Stella: Of course. Welcome to Starview Village, Suizen.

Stella: However...

Stella: You may not do anything as rash as before.

Suizen: Yes... I more than learned my lesson.

Stella: Hello, Suizen. You've come to browse the library?

Suizen: Yes, I find reading a highly efficient means to obtain information.

Suizen: You have quite an assortment here though, I must say. Picture books, fantasy novels, and... Is this—? You have manga?

Stella: We shelves books from friends in many worlds. I can hardly believe how much the collection has grown.

Suizen: In that case, I will look into transferring some of the Commission's collection over. It may prove useful.

Suizen: ...Stella. Stella, please allow me to be blunt—

Suizen: You are almost identical to the masked woman we saw, and claim to be the "Keeper" of the World Flipper. Who are you, really?

Stella: For as long as I can remember, I was always here watching over the stars—the worlds—by myself.

Stella: That's all I ever did until Alk and Light came.

Stella: Maybe some part of me is broken... Malfunctioning?

Suizen: You have my deepest apologies, Stella. I did not wish to doubt you, but I could not help but ask.

Stella: I don't mind. I would also like to know who that woman was—and who I am.

Suizen: I promise you, I shall aid and protect you in your pursuit of the truth.

Suizen: There is one answer I can provide you now.

Suizen: You are neither broken nor malfunctioning.

Suizen: If anything, you were the one who got me back on my feet after I broke down.

Stella: I-it wasn't only me. Inaho helped too.

Suizen: Yes, you're right. Ahaha, I suppose I owe her too.

Episode 2
Diviner and Divinity

Suizen meets with Inaho's mother to strike a bargain: the party will restore the corrupted World Flipper she's stuck guarding if she agrees to subdue the yokai wreaking havoc in the East.

Suizen: It would seem my predictions were correct.

Suizen: A dark World Flipper... This must be what connected the East and West.

Alk: I thought you agreed not to do anything rash.

Suizen: Alk? And Stella too. What are you doing here?

Stella: We heard you snuck off somewhere dangerous on your own, so we came to help you.

Alk: You don't have to do everything by yourself, you know?

Suizen: But infiltration is most successful in minimal— No, I suppose you're right. I should have consulted you earlier.

Suizen: I planned to ask this later, but as you are here now; Stella, can you tell what's wrong with this World Flipper?

Stella: It's out of control. Suizen, could this be—?

Suizen: The cause of the two Yamatos' merge, if my theories are correct. We must be quiet though. This forest belongs to—

???: Me. What business have you in my domain, mortals?

Alk: You're— Wait, Inaho?

Suizen: Alk, stay back! That's not Inaho!

Suizen: Her aura is unmistakable... This is the yokai queen of legends— the golden fox, She of Nine Tails!

Nine-tailed Fox: You know of me, and yet you dare trespass upon my lands?

Nine-tailed Fox: Foolish.

Nine-tailed Fox: An army of thousands would prove me no challenge. You few truly thought you could best me?

Alk: You—!

Suizen: Seal: Barrier!

Suizen: Everyone, please calm down. She of Nine Tails, we do not wish to fight you. I came to negotiate with you.

Nine-tailed Fox: Negotiate? And to what do I owe the oh so grand honor of civil conversation with a diviner?

Nine-tailed Fox: You intrigue me, child. Speak.

Suizen: I would like to ask you to subdue the yokai appearing in the East, and take them under your command.

Nine-tailed Fox: You would, would you?

Suizen: When we lifted the elemental seal upon them, countless spirits returned to their once-home, Yamato of the East.

Suizen: Now, the East is overrun with more yokai than we diviners can contain. It is only a matter of time before they begin invading the West.

Nine-tailed Fox: I see. Pitting the yokai against each other, so your diviners can watch from the sidelines. Not a bad deal for YOU, is it?

Suizen: In exchange, the Diviners' Commission will ensure your borders are respected by humans.

Nine-tailed Fox: I have heard enough. I do not see merit in lending you our aid.

Nine-tailed Fox: To the contrary, we of the West shall celebrate your fall when the Eastern yokai overthrow your lofty little commission.

Nine-tailed Fox: If I am to crush them either way, I may as well get some use out of the Easterners first.

Suizen: Can you crush them alone, though? I don't believe you can—at least not with this World Flipper demanding so much of your power.

Suizen: What did you do when your daughter was captured? When Orochi wreaked havoc upon Yamato? You did nothing.

Suizen: There was nothing you COULD do, because you were here, keeping the corrupted World Flipper at bay.

Stella: That World Flipper appears to be malfunctioning. I should be able to stabilize it.

Nine-tailed Fox: I am indeed suppressing this rift between worlds. You free me from this duty, and in exchange I will subdue the yokai of the East.

Nine-tailed Fox: A nice bargain, I suppose, but do you truly believe I will uphold my end of it? Do not presume seals and talismans will bind me.

Stella: I do believe. I know you'll keep your promise.

Nine-tailed Fox: Oh? On what grounds?

Stella: You're Inaho's mother.

Nine-tailed Fox: Do not take me for my foolish daughter. But yes, my daughter owes you her life. I suppose it falls upon me to repay her debt.

Nine-tailed Fox: Diviner!

Suizen: Yes, She of Nine Tails.

Nine-tailed Fox: You may consider your negotiations successful. The Eastern yokai shall be subdued.

Nine-tailed Fox: However, this is neither an alliance, nor a treaty. The yokai are not your friends!

Suizen: ...I daresay your daughter feels otherwise.

Nine-tailed Fox: She may, but I do not share such sentiments.

Suizen: ...Understood. Your aid alone is more than cause for gratitude. Thank you.

Nine-tailed Fox: Hah! Very well, child. I leave the rest to you.

Suizen: Whew— I'm glad that ended well. I don't think I've ever held my breath so long.

Suizen: I am sorry to have worried you, Mizuchi. And thank you two for coming to check on me.

Alk: That sure was nerve-wracking! It's a good thing she's on our side...

Stella: She reminded me of Inaho. I could see the family resemblance.

Suizen: ...You were right. I should have relied on you from the start.

Suizen: Are you ready to stabilize the World Flipper? Mizuchi, you'll help too, right?

Stella: I'm ready. I need to keep my end of the promise.

Suizen: With this, we're one step closer to restoring order to Yamato!

Episode 3
Child of Tengu

At Shirano's request, Suizen guides a lost harpy back to her mother. He is rewarded for his efforts with a present from the nine-tailed fox, and expresses his own gratitude.

Fox Kit: This way! Over here!

Fox Kit: Hurry up!

Suizen: I'm coming, I'm coming! ...Always the troublemakers, those three.

Suizen: That must be the yokai.

Shirano: You're here! Thank you for coming.

Suizen: This must be the odd yokai you mentioned. She certainly doesn't look like the average yokai.

Shirano: I've never seen any like her— in the West OR East.

Suizen: She must've come here from another world. I can see why you called for me.

Harpy: Skreee! Skreeeeek!

Suizen: A child, by the looks of her... I believe she may be from the Garden of the Sprites.

Fox Kit: Izumiii! Are you gonna exorcise her?

Fox Kit: Are you?

Suizen: No, I will not be exorcising her. You can relax too, Mizuchi.

Suizen: Shikigami, heed my voice— Transform!

Suizen: I'll use the shikigami to lure her to the World Flipper.

Suizen: I'm sure her real mother must be worried.

Shirano: Excellent work.

Fox Kit: Excelleeent!

Suizen: Now then, Mizuchi and I should start heading back.

Suizen: You're the same as ever, though. I was under the impression She of Nine Tails doesn't want yokai mingling with humans.

Shirano: Oh, I don't know what you're talking about, dearie. WE report to the princess, now don't we?

Fox Kit: Yeah! We can play with whoever we want!

Suizen: How convenient. I guess I won't get in too much trouble, either, as long as we're "working" together.

Suizen: It's been increasingly difficult to hide our meetings from the shogunate, so I'd appreciate a little stealth from you, if nothing else.

Suizen: I must be off, then.

Shirano: Wait. Might I have a moment, diviner?

Suizen: Yes, what is it?

Shirano: Seeing you send off the little yokai to her mother got me wondering. How are your parents doing, dearie?

Suizen: I wonder... I know neither their names nor faces.

Suizen: I was found abandoned near a small spring. My talent for the supernatural arts led many to suspect I may have some yokai blood in me.

Suizen: I was always told growing up that I must be the child of tengu. If that truly is the case, I'm sure they're in good health.

Shirano: I see... I'm sorry for prying.

Suizen: Don't be. There's nothing strange or untoward about being an orpha—

Suizen: Wh-what's that?! A present? But why?

Shirano: Oh, it's just a little gift from Milady— for all your hard work, diviner dearie.

Suizen: "Milady?" You mean She of Nine Tails? I seem to recall you saying just a moment ago that you report to her daughter.

Shirano: Goodness, child, she's my charge's MOTHER! I can run an errand or two for her!

Suizen: I-I see... I wouldn't dare scorn a gift from the queen of yokai, though. I would be glad to accept it.

Suizen: A protective charm and... A baby's smock?

Suizen: Ahaha, humans must seem young to yokai. However I'm a little old for a smock.

Shirano: That's all right, dearie, you just hold on to it. It's of no use to a fox, but you may find it handy someday.

Suizen: It would be an honor to one day dress a child of my own in it. Thank you, and please pass along my gratitude to She of Nine Tails.

Shirano: Well, Milady? Was that all right?

Shirano: He's not Seimei. It's been centuries since Seimei was born—no human lives that long.

Nine-tailed Fox: I know that, but... it was about time I did something with his old things.

Shirano: Milady... Oh? Who have we here?

Nine-tailed Fox: Ah, I remember you. The diviner child's attendant.

Mizuchi: I- I... Um...

Mizuchi: Thank... thank you!

Nine-tailed Fox: Ahahahaha! What an intriguing child!

Shirano: Agreed. The both of them are, aren't they?

Episode 1
The Diviners' Comeback

Suizen visits Starview to propose an alliance with the Diviners' Commission—offering to join the party himself as part of the deal. He resolves to unveil the secrets surrounding Stella's doppelganger.

Light: Stella is at it again.

Alk: Yeah. She's been glued to the World Flipper doing checks and maintenance.

Light: After seeing the masked girl summon Orochi with a World Flipper, I suppose I can hardly blame Stella for her caution.

Stella: Something is coming.

Suizen: Oh, I wasn't expecting such a welcome party. Could you tell I was coming?

Light: Suizen?!

Suizen: It has been a while. I trust you've been in good health?

Alk: Yes, but gosh, you gave us a good scare. Why the sudden visit?

Suizen: A simple test of Yamato's World Flipper, as it IS under my jurisdiction.

Suizen: The Diviners' Commission thanks you for your assistance, Stella. We could not have recovered it ourselves.

Stella: My assistance?

Suizen: The synchronization. Our World Flipper has been running continuously ever since.

Suizen: Any layman could walk straight through to another world. Honestly, it's as troublesome as it is convenient.

Suizen: I assure you, however, the Commission is taking the utmost care to guard it. You need not worry about unwanted visitors.

Light: I can think of a few foxes who'd be all too excited to sneak through...

Alk: You said you were just testing the World Flipper out, Suizen. Do you have time for a chat, or were you going to head straight back?

Suizen: I have a matter to discuss with you, actually.

Suizen: As Chair of the Diviners' Commission, I, Gogyou Suizen, would like to propose an alliance.

Suizen: Stella, Light, Alk. As the representatives of Starview Village, would you agree to enter a pact with the Diviners' Commission?

Light: An alliance? Why?

Suizen: As you are well aware, Yamato is comprised of two merged worlds— the Yamato of the East, and the Yamato of the West.

Suizen: The Commission endeavors to understand the merge's cause, as well as alleviate the confusion and chaos it brought about.

Suizen: In our haste, we played right into the Grand Diviner—that masked woman's plans, but... Our true goal still stands.

Stella: Did she know what caused the merge?

Suizen: I believe so, yes. I would not be surprised if she caused it herself.

Suizen: Your fates are closely intertwined with hers, leading me to believe you may be instrumental in exposing the truth.

Light: I see. You wish us to provide intelligence.

Suizen: Put simply, yes. In exchange, I offer my services as the Commission's most powerful diviner. Ask, and I shall lend you my full support!

Alk: That's a dramatic way to say you want to join the party.

Alk: We'd never say no to some extra help, right Stella?

Stella: Of course. Welcome to Starview Village, Suizen.

Stella: However...

Stella: You may not do anything as rash as before.

Suizen: Yes... I more than learned my lesson.

Stella: Hello, Suizen. You've come to browse the library?

Suizen: Yes, I find reading a highly efficient means to obtain information.

Suizen: You have quite an assortment here though, I must say. Picture books, fantasy novels, and... Is this—? You have manga?

Stella: We shelves books from friends in many worlds. I can hardly believe how much the collection has grown.

Suizen: In that case, I will look into transferring some of the Commission's collection over. It may prove useful.

Suizen: ...Stella. Stella, please allow me to be blunt—

Suizen: You are almost identical to the masked woman we saw, and claim to be the "Keeper" of the World Flipper. Who are you, really?

Stella: For as long as I can remember, I was always here watching over the stars—the worlds—by myself.

Stella: That's all I ever did until Alk and Light came.

Stella: Maybe some part of me is broken... Malfunctioning?

Suizen: You have my deepest apologies, Stella. I did not wish to doubt you, but I could not help but ask.

Stella: I don't mind. I would also like to know who that woman was—and who I am.

Suizen: I promise you, I shall aid and protect you in your pursuit of the truth.

Suizen: There is one answer I can provide you now.

Suizen: You are neither broken nor malfunctioning.

Suizen: If anything, you were the one who got me back on my feet after I broke down.

Stella: I-it wasn't only me. Inaho helped too.

Suizen: Yes, you're right. Ahaha, I suppose I owe her too.

Episode 2
Diviner and Divinity

Suizen meets with Inaho's mother to strike a bargain: the party will restore the corrupted World Flipper she's stuck guarding if she agrees to subdue the yokai wreaking havoc in the East.

Suizen: It would seem my predictions were correct.

Suizen: A dark World Flipper... This must be what connected the East and West.

Alk: I thought you agreed not to do anything rash.

Suizen: Alk? And Stella too. What are you doing here?

Stella: We heard you snuck off somewhere dangerous on your own, so we came to help you.

Alk: You don't have to do everything by yourself, you know?

Suizen: But infiltration is most successful in minimal— No, I suppose you're right. I should have consulted you earlier.

Suizen: I planned to ask this later, but as you are here now; Stella, can you tell what's wrong with this World Flipper?

Stella: It's out of control. Suizen, could this be—?

Suizen: The cause of the two Yamatos' merge, if my theories are correct. We must be quiet though. This forest belongs to—

???: Me. What business have you in my domain, mortals?

Alk: You're— Wait, Inaho?

Suizen: Alk, stay back! That's not Inaho!

Suizen: Her aura is unmistakable... This is the yokai queen of legends— the golden fox, She of Nine Tails!

Nine-tailed Fox: You know of me, and yet you dare trespass upon my lands?

Nine-tailed Fox: Foolish.

Nine-tailed Fox: An army of thousands would prove me no challenge. You few truly thought you could best me?

Alk: You—!

Suizen: Seal: Barrier!

Suizen: Everyone, please calm down. She of Nine Tails, we do not wish to fight you. I came to negotiate with you.

Nine-tailed Fox: Negotiate? And to what do I owe the oh so grand honor of civil conversation with a diviner?

Nine-tailed Fox: You intrigue me, child. Speak.

Suizen: I would like to ask you to subdue the yokai appearing in the East, and take them under your command.

Nine-tailed Fox: You would, would you?

Suizen: When we lifted the elemental seal upon them, countless spirits returned to their once-home, Yamato of the East.

Suizen: Now, the East is overrun with more yokai than we diviners can contain. It is only a matter of time before they begin invading the West.

Nine-tailed Fox: I see. Pitting the yokai against each other, so your diviners can watch from the sidelines. Not a bad deal for YOU, is it?

Suizen: In exchange, the Diviners' Commission will ensure your borders are respected by humans.

Nine-tailed Fox: I have heard enough. I do not see merit in lending you our aid.

Nine-tailed Fox: To the contrary, we of the West shall celebrate your fall when the Eastern yokai overthrow your lofty little commission.

Nine-tailed Fox: If I am to crush them either way, I may as well get some use out of the Easterners first.

Suizen: Can you crush them alone, though? I don't believe you can—at least not with this World Flipper demanding so much of your power.

Suizen: What did you do when your daughter was captured? When Orochi wreaked havoc upon Yamato? You did nothing.

Suizen: There was nothing you COULD do, because you were here, keeping the corrupted World Flipper at bay.

Stella: That World Flipper appears to be malfunctioning. I should be able to stabilize it.

Nine-tailed Fox: I am indeed suppressing this rift between worlds. You free me from this duty, and in exchange I will subdue the yokai of the East.

Nine-tailed Fox: A nice bargain, I suppose, but do you truly believe I will uphold my end of it? Do not presume seals and talismans will bind me.

Stella: I do believe. I know you'll keep your promise.

Nine-tailed Fox: Oh? On what grounds?

Stella: You're Inaho's mother.

Nine-tailed Fox: Do not take me for my foolish daughter. But yes, my daughter owes you her life. I suppose it falls upon me to repay her debt.

Nine-tailed Fox: Diviner!

Suizen: Yes, She of Nine Tails.

Nine-tailed Fox: You may consider your negotiations successful. The Eastern yokai shall be subdued.

Nine-tailed Fox: However, this is neither an alliance, nor a treaty. The yokai are not your friends!

Suizen: ...I daresay your daughter feels otherwise.

Nine-tailed Fox: She may, but I do not share such sentiments.

Suizen: ...Understood. Your aid alone is more than cause for gratitude. Thank you.

Nine-tailed Fox: Hah! Very well, child. I leave the rest to you.

Suizen: Whew— I'm glad that ended well. I don't think I've ever held my breath so long.

Suizen: I am sorry to have worried you, Mizuchi. And thank you two for coming to check on me.

Alk: That sure was nerve-wracking! It's a good thing she's on our side...

Stella: She reminded me of Inaho. I could see the family resemblance.

Suizen: ...You were right. I should have relied on you from the start.

Suizen: Are you ready to stabilize the World Flipper? Mizuchi, you'll help too, right?

Stella: I'm ready. I need to keep my end of the promise.

Suizen: With this, we're one step closer to restoring order to Yamato!

Episode 3
Child of Tengu

At Shirano's request, Suizen guides a lost harpy back to her mother. He is rewarded for his efforts with a present from the nine-tailed fox, and expresses his own gratitude.

Fox Kit: This way! Over here!

Fox Kit: Hurry up!

Suizen: I'm coming, I'm coming! ...Always the troublemakers, those three.

Suizen: That must be the yokai.

Shirano: You're here! Thank you for coming.

Suizen: This must be the odd yokai you mentioned. She certainly doesn't look like the average yokai.

Shirano: I've never seen any like her— in the West OR East.

Suizen: She must've come here from another world. I can see why you called for me.

Harpy: Skreee! Skreeeeek!

Suizen: A child, by the looks of her... I believe she may be from the Garden of the Sprites.

Fox Kit: Izumiii! Are you gonna exorcise her?

Fox Kit: Are you?

Suizen: No, I will not be exorcising her. You can relax too, Mizuchi.

Suizen: Shikigami, heed my voice— Transform!

Suizen: I'll use the shikigami to lure her to the World Flipper.

Suizen: I'm sure her real mother must be worried.

Shirano: Excellent work.

Fox Kit: Excelleeent!

Suizen: Now then, Mizuchi and I should start heading back.

Suizen: You're the same as ever, though. I was under the impression She of Nine Tails doesn't want yokai mingling with humans.

Shirano: Oh, I don't know what you're talking about, dearie. WE report to the princess, now don't we?

Fox Kit: Yeah! We can play with whoever we want!

Suizen: How convenient. I guess I won't get in too much trouble, either, as long as we're "working" together.

Suizen: It's been increasingly difficult to hide our meetings from the shogunate, so I'd appreciate a little stealth from you, if nothing else.

Suizen: I must be off, then.

Shirano: Wait. Might I have a moment, diviner?

Suizen: Yes, what is it?

Shirano: Seeing you send off the little yokai to her mother got me wondering. How are your parents doing, dearie?

Suizen: I wonder... I know neither their names nor faces.

Suizen: I was found abandoned near a small spring. My talent for the supernatural arts led many to suspect I may have some yokai blood in me.

Suizen: I was always told growing up that I must be the child of tengu. If that truly is the case, I'm sure they're in good health.

Shirano: I see... I'm sorry for prying.

Suizen: Don't be. There's nothing strange or untoward about being an orpha—

Suizen: Wh-what's that?! A present? But why?

Shirano: Oh, it's just a little gift from Milady— for all your hard work, diviner dearie.

Suizen: "Milady?" You mean She of Nine Tails? I seem to recall you saying just a moment ago that you report to her daughter.

Shirano: Goodness, child, she's my charge's MOTHER! I can run an errand or two for her!

Suizen: I-I see... I wouldn't dare scorn a gift from the queen of yokai, though. I would be glad to accept it.

Suizen: A protective charm and... A baby's smock?

Suizen: Ahaha, humans must seem young to yokai. However I'm a little old for a smock.

Shirano: That's all right, dearie, you just hold on to it. It's of no use to a fox, but you may find it handy someday.

Suizen: It would be an honor to one day dress a child of my own in it. Thank you, and please pass along my gratitude to She of Nine Tails.

Shirano: Well, Milady? Was that all right?

Shirano: He's not Seimei. It's been centuries since Seimei was born—no human lives that long.

Nine-tailed Fox: I know that, but... it was about time I did something with his old things.

Shirano: Milady... Oh? Who have we here?

Nine-tailed Fox: Ah, I remember you. The diviner child's attendant.

Mizuchi: I- I... Um...

Mizuchi: Thank... thank you!

Nine-tailed Fox: Ahahahaha! What an intriguing child!

Shirano: Agreed. The both of them are, aren't they?