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Episode 1

In Starview Village, Sotieth meets Nephtim, who is a later model based on her design, prompting Nephtim to refer to Sotieth as her sister. Sensing her sister's sadness, Nephtim attempts to cheer her up with a nice dinner and a stuffed animal, which does end up bringing a smile to Sotieth's face.

Alk: So to recap: that room we just visited is gonna be yours, Sotieth.

Alk: It's probably missing a lot of necessities, but don't worry. We'll take you to Palpebra sometime soon and pick up stuff while we show you around.

Sotieth: Under...stood...

Alk: ...Er, we don't HAVE to go soon though. Whenever you feel ready works for us.

Sotieth: Thank you. But I am... fine.

Sotieth: Rashid entrusted me with an order. I will see it through.

Stella: ...

Sotieth: You are...

Sotieth: Thank you for saving us the other day, Nephtim. I am Sotieth.

Nephtim : Nephtim is Nephtim. You are Sotieth. Acknowledged.

Alk: U-um... are you two... okay?

Nephtim : ...Sister?

Sotieth: yes... It appears I am your sister.

Alk: She is? Have you two met before?

Sotieth: No. We exchanged data a moment ago. It came to our attention that she is a later model of my design.

Alk: O-oh... So that's why she called you her sister.

Sotieth: ...I was created to activate the Titan. Surely Nephtim, as a later model, was enhanced to serve that purpose even more effectively.

Sotieth: What function does she serve here?

Alk: She doesn't. At least, not anyone in particular.

Nephtim: Nephtim is here to play. Hanging out with everyone is Nephtim's job.

Nephtim: Sometimes performing too. Always with perfect moves. Nephtim is hella lit. The bee's knees. Cat's pajamas. Yay.

Sotieth: ...?

Alk: Yeah, I can see how that'd be confusing...

Stella: Nephtim is very popular.

Sotieth: I am afraid I do not comprehend.

Alk: Just... don't worry about it. You'll see what she means eventually.

Sotieth: ...Understood.

Sotieth: Nephtim. I look forward to getting to know you.

Nephtim: Acknowledge. Nephtim also wishes to know you, Sister.

Alk: Well, Nephtim, we've still got a few more places to show Sotieth. We'll catch you later.

Alk: Phew, that was a LOT of shopping. That should be everything on the list.

Alk: Sotieth, is there anything else you wanted to grab?

Sotieth: Negative. There is nothing I need.

Stella: Wait a moment. There is a note at the end of the list.

Stella: "For dinner, prepare Hamburg steaks with decorative flags. Carrots are unnecessary."

Alk: That has got to be Nephtim's doing... When did she manage to sneak that in?

Stella: It seems Nephtim and the others are in town as well.

Alk: They could've come over to say hi. Wonder what's got them in such a rush.

Alk: Eh, we can ask them about it later.

Alk: For now, let's focus on grabbing the necessary meat and carrots. We can indulge her every once in a while.

Sotieth: Did she not write that the carrots were unnecessary?

Alk: Vegetables are important.

Stella: Thank you for the meal.

Nephtim: Hamburg steaks are amazing. Very delicious.

Sotieth: I agree. It was very good.

Alk: Ahaha, glad to hear you liked it.

Sotieth: I am curious what the purpose of the decorative flag was, though...

Nephtim: To stimulate excitement.

Nephtim: One more thing.

Nephtim: This is for you, Sister.

Alk: Is this what you were out buying earlier?

Nimbus: Sure was... Got dragged around everywhere for it.

Nephtim: Eating delicious food and receiving presents should improve one's mood.

Nephtim: Sister, do you feel better?

Sotieth: ...Affirmative.

Sotieth: I feel... much better. Thank you.

Alk: So that's what you were up to, Nephtim...

Alk: Don't worry, Sotieth. We've got plenty more nice dinners to treat you to.

Sotieth: The gesture is appreciated. Thank you too.

Episode 2

Sotieth pushes herself to learn more about other worlds, spending all day in the library reading. The gang grows worried about her, so Stella takes her to a beauty salon and a concert. Everyone gets together for a picnic, where Sotieth finally relaxes and gets some shut-eye.

Alk: Huh... Did someone forget to turn off the lights?

Sotieth: Huh... Did someone forget to turn off the lights?

Alk: GAH?! Sotieth! You scared the pants off of me!

Alk: What are you doing up so late?

Sotieth: I was reading. I require more knowledge of the world.

Alk: ...Now that I think about it, you came here in the morning, didn't you? Don't tell me you've been here the whole time...

Sotieth: I have.

Alk: You have?! There's such a thing as working too hard, you know! Your body needs proper rest!

Sotieth: There is nothing to worry about. I was built as a weapon.

Alk: Okay, you can't pull the wool over my eyes. Nephtim sleeps ALL the time.

Sotieth: ...I will be fine.

Alk: Nope. That's enough for tonight. Got it?

Sotieth: ...Understood.

Sotieth: Which world will we be visiting today?

Sotieth: Where will we travel to today?

Sotieth: When do we leave?

Alk: ...Never? AT least, not today. We're taking a day off.

Sotieth: ...Understood. I will go read.

Nimbus: She's gonna run herself into the ground at this rate.

Light: We should act before that happens. I'm just not certain what the right move would be...

Stella: Leave her to me.

Stella: Sotieth, this way.

Sotieth: What is this facility?

Stella: A beauty salon. We're here to be reborn with new skin.

Sotieth: Reborn? With new skin?! I do not understand.

Stella: It is time to become a new you.

Sotieth: ...?

Stella: Let's go.

Sotieth: ...

Sotieth: Ngh! Ahhh!

Stella: You are now reborn.

Stella: Do you feel refreshed?

Sotieth: I am... unsure. My skin feels soft.

Stella: That's good. Tomorrow, we go to a concert.

Dia: Hey, guys! Thanks for coming!


Stella: Sotieth, join in. Wooo.

Sotieth: W-wooo?!

Nimbus: Around here's good enough, yeah?

Alk: Should be. It's a good place to have lunch in a bit.

Alk: Phew... It's nice to kick back like this every once in a while.

Sotieth: Excuse me. What is our objective in this world today?

Alk: To do nothing. Just relax...

Sotieth: That is...

Sotieth: Unacceptable. I need to learn more about this world and countless others.

Nimbus: ...I'm pretty sure Rashid asked you to observe other worlds, not wear yourself out running around.

Light: Why not try lying down for a bit?

Sotieth: ...This is strange.

Sotieth: I can hear various sounds. However, I perceive the world as silent.

Sotieth: The sunlight here is different from the desert... It is warm... and relaxing...

Alk: She was a blink away from passing out this whole time.

Light: I can understand the impatience behind her actions... Hopefully, this is enough to alleviate her desperation.

Stella: She will be fine. Eventually.

Alk: You did a good job with her, Stella.

Alk: Should we take a nap too? I could definitely use a little more shut-eye.

Sotieth: Zzz...

Episode 3
Status Report

Sotieth travels to Rashid's birthplace with Alk and co. in tow. There, they run into Haridal, who exchanges barbs with Sotieth before showing her to Rashid's grave. Eventually, everyone allows Sotieth a moment alone to pay her respects.

Sotieth: My apologies, but may I ask something of you?

Alk: Of course you can. friends help friends out, after all. So what's up?

Sotieth: There is somewhere I wish to go.

Alk: Where are we? This place looks like it was abandoned a long time ago...

Sotieth: ...This is Rashid's birthplace.

Sotieth: I heard it was destroyed by a kingdom attack a long time ago.

Sotieth: I wished to see it at least once.

Haridal: It's you...

Sotieth: Why are you here?

Haridal: This is where Rashid and I grew up.

Haridal: ...Though I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you didn't know.

Sotieth: ...I did know.

Haridal: I let my sentiments get the best of me. That's why I'm here.

Sotieth: ...I never thanked you for before.

Sotieth: I appreciate your help back then. Without you, I would not be here now.

Haridal: Save your thanks. I was only doing it to help Rashid.

Haridal: Honestly... I still think it best to cut you down where you stand.

Haridal: We should never risk having another Titan rise up again.

Haridal: You've proven you're too easy to manipulate.

Sotieth: ...I will never do such a thing again. Nor will I allow myself to be forced to.

Haridal: Right. That'll definitely be the case after I finish you off.

Sotieth: I will not allow you to take this life that Rashid risked everything to protect.

Sotieth: However...

Sotieth: I do owe you an apology.

Sotieth: You were correct to say I am dangerous... If I had not been by Rashid's side, then perhaps he would still be...

Haridal: ...No, I was speaking out of anger.

Haridal: Now that I think about it... If I had never left Rashid's side, then he would have never met you in the first place.

Sotieth: ...I do not like you.

Haridal: What a coincidence. I don't like you either.

Alk: ...Hoo, I can practically see the sparks fly.

Light: It's understandable, isn't it? They were enemies when they met, which isn't easy to forget even though things have changed...

Nimbus: Ha. You've never seen two people fighting over a man before, have you?

Haridal: Hmph. I've had enough.

Haridal: Follow me.

Sotieth: What...

Sotieth: Is this...

Haridal: Rashid's grave.

Sotieth: Ah... AHHH!

Haridal: I guess it's one thing to know, and another to see it with your own eyes.

Haridal: You probably weren't ready for this yet, huh...

Sotieth: N-no, thank you... for showing me...

Sotieth: Ahhh...

Haridal: I'll take my leave.

Haridal: ...I'll be waiting to see the day you fulfill Rashid's last wish.

Sotieth: And you... better... preserve the borderlands... so my journey is not in vain...

Sotieth: Haridal!

Haridal: Yeah... See you, Sotieth.

Alk: We'll give you some space.

Sotieth: Rashid...

Sotieth: When you gave me your last order, I...

Sotieth: ...

Sotieth: The worlds out there are bigger... and far more beautiful than I thought.

Sotieth: I have only started my journey... but one day, I will come to understand...

Sotieth: *inhale*

Sotieth: I shall be going now, Rashid.

Sotieth: But one day, I will return. And when I do...