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"Greetings. My name is Shywe. I've come to be joined in holy matrimony with my fated hazubando!"

"This isn't even an altar, and yet I feel such a strong connection to the sprites! I feel like I could blow away any foe now!"

"All was decided by the sprites, so there's nothing to worry about. Why? Because the sprites decided it!"

"What's important is not personal desire. Rather, it's the further growth of the village and the will of the sprites."

"Why do those outside the village have so little appreciation for the sprites? I simply can't understand it."

"A-Alk?! N-No, it's that... W-Was there someone by that name? I don't remember..."

"Hee hee. Well, then, maybe I'll just do as I like, too. I hope you're prepared for that!"

"The food in this town really is incredible, but...I do miss the taste of my mother's cooking from time to time."