Subaru Natsuki (ReZERO Collab)/Stories

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Episode 1
Dangerous Reminder

When Alk and Light stop by to deliver a letter, Subaru asks them to take him to the Kaleidoscope. Caught off guard, Subaru falls for a trap and is separated from the others. There, he is cornered by a monster and comes close to death, but is saved at the last second by Alk and Nimbus. After being scolded for his carelessness, Subaru resolves to grow stronger for Emilia's sake.

Alk: Hello? We're here to deliver a letter from the Guild.

Subaru: *yawn* Morning, Alk. You need my signature or anything?

Alk: We're not with the post office, so no. Here you go.

Alk: Are you just getting up now, Subaru? That's one serious case of bedhead.

Subaru: Yeah, I'm house sitting today, so I ended up sleeping in a little too late...

Light: If you have that much time on your hands, you'd do well to go out for a stroll.

Subaru: You say that, but I don't exactly know the hot spots in Palpebra.

Subaru: You two have any plans after this? If not, wanna join me for a little adventure?

Subaru: What's it called again? The Callie Scope? I've been meaning to check it out.

Alk: Huh? Isn't that where you got kidnapped to? Are you sure?

Subaru: It's not like I can avoid it, especially if we're gonna try to make a living here. I gotta get a grasp on the place, and fast!

Subaru: You've been there a ton of times, right? You guys are practically veterans!

Subaru: So, please, I'm begging you! Just this once! Pleeease?

Subaru: Whoa! Now that's some serious power! You blew those guys away like it was nothing.

Nimbus: Hey, why the hell am I stuck babysitting the brat too?

Alk: Well, the more guards, the better, right? Especially since the kidnapping happened pretty recently...

Nimbus: Yeah, well... You'd think he'd be more careful after that, but he's acting like this is a field trip...

Alk: Let's go, Subaru. Try not to stray too far from us, okay?

Subaru: Okay! Don't you worry about me!

Subaru: A jewel? Did somebody drop it?

Subaru: Huh?! Aaah!

Subaru: Man, that smarts! Who the hell puts a trap door-

Subaru: Wait, where am I? Something tells me I better tread lightly...

Dog: *whimper*

Subaru: C-crap, you scared me, little buddy! I thought you were a monster for a second there...

Subaru: It's dangerous here, you know. Why don't you come here, and I'll take you back to tow-

Subaru: Huh?!

Monster: Grrr!

Subaru: Alk! Light! Nimbus! Somebody, help me!

Subaru: Hnngh!

Subaru: (No, I can't... breathe!)

Subaru: Gah! Urgh... Nngh...

Subaru: (No... I don't... want to die here...)

Alk: Subaru!

Nimbus: I'll buy us some time! Wake the kid up NOW!

Alk: Subaru, come on, get it together!

Subaru: *cough* *wheeze*

Alk: Thank goodness, you're breathing!

Subaru: *wheeze* Thank you... I'm fine now...

Nimbus: Like hell you're fine!

Nimbus: You almost DIED back there, you nitwit! Do you understand?!

Subaru: I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make light of it...

Light: Subaru, I understand the thrill an adventure can bring, but you must understand that we may not always arrive in time to save you.

Light: You must protect yourself before we can protect you. If you can't do that, we won't bring you on any more expeditions.

Light: As for Nimbus' outburst please understand that he's speaking from experience. He lost a dear friend in the past.

Subaru: I'm sorry. I just assume everything would be fine as long as Alk and Nimbus were around.

Subaru: I really screwed up today. I'll do better next time.

Subaru: (I have no idea when death will show its ugly face. AT least that doesn't change, regardless of what world I'm in...)

Subaru: Um... I promise I'll listen to you guys and be more careful from now on... So can we still go on adventures together?

Alk: Of course! And you don't have to be so apologetic. It's not like we're asking you to listen to EVERYTHING we say.

Nimbus: Yeah, we're not your babysitters.

Nimbus: We're just telling you to think a little so you don't end up dead. Got it?

Subaru: ...Got it. I swear.

Subaru: (At this rate, they're gonna be the ones protecting me all the time.)

Subaru: (If I want to help Emilia, I need to change that!)

Subaru: Thanks, guys! I really owe you one!

Episode 2
A Step Forward

Subaru asks Light to train him to be able to defend himself, and Light brings him to the Garden of the Sprites to get some combat experience. There he meets Shroombo, and, while initially frightened by the strange-looking fungus, Subaru steels his nerves and commits to his combat practice.

Subaru: I'm begging you! Let me train under you as your pupil!

Alk: Well, this came out of nowhere. I was wondering what you wanted to talk about.

Light: I don't see why you would need training. You're hardly required on the battlefield...

Subaru: I get that, but I just want to be able to protect myself if need be.

Subaru: Remember that weirdo mage? Who knows when stuff like that's gonna happen next.

Alk: Fair point... Plus, I don't think it's wrong of you to want to become stronger.

Subaru: Right? I don't need to be a star fighter or anything. I just want to get good enough to buy everyone else time.

Subaru: If I don't shape up, I'm gonna be dragging Mili down forever!

Light: Keep in mind that my current body is also not suited for combat. I'm not sure how much I can teach you...

Light: However, if that does not bother you, I will do my best as your mentor.

Subaru: All right! Thanks, Master Light!

Light: We'll start by assessing your current skills. If you can manage to land a hit on me, you pass.

Subaru: Come on, there's no way I'm losing to a fwuffy widdle bunny like you.

Subaru: I might not look it, but I work out, you know?

Light: Then this little test will prove no trouble for you. Now, begin!

Subaru: Are you kidding me?! I can't hit you at all!

Light: What happened to that bravado from before? We're just getting started.

Subaru: Dammit! I'm gonna get you, even if it takes me all day!

Subaru: Argh! No matter what I try, I keep missing!

Light: From your movement and stamina, I can see that you have, in fact, honed your body. If that was all it took, you'd hit me with ease.

Light: However, your attacks are far too obvious. You're practically telling me how and when you're going to attack me.

Alk: Haha, I've heard that before...

Subaru: I'll just have to play my trump card! Shamak!

Subaru: N-now I've done it...

Alk: So that's what happens when that spell fails, huh? bit risky for a trump card, don't you think?

Light: Let's end today's lesson here. As for our future training...

Light: We'll need to teach you how to hide your intentions from your opponent.

Subaru: Got it... So if I can manage to hit you, we'll move onto the next stage, right?

Light: Right. However... You might learn faster if you got some actual combat experience.

Alk: In that case, I know just the place.

Subaru: Whoa! So there's even a world covered in a huge forest...

Alk: Unlike the Kaleidoscope, there are no trapdoors or surprises here.

Alk: Not to mention, it's great for gathering ingredients for dinner!

Subaru: So THAT'S your motive here!

Shroombo: Moochow goos!

Subaru: Whoa! The heck is that thing?!

Alk: Don't worry. Shroombo's a friend of ours.

Subaru: Seriously? You sure he's not gonna blind us with a green mist attack or something?

Alk: No way. Go on, get a little closer.

Subaru: N-nice to meet you...

Shroombo: En karta.

Subaru: I can't tell if you're greeting me back or threatening me...

Light: And that's exactly the sort of attitude you need when approaching the unknown. Better to be cautious than careless.

Alk: That being said, this is Shroombo we're talking about. You'll be fine. See? He wants to shake your hand.

Shroombo: Lebe monobe!

Subaru: Not sure what you just said, but... Like this?

Subaru: Whoa, that sent a shiver up my spine...

Alk: Reminds you of that monster in the Kaleidoscope, doesn't it?

Subaru: A-ahaha... Yeah, kinda.

Subaru: (If this is all it takes to have me shaking in my boots, I'm gonna be useless to the others...)

Subaru: O-okay, here I come! Raaah!

Shroombo: Ey aruta! Tenso!

Subaru: All right, now I'm ready for action! No room for self doubt here!

Subaru: Alk, Light, you better not go easy on me today! I'll take whatever you can throw at me.

Alk: Oh? Someone's motivated Maybe we should take him to the most dangerous area next.

Light: Well, all right. But no complaining once we're there.

Subaru: You got it! I'll show you both that I'm no crybaby!

Episode 3
For Emilia

While setting out for more training, Alk and Subaru rescue a family from monsters. After Light comments on Subaru's growth, Alk asks Subaru about the reason behind his desire to train, to which Subaru explains that he wants to become Emilia's strength.

Subaru: Take this!

Light: Hmph, you finally got a hit in... Your skills have improved, Subaru!

Subaru: Yeah, but it took a long time to get here... I'm just glad I finally made some progress.

Subaru: I really had to rack my brain for ways to hide my attacks from you.

Light: Don't be so hard on yourself. You've worked hard. Take pride in that.

Subaru: Wait, seriously? Are you saying I'm a genius?! Awesome! Maybe I could even beat Alk now!

Alk: Huh?

Subaru: Alk, it's on! You're gonna be my next opponent!

Subaru: I'll have you on the ground begging for mercy in no time! Mwahaha!

Alk: Okay, but I'm not going easy on you, got it?

Subaru: I-I give up!

Subaru: Dammit! I'm no genius at all! I suck!

Alk: I told you I wasn't going to go easy on you... You did a good though. Here, let me help you up.

Alk: You really are amazing, Subaru.

Subaru: Oh, now you're making fun of me too?

Alk: Of course not. Remember, you're the one who decided to train, and look how far you've come.

Alk: As for me, I actually don't know how or why I became so good with a sword.

Subaru: So it's like you used some kind of cheat to max out your skills.

Alk: Uhhh, I don't know about that...

Alk: I mean, there are tons of people way stronger than me out there! You can hardly call my skills maxed out!

Subaru: What kind of monsters are you hanging out with?!

Light: After that fight, I'm sure you realize this, but winning against me is just the beginning of your training journey.

Light: You must be careful not to overestimate your own strength. Is that clear?

Subaru: Crystal clear, Master Light!

Subaru: Ah. right! Since I finally landed a hit, let me pet you as a reward!

Light: Excuse me?!

Subaru: Come on, I'm begging you! I worked really hard, didn't I? Please!

Light: You are aware I was originally a human man, correct?!

Subaru: Hm? Yeah, and?

Subaru: We're finally here! It should be smooth sailing from here on out!

Alk: Someone's a ball of energy...

Subaru: Hehe. Even when I was a shut-in, I still did a lot of bodybuilding, so I've got stamina to spare.

Light: Indeed. I would say in terms of physical fitness, you're perfectly in line with where you need to be.

Light: At first, I thought his carelessness would hinder him, but he really does have a strong will doesn't he?

Alk: Yeah!

Children: Waaah!

Worried Man: G-get back! Back, you beasts!

Alk: Haaah!

Alk: Leave now while you can! My party is right behind-

Subaru: Take this!

Alk: Now we're talking! Can I leave the rear to you?

Subaru: You bet! I'll give it everything I've got!

Alk: Yeah!

Worried Man: We should be fine now. Thank you for escorting us all the way here!

Worried Man: Alk, Subaru, we owe you our lives.

Children: Thanks, Mr. Subaru!

Alk: Good work back there.

Subaru: I'm just glad it turned out all right in the end. What a relief...

Light: You made the right calls and your movements were on point. You truly have come a long way.

Alk: ...By the way, why are you working so hard to get stronger anyway?

Alk: Just curious.

Subaru: ...I want to be Emilia's strength.

Subaru: She doesn't remember it, but she really saved my skin once.

Subaru: So if possible, I want to return the favor.

Alk: I see. In that case, maybe we should ramp up our training sessions.

Light: Indeed. You still have along way to go before you'll be able to protect another person.

Subaru: Fine by me! I can train while we search a way to return to Luguncia...

Subaru: And before you know it, I'll become Mili's strength!