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Episode 1
Shirano's Kitchen

Shirano offers to help Alk in the kitchen, but is taken aback by the overly sugary soy sauce in his pantry. The next day, she prepares traditional Yamato cuisine fit for a queen. Alk asks Shirano to teach him, and she vows to make a proper lady out of him.

Alk: All right, I guess that's about good.

Alk: Now to just toss in some soy sauce, and it'll be ready to serve.

Shirano: Hard at work, I see.

Alk: Shirano! What brings you here?

Shirano: I heard from Light that you could use some help.

Shirano: I know my way around a kitchen; might I lend you a hand?

Alk: If you don't mind, that'd be amazing! Thank you, Shirano.

Shirano: Think nothing of it, dearie.

Shirano: Goodness, you certainly keep the place well-stocked. Bless your heart, there's even soy sauce.

Alk: Yeah! Ever since I found out about it, I've been using it for almost everyth—

Shirano: Hold that thought, dearie. What have you got inside this bottle?

Alk: Huh? It should have soy sauce in it, why? Is there something wrong with it?

Shirano: You call this soy sauce?! The color is much too dark, and it's far too sweet!

Alk: Oh no, is it really? This is what I was taught with, so I just assumed that's how it's supposed to be.

Shirano: The REAL stuff doesn't have all these frivolous additives—doesn't need them! Good soy sauce should have a light, natural color.

Shirano: Whoever taught you CERTAINLY wasn't from the West! We hold our kitchens to much higher standards than this!

Alk: I-I see...

Shirano: Oh, but we've so many growing mouths to feed! I suppose we haven't the time to start anew... And so tradition dies.

Alk: D-dies? It's just a little soy sauce.

Shirano: Now, listen here, young man! The art of cooking is a battle, and its heroes rise and fall with the tides of time. Do you understand?

Alk: Y-yes, Ma'am!

Shirano: Good. Meet me here tomorrow evening.

Shirano: I'll give you a taste of TRUE Yamato cuisine!

Alk: Shirano, you prepared all of this yourself?! I-I could never make something like this...

Light: The attention to detail is superb. It reminds me of meals served to the king back in my world.

Stella: This is delicious, Shirano. I love it!

Nimbus: I mean, it's good, but aren't you all bein' a bit dramatic?

Alk: Dramatic?! DRAMATIC?! Did you even taste it?!

Alk: Shirano has pruned away all but the most essential components of the dishes, delicately balancing their textures and natural flavors!

Alk: You can taste the faith she has in the ingredients. Only a true master could cook something like this!

Nimbus: Uh... I-if you say so.

Alk: Here I was, overloading dishes with strong spices... I never gave the other ingredients a chance to reach their full potentials!

Shirano: There's nothing wrong with strong spices, used correctly. For dishes like these, though, I would recommend soy sauce without additives.

Alk: I'll buy some for the pantry right away!

Light: I won't pretend to understand, but I'm glad Alk seems to have found new direction. I look forward to his improvement.

Shirano: As do I. I'll admit I let myself get a bit carried away. It's nice to work with such an avid learner!

Shirano: Ah, if only the princess would put half so much energy into her studies!

Alk: Shirano! Please teach me more about cooking! I want to become better—stronger!

Shirano: Very well! I shall see to your training!

Shirano: A proper princess must first become a proper lady! Come, you have much to learn!

Alk: Thank you! I'll do my best to—

Alk: Wait, p-princess?!

Stella: I think you'd make a good princess.

Light: Agreed.

Nimbus: You'll make a good Queen of the Kitchen someday.

Alk: But I'm... Sigh.

Episode 2
The Softest Governess

With Inaho and Shirano fussing over their human friends, Kuzunoha grows lonely and worries about the future of yokai. Shirano reassures Kuzunoha that she'll always be there to look after her.

Shirano: Kuzunoha the Golden, She of Nine Tails!

Shirano: Your humble servant Shirano requests an audience.

???: Yes, I am listening.

Kuzunoha: How have you fared since last we spoke?

Shirano: Well, Milady, thank you.

Shirano: I see you have taken a liking to that form.

Kuzunoha: Hah! It is easy to imitate, if nothing else. I could hardly wander about in my true form, now could I?

Kuzunoha: More importantly, tell me of the world wanderers.

Shirano: Yes, Milady. I have yet to see anything of significance. I'm afraid I have no leads on the girl who summoned Orochi.

Shirano: However, I suspect the mortals will cross paths with her again in time.

Kuzunoha: Very well. Have you any other news to report?

Shirano: Other news? Hmm, let's see...

Shirano: Alk has mastered the basic uses of soy sauce, so I feel he is ready for intermediate techniques.

Kuzunoha: Soy sauce?

Shirano: Oh! Nothing to trouble you with, Milady. I've nothing serious to report at the moment.

Kuzunoha: ...You wish to adventure with them as Inaho has, do you not? Shirano, I would give you my leave, should you request it.

Shirano: Your leave! I wouldn't dream of it Milady!

Kuzunoha: We yokai are long-lived, but not eternal. For what are we, if not mysteries of the night?

Kuzunoha: When brought to light, we will be no more than beasts. Destiny determines your destination, but none shall decide your path.

Kuzunoha: Spend your days as you will. You may fraternize with the humans, if you so wish.

Shirano: Nonsense!

Shirano: Goodness, you sound like a child! I know that lonely little face! You needn't worry; I won't abandon you.

Shirano: You always were a clingy one, dearie.

Kuzunoha: And YOU are ever the governess...

Shirano: But of course! SOMEONE has to take care of you and the princess!

Kuzunoha: ...You have grown attached to the mortals, though. Do you not wish to be with them?

Shirano: What's the harm in few more children to supervise?

Shirano: They're as bad as the princess, Milady. Who knows what trouble they'd stick their noses into?

Shirano: Why, their adventures may even lead them to you!

Kuzunoha: ...To me?

Kuzunoha: Very well, Shirano. Please continue keeping tabs on them for me.

Shirano: Gladly, Milady. You just leave everything to me, now!

Alk: Oh, welcome back!

Shirano: Hello, Alk, Stella.

Alk: Great timing! I actually wanted to ask you something about that bonito dish you assigned me.

Shirano: In time, dearie, in time. Would you both kneel down for a moment?

Stella: Kneel? Like this?

Shirano: Yes, yes, now I can reach. I'm so proud of you both. I've got big expectations for you two!

Shirano: Now then, I must get to work!

Alk: W-what was that? She ruffled our hair and left just like that... Did you do something, Stella?

Stella: I don't think so... Did you?