Soushiro (Holiday)/Stories

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Episode 1
Holiday Hawker

Soushiro mistakes the Palpebran holiday cheer for early New Year's festivities. After a crash course on the season of giving, he resolves to spread some generosity himself—taking on a job at the Maids' Parlor to fund it!

Soushiro: Goodness, it seems the whole city has taken to the streets celebrating.

Children: Wooow, lookit the trees! They're so pretty!

Soushiro: I had no idea Palpebra welcomes the new year in such extravagant style. We've at least a week before Yamato's festivities begin.

Alk: Actually... I think these are for a Palpebran holiday. Right, Lilie?

Pur Lilie: Yeppers! We hold a winter festival each year to honor ol' Saint Nick!

Soushiro: Saint... Nick?

Pur Lilie: Mm-hm. You know, Kris Kringle? The legendary Santa Claus? The figure said to be the grandfather of all sheephirds?

Pur Lilie: Every winter, he dons robes of red and travels the night sky with his herd of flying deer, visiting every home in Palpebra!

Soushiro: Ah, so the lights are to keep him away? We in Yamato also ward off evil before the new year arrives.

Pur Lilie: Evil?!

Pur Lilie: S-Santa isn't evil! Everyone's waitin' for the man with the bag!

Alk: By "bag," you mean his big bag of presents, right? I heard he leaves gifts for kids who were good all year.

Pur Lilie: Exactly! He's a patron saint of generosity, not some evil spirit, Soushiro.

Pur Lilie: That said, it's mostly a holiday for tots and tykes to enjoy the warm, fuzzy spirit of giving—and receiving!

Soushiro: I see... No wonder the children are so excited, then.

Soushiro: I must get to work at once. Would the Guild happen to have any quests available today?

Soushiro: I know several children who were very good this year, and would love to spread a bit of generosity and cheer myself.

Pur Lilie: Sounds like your wallet's on the line then—but I know just the quest to save it!

Pur Lilie: It should be right up your alley! Lemme just dig up the details real quick...

Soushiro: I greatly appreciate you lending me traditional festival attire, Milady. I can only hope I do it justice.

Head Housemaid: Oh, goodness, you're a polite one. It's just a silly costume, dear—no need to be so formal. You look lovely.

Soushiro: Ahaha, thank you. While this is my first time wearing such an outfit, it grows on me by the second.

Maids: *psst* Help, the new part-timer's so CUTE!

Maids: Shh! I heard he's already married.

Maid: Nooo! But like... a man with experience, then... Heh.

Soushiro: ...Experience? This is actually my first time working at an establishment such as this.

Head Housemaid: For crying out loud... SILENCE! I had better not hear another PEEP of gossip, ladies!

Maids: Yes, Ma'am...

Soushiro: Pardon the interruption, Milady. Might I ask for more details about my duties as a guard?

Head Housemaid: A-ahem... Of course, dear. Our bouncer is off on vacation for the holidays. We WERE going to have you keeping an eye on the floor, but...

Head Housemaid: Now I'm thinking it might be smarter to have you outside attracting customers instead of my waitresses.

Soushiro: Yes... If I took handled the advertising, then the waitresses could devote themselves to serving food.

Head Housemaid: N-not exactly what I meant, but sure. If you reel in a good crowd, I'll even slip you a little bonus. Now go get 'em tiger!

Soushiro: Consider it done, Milady.

Head Housemaid: *sigh* He's got such a sweet smile... I should've stuffed him into a cute little maid outfit when I had the chance...

Light: Soushiro!

Soushiro: Oh? What a coincidence to see you here, Light.

Light: Hardly. I came here to stop you!

Light: I know you accepted this job to provide for the children, b-but... You're a teacher! A role model! Not some e-escort.

Light: You don't belong in such an establishment!

Light: What are you laughing at?!

Soushiro: Nothing, nothing. I merely found it amusing how behind the times you are.

Light: B-behind the...

Soushiro: This is a themed restaurant, and nothing more. You can be a good role model without being a boring old prude, Light.

Light: A b-boring... old... prude?

Soushiro: Ahaha, my apologies. I meant no offense.

Soushiro: Ah, "boring prude" takes me back... My late wife often called me slow and uptight.

Light: Oh... Iori, right? You've mentioned her before.

Soushiro: Yes, Iori. Her words linger in my heart.

Soushiro: Even in her absence, they provide me with guid—

Fox Kit: Souuushiro!

Soushiro: You surprised me, Awa. What are you three doing here?

Fox Kit: We came to help!

Soushiro: Oh! Very impressive, little ones.

Awa: We're gonna earn ALL the money!

Hie: Four Soushiros are faster than one!

Mugi: Way way waaay faster!

Soushiro: Ahaha, and I would say lightening up changed me for the better. ...Look at the friends it made me.

Soushiro: I see some of my old self in you, Light. You are yet young—learn from the free spirits of Alk and Stella.

Light: Hmm, I suppose you're right...

Soushiro: Ahaha, I would hope so.

Soushiro: You need not worry about me. The Maids' Parlor IS a bit gaudy perhaps, but it's nothing more than a restaurant.

Soushiro: Would you like to step inside and see for yourself?

Light: I-I'm still not going in there! Soushiro!

Head Housemaid: Wh-wh-what have you done?! The line is out the door!

Customers: Can we request specific waiters? I wanna talk some more with Awa!

Customers: Where's Mugi? I promised I'd come play, and here I am!

Customers: *sigh* Hie is soooo dreamy...

Soushiro: Ah... I am afraid "I" may have gone a little overboard with advertising.

Episode 2
Around the Worlds

In true Santa spirit, Soushiro travels high and low delivering presents to all his students—including Suizen, who isn't entirely convinced he's been a "good little boy."

Soushiro: There, that should be everything!

Light: "Everything" is quite excessive...

Nimbus: What I wanna know is where the hell he got the dough to buy all this.

Soushiro: With ample help from friends. I would never have managed this alone.

Alk: Yeah, seeing Soushiro working so hard inspired everyone else to chip in and spread some holiday cheer.

Stella: We all worked together.

Fox Kit: Us too, us too! And Princess Inaho!

Soushiro: Yes, you foxes did an amazing job. I am deeply grateful for your aid.

Soushiro: Now then, we must make haste!

Soushiro: We have but one night to see each of these presents delivered.

Soushiro: As the little ones dream of toys and sweets, we will take up Saint Santa's mantle. Hop on!

Little Boy: ...Hey Sis, you still awake?

Little Girl: Mm-hm.

Little Boy: Do you think Santa will really come?

Little Girl: ...Yeah. This is the year. I just know it is!

Little Girl: So hurry up and go to sleep. He can't come if we stay up all night.

Little Boy: Yeah, I... *yawn* I'm sure you're right... ...Night, Sis.

Little Girl: *sigh* I'm so sorry...

Light: W-wait, Nimbus, stop! I'll—

Light: Oh, er... Ho ho ho? Ha-happy holidays!

Little Girl: C-Collin? Collin, wake up!

Soushiro: My apologies. The chimney was perhaps not so feasible as the legends suggest.

Soushiro: We have a present for you, Anna.

Soushiro: And for Collin, of course, when he wakes tomorrow. Do tell him it was from Saint Santa, though.

Anna: I will! Thank you so much, Mr. Kengyu! Ooh, you're the bestest teacher ever!

Nimbus: Just HOW far are you takin' us, Nadir? We've been walking for ages!

Nadir: Hmph. We're almost there, so quit griping and get going, lazy-ass.

Nadir: Sorry for dragging you all the way out here, Mr. Kengyu.

Nimbus: Oh, sure, I'M "lazy-ass" and he's Mwister Kengwu.

Soushiro: Now, now. I appreciate both of you humoring me on our Santa escapades tonight.

Nimbus: The hell do you two have in these sacks anyways? I feel like I'm luggin' around a bag of rocks!

Soushiro: Textbooks and other assorted school supplies.

Nimbus: School supplies?! I thought we were givin' out fun stuff!

Nadir: I wanted to teach my family to read, okay? Right now, I'm the only one who can.

Soushiro: We received several donations of old picture books. The little ones will certainly enjoy all the adventures waiting within.

Soushiro: Nadir, I believe it only fitting that you play the part of "Santa" this time. Nimbus and I are simply here to help.

Nadir: Huh? Me? I dunno, you think I can pull it off?

Nimbus: Hah. No one better.

Nimbus: ...It's nothing. Let's get a move on before we freeze.

Neighborhood Watch: Yokai alert! I repeat, yokai alert!

Neighborhood Watch: I saw a flash of red—I think we've got a tengu on our hands! After it!

Alk: Yokai alert? Sheesh...

Soushiro: Ahaha, Santa has a tough job.

Alk: Man, I knew sneaking around this late was a bad idea...

Soushiro: No need to worry. Just think like a ninja, Alk.

Alk: You're kidding, right?

Stella: Think like a ninja... I'll do my best!

Alk: Ninjas aside, we already finished delivering all the presents here in Yamato, right? Can't we just make a break for it?

Soushiro: Not yet. There is still one child we've yet to visit.

Suizen: What was that?! Show yourself!

Stella: Ow...

Suizen: Stella?!

Suizen: W-what are you doing?

Stella: I was trying to sneak like a ninja.

Soushiro & Alk: Happy holidays!

Stella: Happy holidays, Suizen.

Soushiro: Tonight is a Palpebran festival. We came to deliver a present for you, Izumi.

Alk: Yep! All the kids on Santa's nice list get a little something today.

Suizen: Kid?! I'm the Chair of the Diviners' Commission!

Suizen: I'm not a child, and besides... You of all people know I've been far from "nice."

Soushiro: Perhaps, but you are growing.

Soushiro: Saint Santa is something akin to a yokai, who traditionally leaves presents for little ones as they sleep—whether they ask him to or not.

Soushiro: You have no say in the matter. I believe you deserve a present, so a present you shall have.

Suizen: Not taking no for an answer, are you?

Soushiro: Ahaha, I am not. And in any case, I wouldn't be much of a teacher if I left out any of my pupils.

Neighborhood Watch: Yokai alert, yokai aleeert!

Soushiro: I believe that is our cue to take our leave. Good night, and farewell!

Suizen: A board game and cards, a top, and a pinwheel... How old does he think I am?

Suizen: I suppose this is his way of telling me to act my age once in a while.

Suizen: Soushiro Kengyu... What a peculiar man you are...

Episode 3

Soushiro relaxes after his Santa escapades, only to be interrupted by a "dragon" terrorizing his students—which turns out to be just a fox prank to surprise Soushiro with a present of his own.

Light: Whew...

Light: There is nothing so soothing as tea.

Soushiro: We certainly had a busy night delivering presents. Let me top you off.

Soushiro: There, a little taste of Yamato. I hope it is to your liking.

Light: It is, Soushiro, thank you. I always enjoy visiting Yamato.

Light: It is a place rich in both history and culture. I could learn a thing or two from your samurai code!

Soushiro: The samurai code... Yes, I can see how that would appeal to you.

Light: You sound less than excited about it, for a samurai. Have you some qualms?

Soushiro: "For a samurai"... It feels so long ago that I served. I am but a simple teacher now, Light.

Light: Yes, of course...

Alk: Soushiro, come quick!

Alk: Th-there's a dragon! It's attacking the kids, Soushiro—we've got to stop it!

Soushiro: A dragon?!

Alk: There's no time to explain! Hurry!

Collin: S-Sis, wake up! We have to—


Collin: EEP! He-HEEEELP!

Soushiro: Collin?! *gasp* Anna!

Soushiro: Stay away from them!

Soushiro: Collin, I need you to take Anna and run! NOW!

Dragon: Grrrr... RAH!

Soushiro: This ends now!

Dragon: Haaappy holidays!

Soushiro: Ha...ppy? Holidays?

Fox Kit: He fell for it! Hehe!

Fox Kit: We got you good, Soushiro!

Soushiro: Care to explain yourself, Alk?

Alk: S-sorry, Soushiro... I uh, I wasn't expecting the "dragon" to look quite so realistic...

Alk: I hope it didn't scare you.

Alk: The kids asked me to help surprise you with a present.

Soushiro: A present? For me?

Stella: Yes. In Palpebra, it is not uncommon for adults to receive presents.

Anna: Yeah, we all worked together to get you something for the holidays!

Fox Kit: Go on, open it up!

Soushiro: Did... did you make this flower crown yourselves? Oh! There's also pressed flowers and... a portrait of me.

Soushiro: Ahaha, look at the faces drawn on these acorns! Our whole class is here!

Anna: Hehe, we handmade everything ourselves! Hope you like it!

Soushiro: I do, little one, I do. I will treasure them all dearly...

Collin: Mr. Kengyu! We've got one more present for you.

Collin: Check it out! Alk helped us make a bunch of dorayaki for you and Mrs. Kengyu. Make sure to leave some out for her!

Soushiro: I—I will. ...Thank you. All of you.

Soushiro: Ahaha, you made enough to feed all of Yamato. I think Iori and I might need some hungry helpers.

Alk: There's more than plenty to go around—why don't we have a party?

Soushiro: I would love to, but...

Soushiro: First things first. ...My heart is still pounding from the scare you gave me a minute ago.

Soushiro: That prank you pulled was VERY naughty. Now, what do good little girls and boys say when they do something wrong?

Light: Spoken like a true teacher.

Light: It's not samurai I could learn a thing or two from—it's you!