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Episode 1
Enter the Dragon

Inside a mafia hideout, Alk and Nimbus are attacked by a contracted killer named Shuilong. Just when she is about to finish the job, the mafia boss interrupts her fun and accidentally breaches their contract, nullifying it. Shuilong forms a new one with Alk, reluctantly agreeing to be paid in food and not being allowed to murder, before following him back to Starview.

Nimbus: Heh, that all you underlings got?

Mafia Boss: Damn you, Crimson Blades...

Light: Haven't you had enough? There's no paint in continuing the fight.

Mafia Boss: I-I'm not finished yet! Shuilong, it's your turn!

Shuilong: You called?

Nimbus: Who's this chick?

Shuilong: Yet another fine mess you've made. What happened to not needing my services?

Mafia Boss: L-let's agree to a new contract! Tale care of these pests for me-

Shuilong: And the reward?

Mafia Boss: Whatever price you name!

Shuilong: Haha, I'll take my usual rate then.

Shuilong: And stay out of my way while I work.

Light: This isn't good! RUN-

Nimbus: Guh!

Alk: Nimbus!

Shuilong: I thought the Crimson Blades were supposed to be tough. Perhaps I was wrong to get my hopes up.

Shuilong: Maybe you'll fare better, boy.

Light: Alk! Can you stand?!

Alk: Rgh... Ngh!

Shuilong: Oh? That should've killed you.

Shuilong: What is that sword of yours, boy.

Alk: My... My sword?

Shuilong: So you haven't noticed yet. Never mind then.

Shuilong: Show me you know how to use it.

Mafia Boss: Yes, that's it, Shuilong! Drive them into a corner!

Shuilong: What are you playing at?

Shuilong: Look me in the eyes. What. Are. You. Doing?

Mafia Boss: ...Huh?

Shuilong: Did you not hear me earlier? When I say stay out of my way, I MEAN it.

Mafia Boss: Ah... I... A-ah... AHHH!

Shuilong: You've completely ruined the mood. What a killjoy.

Shuilong: Well, boy. What do you want to do?

Alk: Wh-wha...

Shuilong: My contract was breached, so I'm back to being a freelancer.

Shuilong: For a limited time only, I'll kill them all for a discounted price.

Shuilong: Why? Because I feel like it. Now tell me if you want the deal before I change my mind.

Alk: First of all, no killing allowed! Secondly, I can only pay you in free meals- dinner only, to be specific.

Shuilong: ...Come again?

Alk: Those are my two conditions! Take it or leave it!

Mafia Boss: Damn you all to the depths of the ocean! Kill them! Kill them all!

Shuilong: Tch...

Shuilong: Fine then. I'll spare your measly lives.

Alk: So... Why are you following us?

Shuilong: You never decided on the duration of our contract.

Nimbus: ...Don't tell me you're actually fine with following us around and being paid in FOOD.

Shuilong: You never said how much food. I expect you to prepare dinner for me every day.

Shuilong: Enough chatter. Take me to your ship.

Light: I must insist that we cut ties with her immediately. She is a menace.

Nimbus: You don't say. I'd rather make friends with a kraken than take her home.

Nimbus: Doesn't look like she'll take no for an answer though. We should call for some backup before we cut loose and run.

Alk: H-hold on, before we do anything hasty... She made a contract with us, remember? Judging by her behavior so far, she's serious about honoring it.

Nimbus: You crazy? Or did you hit your head too hard back there? She tried to kill you!

Alk: The contract is law for you... right?

Shuilong: It's my policy to honor it.

Alk: ...All right. Come with us then.

Shuilong: Haha... Hahaha! You must be the greatest employers I've ever worked with!

Shuilong: To think there's a platform with access to all the strongest warriors across different worlds!

Shuilong: Who do you wish me to kill? Which world are they in?

Alk: We went over this, didn't we? No killing allowed.

Alk: No time limit on our contract either, and you're paid in food. Those were the terms.

Shuilong: You must be joking.

Alk: I'm not.

Shuilong: You better not miss a single dinner from now on, then.

Shuilong: Or else you'll see what happens when you breach our contract.

Alk: Don't worry, I won't forget. By the way, we're having plain curry tonight.

Nimbus: I can't even... This one might be too far, even for our standards.

Episode 2
The Way of the Dragon

Shuilong forces Alk and Nimbus into taking down a bandit hideout. Confronting the bandit leader, she reveals that she once taught him how to fight and goads him into trying to kill her. Despite the danger, Alk refuses to let her do any lethal damage, which annoys her to no end as they take down the leader.

Nimbus: Come on, just pick already. We can do the same boring odd jobs as usual and get it over with.

Alk: I'd love to, but the ones listed today are all pretty dangerous...

Alk: Hmm... How about this one? Think we can handle it?

Shuilong: Surely you can do better. Pick something actually fun, like that one.

Alk: Wh-what are you doing here?

Shuilong: Don't ask a question you don't want to know the answer to.

Shuilong: Why are you backing away?

Alk: Most normal people would, you know...

Shuilong: If you're going to be a brat about it, I may as well kill you now.

Alk: Can't... breathe... That's it, I'm adding "no choking" to the contract!

Shuilong: We move out as soon as you're ready.

Alk: ...Do we have to?

Nimbus: Give it up, Alk. I'd rather face whatever's out there than her.

Alk: Hey, Nimbus. What do you think goes through the head of a person like her?

Nimbus: Your mistake there is assuming she's a "person." She's downright inhuman.

Nimbus: The two of you couldn't be any more different. It's no use trying to understand her.

Shuilong: Despite what people claim, I am human.

Shuilong: Besides, what qualities define a person's humanity in the first place?

Shuilong: Do I need to be an idiot, hesitate to deal the finishing blow and get killed instead? Is that what it takes?

Nimbus: Hey. You may not like the way he is, but the rest of us do.

Shuilong: Is that so? You lot make me sick to my stomach.

Shuilong: I can't wait until the day you finally lead yourselves to slaughter.

Shuilong: ...You think you're better than me, but we'll see how long you can live this life of violence and stay that way.

Nimbus: Told you. She's built different.

Alk: *wheeze* I figured this was gonna be tough, considering the reward's big enough for a whole platoon, but this is...

Nimbus: These guys don't seem like you typical adventurers-turned-bandits.

Shuilong: Less talking, more walking. Or do you want to die?

Shuilong: The rest are this way. Don't fall behind.

Nimbus: ...How much you wanna bet this is a trap?

Alk: For us? Seems like a lot of work for just us, and I'm not sure a trap would even work on Shuilong...

Nimbus: I can think of plenty of reasons someone would want to try though.

Nimbus: Some people just can't let things go.

Shuilong: I appreciate the warm welcome.

Bandit Leader: What are you... doing here...

Shuilong: I recall you saying something about wanting to off my employers before.

Shuilong: So I thought I'd take the opportunity to introduce you to each other.

Bandit Leader: What... What kind of suck game is this?

Bandit Leader: What do you WANT FROM ME, MASTER?!

Alk: Master? Shuilong, what's going on?

Shuilong: I gave him some training, since her seemed like he had a bit of potential in him.

Shuilong: But it looks like this is as far as he'll grow. I suppose that's the best that fodder can do.

Bandit Leader: What's that supposed to mean? Look at me! I've grown way stronger than before!

Bandit Leader: I offed my old man and all those other weaklings with the power you gave me! So why-

Shuilong: I expect you to listen when I talk.

Shuilong: Now I'll say it one more time. You're. Fodder. This is your limit.

Bandit Leader: Master...

Bandit Leader: Fine... If that's the way it's going to be...

Shuilong: Well, isn't this a fine specimen. How much did you pay for this one?

Bandit Leader: Is that all you've got to say to me?

Shuilong: I suppose I can be generous, now that you've piqued my interest.

Shuilong: Dear disciple... I compliment your fine taste. This monster should prove to be far more entertaining than you.

Bandit Leader: Kill her! Pummel her face into a bloody pulp! I never want to see that sick smirk of hers again!

Alk: Shuilong, don't forget our contract.

Alk: No killing.

Shuilong: You're going to take pity on him? You must be asking for an early grave.

Shuilong: Or do you save weaklings to give yourself a sense of satisfaction?

Alk: Maybe I do.

Shuilong: Oh?

Alk: But what I care about right now is that you honor the contact!

Shuilong: You lot are as soft in the head as you are in the arms.

Episode 3
Master Killer

Noticing one of her old employers stalking her, Shuilong confronts him. He offers her unlimited power, unintentionally implying that her hard work is inferior to his augments. Enraged, Shuilong tries to kill him, but is stopped by Alk, who lets the man get away. After expressing their distaste for one another, Shuilong and Alk head back to Starview separately.

Alk: *sigh*

Alk: Why are you following me?

Shuilong: Are you always this dedicated to your cooking? You select ingredients with such painstaking attention to detail.

Alk: Uh, yeah...

Shuilong: Why split your attention in that direction? Are you truing to open a restaurant?

Shuilong: You seem to have an aversion to committing to one task. Like your hesitation to finish off your foes.

Shuilong: Relying on natural talent alone only gets you so far.

Alk: Maybe I like being a jack of all trades? You and I really don't have much in common, do we...

Alk: Anyway, if that's all, I've gotta be on my way.

Shuilong: I, too, have something to care of.

Shuilong: Only an imbecile would come looking to eat dirt a second time. But I'm curious what you have to say for yourself first.

Suspicious Man: Your senses are as sharp as ever, Shuilong.

Suspicious Man: I'll cur to the chase: I want to hire you again.

Shuilong: So you didn't learn a thing from our last encounter. Let me phrase it even clearer: you're wasting both our time.

Suspicious Man: First the Wicked Witch of the Rift, now you? What's so interesting about that boy and his friends anyway?

Suspicious Man: You're not allowed to kill, and you're not making any money off of this arrangement. Why stick with it?

Shuilong: If you're trying to be a stalker, you're certainly not doing a very good job.

Shuilong: Is that all? If so, then I'll be taking my leave.

Suspicious Man: W-wait! I'll pay however much you want, just give me information on your new pals!

Shuilong: Just when I thought you couldn't be any more pathetic.

Suspicious Man: Rgh... Then how about...

Suspicious Man: Any body augments you want!

Suspicious Man: We can give you unlimited power! That's what you truly desire, right?

Suspicious Man: You'll be unstoppable! Once we perfect immortality, that can be yours too!

Shuilong: Oh? So you think that these fists of mine...

Shuilong: Are inferior to your man-made abominations?

Shuilong: Looks like you need to be taught a lesson.

Suspicious Man: Eep! D-damn it... The rest of you, get our here!

Suspicious Man: You should've just listened to my proposal... But now I know you're too dangerous to be left alive!

Shuilong: This is all you've got? A half-baked attempt at a dragon?

Shuilong: Your money would've been better spent on procuring a real one.

Suspicious Man: Y-you monster...

Shuilong: As if I'd ever accept power from you lot. My fists alone will make me the most powerful warrior of all time.

Shuilong: Brief as it was, I had a good time today. But now I've grown tired of playing with you-

Alk: Get out of here while you have the chance!

Shuilong: ...What are you doing?

Alk: I thought you said you honored your contracts.

Shuilong: I'm starting to think I shouldn't, so your life could be free for the taking...

Shuilong: Damn you, you naïve imbecile...

Shuilong: Fine. Have it your way.

Shuilong: But don't think I've accepted your methods. I still don't know why you adhere to such stupidity.

Shuilong: That man was one of your enemies- an evil meant to be purged. Why did you save him?

Shuilong: What worth is there in preserving that existence?

Alk: What if I said it's my policy to do so?

Shuilong: Don't toy with me.

Alk: ...I just don't like it.

Alk: Besides, who says you get decide how much someone's life is worth?

Alk: What gives you the right?

Shuilong: I don't understand you at all.

Shuilong: How can you concentrate in a fight when your mind is filled with so much nonsense?

Alk: If you really want to know, then you'll have to start putting yourself in the shoes of those you've looked down on.

Shuilong: You are a nuisance. In fact, I despise you. I am tempted- so incredibly tempted- to end this contract.

Shuilong: But fine. I'll continue to be in your employ, until the day you meet a death worthy of your miserable life.

Shuilong: I'll be expecting your cooking every day until then.

Alk: Hooooly mackerel, I thought I was done for...

Alk: "I despise you, but I'll continue to be in your employ." Geez...

Alk: Only someone like her could get away with mouthing off at their boss like that...