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Episode 1
Soushiro the Chaperone

Soushiro uses the World Flipper to visit Starview Village with some playful foxes in tow. Fascinated by the village's namesake—the sky full of starlike worlds—he asks to join the party.

Nimbus: Mmm, I'm stuffed!

Alk: You sure gobbled that down.

Nimbus: Well, yeah. It was good! You've hardly touched yours though.

Alk: I'm just... not really hungry.

Nimbus: You still worryin' about that girl?

Nimbus: She's not Stella. Not even close.

Alk: But when I first met Stella, she was—


Nimbus: What was that?

Onyudo: Long shall be the tale of Onyudo's rampage! Gather ye, gather all who would dare challenge him!

Alk: I feel like we've been in this situation before...

Nimbus: Sheesh. All right, you three, I'll play with you. I just finished dinner. Maybe I'll have some Onyudo for dessert! GRAAAR!

Fox Kit: Eep!

Fox Kit: Don't eat us!

Fox Kit: Nimbus, no! We won't taste good!

Nimbus: I was just kidding...

???: Ahaha, and so ends the tale of Onyudo. I tried to warn them you would not be so easily deceived.

Soushiro: It has been too long since last we met. The children came to play with you.

Alk: Soushiro!

Alk: So, what brings you to Starview? Just chaperoning?

Soushiro: Yes. The kits have been visiting me rather often of late. These three—Awa, Hie, and Mugi—are always happy to have a playmate.

Nimbus: So you used the diviners' precious World Flipper to take the kids out on a field trip? How'd you manage to run that by Suizen?

Soushiro: Word for word, we ran past him. Under the cover of night, naturally.

Nimbus: Hah, nice!

Soushiro: Suizen is no longer a stranger to us. I am sure he will understand.

Soushiro: I will admit, I too was curious.

Soushiro: I have only but arrived, and yet... Starview is as wonderous a village as I could have dreamed.

Nimbus: Heh. Guess it's not half bad. I used to think I was the only talkin' beast out there, and look where we are now!

Nimbus: There's never a dull day 'round here.

Soushiro: I can imagine.

Soushiro: It is with that in mind, I approach you with a humble request.

Soushiro: If I may, I would like to join you here in Starview Village.

Alk: Huh? Really?

Soushiro: I understand this is sudden, but I implore you to consider it.

Alk: There's nothing to consider! You're always welcome here, Soushiro!

Nimbus: Yeah, and drop the formalities. I'll show you the training room later. You've gotta show me that crazy swordsmanship of yours again!

Soushiro: You both are too kind.

Soushiro: What a sight to behold—a sky of worlds instead of stars.

Soushiro: Entire worlds... Even the darkest clouds would fail to mask such powerful light.

Episode 2
Starview Study Hall

Soushiro opens a study hall in Starview to prepare children for life in a society with budding inter-world relations. With Stella's help, he begins class in the Starview Library.

Light: A study hall? You mean here in Starview Village?

Soushiro: If you've no objections, I would like to start one, yes.

Stella: Would it be similar to a school?

Soushiro: For the most part, though nothing quite so grand or structured.

Soushiro: The study hall I ran in Yamato was a simple place to share knowledge.

Light: If you already have one, then why open another here of all places?

Soushiro: Hmm... Worlds are crossing, and Starview is their crossroad.

Soushiro: We approach a new era—one where peoples and cultures will inevitably intersect.

Soushiro: While great wonders await, so too do great perils. Confusion, conflicts... Just like when the two Yamatos merged.

Soushiro: I wish to offer inheritors of that future knowledge of worlds afar, in hopes they will choose diplomacy over the blade.

Light: Diplomacy... A noble cause, indeed.

Stella: Agreed. Let's set up a space in the library.

Light: In the library? Are you sure, Stella? I know how much it means to you.

Stella: I don't mind. To the contrary, there are many texts I would like to recommend.

Light: Fair enough. The library it is then.

Soushiro: Thank you. I don't know how I can repay you.

Stella: Actually, if you wouldn't mind, there's one thing I'd like to try.

Soushiro: We have a guest speaker today, class. Please give Ms. Stella a warm welcome.

Stella: Hello, I'm Stella. I'm looking forward to teaching.

Fox Kit: Hi, Ms. Stella!

Nadir: Uh oh, class is already starting.

Nimbus: Hey, you're that kid from the Oasis!

Nadir: What are you doing here, Hellcat? ...You can't read?

Nimbus: Shaddup, I can read now. I'm already on WRITING.

Nimbus: Sides, I'm not the hellcat anymore. Name's Nimbus.

Stella: Nimbus, class is in session. Please be quiet.

Nimbus: First it's "Nimbus, you HAVE to participate" and now it's "Nimbus, be quiet," huh?

Nadir: Nadir.

Nimbus: What? You say somethin'?

Nadir: Nadir. My name's Nadir. Better remember it, cause I won't lose this time.

Nimbus: Oh yeah? Hah, you're on.

Nadir: Also... there's a new lord.

Nadir: The whole town's talking about him. He's no Rolan, but he's still a hell of a lot better than the last guy.

Nadir: So, uh, I guess just... Thanks for getting rid of him.

Nimbus: Heh. I'm not the one to thank for that, but glad things are goin' good, Nadir.

Nadir: Yeah, me too.

Soushiro: All right, is everyone ready to start class?

Episode 3
Love Hurts

After a long day herding school-children, Soushiro and Light settle down for drinks and a trip down memory lane. Soushiro reminisces on his late wife Iori, while Light seems to recall a certain "Lily" in his dreams.

Children: Seeya, Mr. Kengyu! Have a good night!

Soushiro: You too, little ones.

Stella: We'll take them home.

Children: Hey, where'd Nimbus go?

Alk: He went home to get some sleep. You guys sure tired him out!

Children: What?! Already?

Alk: Yup. He was up against super wrestlers like you, after all. You'll have plenty of time to play tomorrow.

Children: He has to do the tiger driver! The move that's all like GRAAWR and then FWOOOSH and BAM!

Alk: Uh, yeah, I'm sure he can do that. I think? ...Hope he won't be mad. Sorry Nimbus, take one for the team!

Light: Whew. Where do they get so much energy?

Soushiro: What a day! Thank you for the assistance, Light. The children were enthralled with you.

Light: I never knew teachers endure so much...

Light: But, I suppose it doesn't hurt every once in a while.

Soushiro: Your help would always be most welcome. You must be exhausted. Please, make yourself at home.

Light: Thank you. Let me jus—oh.

Soushiro: Ah, the portrait by the altar caught your eye? My late wife, Iori.

Light: I'm sorry for your loss. I didn't mean to stare...

Soushiro: Don't be. The portrait is there to be seen, after all.

Soushiro: An old friend of ours—an excellent artist—insisted on painting a portrait of her. ...I am eternally grateful he did.

Light: I see... It's beautiful work. She was lovely...

Soushiro: She truly was. She was even more beautiful in person!

Light: Ahaha, she must have been, to have you so head over heels.

Soushiro: I could speak of her for days. You must have your fair share of stories too Light. I may have just the thing to talk the night away.

Soushiro: A bottle of Unryu's finest. I was saving it for an occasion such as this. What do you say, friend?

Light: Oh? Now THERE'S a surprise!

Soushiro: Come, let us sit and share old memories.

Light: Gladly! How could I say no?

Light: Mm…

Light: I'll... save ymm... Mm... Prin... Lily...

Soushiro: He certainly keeps a lot bottled away in that little body of his.

Soushiro: Though tough as he may be, I suppose the drink may have won this match.

Light: Ungh... no... mmn... not the ears...

Soushiro: ...Has it been five years already?

Soushiro: The days are so warm and bright, and yet... They weigh so heavily on my heart.

Soushiro: Perhaps it is because they remind me of my time with you, Iori.