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Episode 1
Going off the Rails

Nimbus and friends hear from Pur Lilie that the dead have been coming back to life, and later stumble upon the culprit—a young woman named Sohvi. Nimbus is forced to protect her from danger, displaying a cool side to him that has Sohvi swooning. He tries to deflect her affections by claiming he is only into beastfolk women, but that spurs Sohvi to embark on a quest to transform herself into the furry girl of his dreams.

Alk: This Just In! Bodies Rising from the Grave! For real? Headlines these days, I swear...

Pur Lilie: Haven't you heard, Alk? There's been a ton of reports about the dead coming back to life! No one knows what's going on!

Light: Wait, this wasn't a joke post? Huh... Sounds like we've got a necromancer problem on our hands.

Pur Lilie: Honestly? No one's sure. Seems like the bodies stop moving and go back to normal after a day. Does that sound like a necromancer to you?

Pur Lilie: What if it's a new disease? Or the magic of an evil cult? Gives me shivers just thinking about it!

Pur Lilie: Anyway, let me know if you find out anything! There could be a reward in it for you!

Alk: Temporary zombies... What—or who—could be causing that?

Man's Voice: AHHHH!

Rude Man: M-mercy, please! I swear, no more dragging pretty ladies down a sketchy alley ever again! I'll be good! Cross my heart and hope to die!

Wide-Eyed Girl: Blah, blah, blah. Whatever, man. You're making way too much of a fuss, y'know that? Just shut up and die.

Rude Man: GAAAHHH!

Light: Hold it right there! I know not what this man has done to you, but if you strike him again he will surely die!

Wide-Eyed Girl: Huh? Who the hell are you? Also, don't be stupid. I can't bring him back to life if he's not dead first.

Nimbus: You wanna... do WHAT?!

Wide-Eyed Girl: Gah! My perfectly fine specimen! Look what you did!

Wide-Eyed Girl: Sheeeesh! Can't a girl get a break? None of my revival concoctions work like they're supposed to, then when I try to get a fresh body, this happens!

Wide-Eyed Girl: Aaaahhhhhh! I'm so mad, I just wanna slice something up into PIECES!

Nimbus: Hey! That was uncalled for!

Wide-Eyed Girl: Why did you DODGE?! You... REALLY! PISS! ME! OFF! RAAAAHHH!

Townsperson's Voice: AHHH! Runaway horse cart! Everybody, steer clear!

Nimbus: Jeez, I felt that brush my fur... What kinda horse comes barreling down an alley—

Townsperson's Voice: AHHH! A golem from the academy is on the loose! And... monsters from the Kaleidoscope too!

Nimbus: Does this alley have a magnet for attracting trouble or something? The hell!

Nimbus: Guess we better settle this before anything else happens. Come at me!

Wide-Eyed Girl: That... was so HOT!

Nimbus: ...Huh?

Wide-Eyed Girl: Oh my gosh, oh my GOSH! The way you whisked me away and pummeled that golem... Talk about dashing! Ugh, stop wasting time and marry me already!

Nimbus: Uh... Think I might've heard you wrong. What'd... you just say?

Wide-Eyed Girl: I like you, you big furball! Now gimme a kiss!

Nimbus: The hell are you on about? Did you hit your head back there?!

Wide-Eyed Girl: Don't you like me back, baby? Am I not your type? Give me a chance and I'll become the woman of your dreams!

Nimbus: This chick is off her damn rocker... Listen, the problem here has nothin' to do with type or whatever.

Nimbus: I'm a beastman. A furless lady just ain't gonna cut it for me. Fact is... only the shiniest coats out there'll catch my attention.

Wide-Eyed Girl: You're a furry?!

Alk: Wait, what? Last time I checked, you—

Nimbus: SHH! Can't you tell I'm making this crap up?!

Nimbus: Anyway, there you have it. Quit while you're ahead.

Wide-Eyed Girl: But... but...

Wide-Eyed Girl: WAAAAAHHH!

Nimbus: The hell is wrong with her...

Alk: So the reports about corpses coming back to life have stopped?

Pur Lilie: Yep, not a single dead person spotted stumbling around! I wonder what all the fuss was originally about...

Nimbus: Forget that crap! Someone get this woman off of me!

Wide-Eyed Girl: Nimbus! I'll never give up on you, my love!

Nimbus: I'd rather you did, thanks! Like I said, if you're not covered in fur—

Wide-Eyed Girl: That's why I started developing a concoction to give me the most beautiful coat there ever was!

Nimbus: ...What.

Wide-Eyed Girl: Oh yes, I'm quite the potion expert. Just give me some time! I'll become the furriest furball you've ever laid eyes on!

Alk: Hold up, how do you even know Nimbus's name?

Wide-Eyed Girl: I looked into it, duh. You adventuring types are super easy to track! Knowing names is useful since we're gonna be future travel buddies!

Stella: That's true. Welcome aboard.

Nimbus: Don't just agree to this!

Sohvi: Name's Sohvi. It's good meet ya, Stella. Alk. Light.

Alk: You even figured out our names?!

Sohvi: Nimbus... I'll make you fall for me, no matter what...

Sohvi: Ehehe... Hehehe!

Episode 2
For My Beloved

Nimbus and friends hear from Pur Lilie that someone is stealing people's hair and dousing them with strange medicine—predictably, the culprit is Sohvi. The gang try to take her in, but are stopped by grateful victims who have grown luscious heads of hair. Sohvi, on the other hand, becomes furious to see that her experiments have not resulted in furry bodies, but Alk quickly pacifies her by showing her how to obtain Nimbus's fur for use in her experiments.

Alk: Watch Out! Random Attacks Continue in the Streets! For real? Headlines these days, I swear...

Pur Lilie: Haven't you heard, Alk? There's been a ton of reports about it!

Alk: Why am I getting a sense of déjà vu here...

Light: Could you tell us what you've heard?

Pur Lilie: Apparently, someone's been going after men who are walking alone... Yanking off their hair, throwing some mystery concoction over 'em, then running off.

Alk: Wait, that's it? The post made it sound like we had a serial killer or something. They're just stealing hair?

Pur Lilie: A crime's still a crime, right? Let me know if you find out anything! There could be a reward in it for you this time!

Alk: Why do you look like you just sucked on a lemon, Nimbus?

Nimbus: Sorry... Just got this wicked chill down my spine. Think I'm gonna head home and sleep...

Alk: Not often that Nimbus doesn't feel well. Do you think he caught a cold?

Light: Perhaps he has indigestion. Should we grab him some medicine?

Man's Voice: Ah... AAAAHHH!

Guy About to Lose It All: M-mercy, please! I don't have that much hair left! Let me and my balding head go!

Light: That's enough!

Alk: Oh, boy... So Sohvi is the culprit. As soon as I heard Lilie tell the story, I figured it might be her, but...

Guy About to Lose It All: H-help me! This chick's trying to pluck every last hair from my body!

Light: The evidence is damning. But Sohvi, why would you do this?

Sohvi: Ain't it obvious? I'm trying to make me a fur-growing potion! Y'see, brewing it is proving to be a lot tougher than I first thought.

Sohvi: Ugh, I'm way behind schedule! I should be fluffy and furry and living it up as Nimbus's wifey already! All these setbacks are REALLY PISSING ME OFF!

Alk: L-let's just take a deep breath, okay?

Sohvi: Anyway! I've got work to do with all these hair samples! Don't get in my way, got it?!

Light: I'm sorry, but I'm afraid we can't just let you do what you please.

Alk: I get where you're coming from— Actually, let's not kid ourselves. I don't.

Alk: But if you call it quits now, you still have time to make amends for your crimes!

Sohvi: My WHAT? So you ARE going to get between me and my dear Nimbus!

Alk: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Light, any ideas? Preferably something that'll save our hides from getting diced up!

Light: Tch... Do we have no choice but to fight?

Man's Voice: W-waaaiiiit!

Hairy Guy: We... We're victims of the Hair-Stealing Slasher!

Light: If you're victims... Then are you here to take revenge against your assailant?

Hairy Guy: Well, can't say the thought didn't cross our minds at first! But things are different now! This crazy chick changed our lives!

Bushy-Haired Guy: You know how she poured some weird potion on us, right? This morning, we woke up with a whole new head of lustrous, smooth hair!

Guy with a Hairline: She even restored my hairline! I don't know how I can ever repay her!

Light: I... I see. That's impressive... I suppose that means you won't press charges?

Alk: Did you hear that, Sohvi? Your stuff worked, AND nobody's mad at you! Isn't that nice?


Alk: Wh-why are you MAD?!

Sohvi: Hair is SUPPOSED to grow out of your SCALP!

Sohvi: Making concoctions for that is EASY! But growing FUR on your BODY ISN'T! MY EXPERIMENT FAILED!


Sohvi: But these IDIOTS are CELEBRATING my FAILURE! Oh, I'll do more than TAKE HAIRS THIS TIME!


Alk: Hoooold your horses! You've made your point! Sorry for not taking your worries seriously!

Alk: I know the perfect way to apologize! A gift you'll really love! Let those folks go, and I'll tell you how to get it!

Sohvi: What're you talking about?

Alk: Err... I know a way to get Nimbus's fur without causing a fuss or breaking any rules!

Alk: I'm sure it'll serve you way better than any run-of-the-mill hair you'll find out here! So... How about it?

Sohvi: Alk. You're a true bro after all!

Stella: Sohvi, you're cleaning? Allow me to assist.

Sohvi: Oh! Stella? It's fine, totally fiiine! I've got this! Doing it because I want to!

Stella: Is that right? Thank you for your service.

Sohvi: Yes... Shed more, you hairy hunk... Hair number 284... Mm... smells sultry...

Episode 3
Burning with a Passion

Nimbus is stopped in town by someone who claims to have seen him walking around with a girlfriend. He pieces together what's going on when Sohvi stops by with a life-sized plushie of Nimbus she created using his fur. Disturbed at the imitation that can also speak, Nimbus tries to get rid of it, but Sohvi mistakes his disgust for jealousy and happily burns the plushie to a crisp, even as it begs for mercy.

Light: You're in a good mood, Alk.

Alk: Of course I am! Who wouldn't be after getting perfectly marbled meat on sale? Ahhh... What should I make?

Stella: I'm excited for tonight's dinner.

City Dweller: Heya, Nimbus! Your cute girlfriend not with you today?

Nimbus: My... what?!

City Dweller: Why so shy? You were walking around all lovey-dovey together the other day! Man, I can't wait to graduate from the single life too!

City Dweller: Gotta say though, I never expected that kinda girl would be your type.

Nimbus: ...'Scuse me?

City Dweller: N-not that I mean anything bad by that! I swear!

Nimbus: I'm not mad, just confused. What do you mean you saw me with my girlfriend? I don't have one.

City Dweller: What? But... I know what I saw. You've been going everywhere with her hanging off your arm.

Nimbus: That can't have been me. But then who—

Sohvi: Oh, Nimby-Wimby!

Sohvi: Fancy meeting you here! We've gotta be bound by fate, don'tcha think? Sounds to me like we should just tie the knot—

Nimbus: In your dreams! What the hell've you been doing? There're these weird rumors floating around—

Nimbus?: Sohvi. I love you!

Alk: ...Am I the only one seeing double?!

Nimbus: What the HELL is THIS?!

Sohvi: Ehehe, don't be mean! He's obviously the result of the love between us!

Light: You two had a child together?!

Nimbus: Obviously not, dumbass! That ain't no kid!

Alk: ...Mind giving us a more thorough explanation, Sohvi?

Sohvi: Is it that hard to put two and two together? I took Nimbus's molted fur and made a life-sized plushie out of it!

Nimbus: You did WHAT?!

Stella: A plushie that can speak too. Impressive.

Alk: Scary, is what I'd call it.

Sohvi: Remember how I was working on a revival concoction before meeting Nimbus? I just put that research to use and imbued this vessel with a mock life force.

Plushie Nimbus: Sohvi. I love you. Marry me, my darling.

Nimbus: Ugh, hearing my own voice say gross crap like that gives me the creeps! That's it! I'm ripping this thing apart!

Sohvi: No! Nimbus, you meanie! You can't do that to my masterpiece!

Nimbus: Watch me! No way I can turn a blind eye to this cursed doll!

Sohvi: But...

Sohvi: ...Oh.

Sohvi: I get it! Ehe! Hehehe! You're jealous!

Nimbus: Wha?!

Sohvi: Of a plushie too! That's so cuuute!

Nimbus: I am NOT!

Sohvi: You don't have to be shy about it! I love seeing this side of you!

Nimbus: You're not seeing ANYTHING but your own DELUSIONS!

Sohvi: But I'll be nice and get rid of this thing if it's making you that jealous! Teehee!

Plushie Nimbus: GAAHHHH!

Light: S-Sohvi?! What are you doing?!

Sohvi: Taking out the trash! Bye-bye!

Plushie Nimbus: Soh... Agh...

Alk: This is starting to look like the scene of a murder...

Sohvi: And the final touch!

Nimbus: GAH?!

Plushie Nimbus: Hot... Don't want... to die... Help... He... Ah...

Nimbus: Watching my face get burned to a crisp... Can't say I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing this before.

Alk: So, uh... Nimbus? Mind if I ask you something?

Alk: You think we could, uh, skip out on meat for dinner tonight? I'm feeling kinda queasy...

Nimbus: Yeah, that... That sounds like a good idea.

Sohvi: Ehehehe! Nimby-Wimby, I love you!