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Episode 1
Too Good To Be True!

Alk accepts a suspiciously high-paying quest, unknowingly roping the party into a Guild scandal. Information broker Shion appears to save the day—making a quick buck off the encounter he secretly orchestrated.

Light: We only need to deliver a letter?

Stella: Yes. We were asked to deliver it to a mansion over that way.

Light: Surely, there must have been better quests than this.

Alk: Beggars can't be choosers. We're low on gold, so we have to take whatever puts bread on the table.

Light: I suppose you're right...

Stella: Agreed.

Alk: I know it's not the most exciting job, but it should be easy enough and the pay is surprisingly good.

Alk: Can you believe we're getting a hundred gold for this?

Light: Wait—Did you just say a HUNDRED?

Alk: Yup! I couldn't believe it either!

Light: There is NO good reason for a delivery this simple to cost that much. Were they in that much of a hurry?

Alk: There's no rush, but... Doesn't it look like a love letter? I think he was too embarrassed to deliver it himself.

Light: A, a love letter?!

Light: Hmm. Even so, a hundred gold is far too much. This letter may be more trouble than it's worth.

Alk: No way! Why would it be—

???: Hey! You there! What are you doing here?

Alk: Wait, you mean us?

Dermot: Yes, you. I'm with the Guild. Name's Dermot.

Dermot: Now why don't you explain what adventurers such as yourselves are doing in this part of town?

Alk: We're here to deliver a love letter to—

Light: Alk!

Dermot: Veeery interesting. You see, we've been hearing reports of a shady fellow bothering ladies 'round here.

Dermot: That wouldn't be YOU, now would it? I think we need to have a niiice long chat back at the Guild.

Light: Look at us! Do you really think WE would run around accosting women? We're just delivering a letter.

Dermot: You never know! Now shut up and hand over the letter!

Stella: But—!

Light: Hey! Keep your hands away from them! Is THIS the Guild's idea of justice?!

Shady Man: Now, now, let's all calm down, shall we?

Dermot: Who the hell are you?

Shion: Shion! You know, the information broker? Haven't you heard of me?

Alk: Huh? Now that you mention it, he DOES look a little familiar...

Dermot: Hmph! This is none of your business, gossip-monger.

Shion: Oh, but it IS! See, the lovely lady down the road has got herself caught up in QUITE the scandal, the poor darling!

Shion: She's an actress—the Queen of the Stage! Unfortunately for her though, two local gentlemen are vying to be her Prince Charming.

Shion: It's a full-on feud, but get this! A little birdie told me one of them's been skulking around her neighborhood. Isn't that right?

Dermot: ...What are you trying to imply?

Shion: I do believe I introduced myself as an information broker, didn't I? I'm saying I've got goods you might be interested in.

Shion: For example, dirt on the other guy involved in the scandal.

Shion: It'd be a shame if word got out that the Guild was shaking down errand boys. Forget the kids over there—Why don't you come with me?

Dermot: Fine. I'll bite.

Dermot: You lot are free to go. Don't do anything else suspicious, you hear?

Dermot: And make sure you dispose of that letter!

Shion: My heart goes out to the poor actress who got dragged into all of this. She must feel so betrayed!

Shion: I know all of this city's juiciest secrets. I wouldn't mind sharing with the Guild. I think we'd make great business partners!

Alk: Oh! I just remembered where I've seen that Shion guy!

Alk: He had a hood on when I saw him, so I didn't recognize him at first, but he's the one who hired me to deliver the letter!

Light: I just KNEW it was too good to be true.

Light: Let's open the letter. We should check its contents.

Alk: O- okay, let's see...

Shion: Thanks for the help, kid! I'd be more careful if I were you, though. Did you really think someone would pay that much for a letter?

Shion: P.S. If you're ever in the market for intel, I can hook you up!

Alk: ...Yikes.

Stella: Do we still get paid? We're out of food —and funds.

Alk: I doubt it. Looks like we're fresh out of luck, too.

Episode 2
Always a Pleasure

Another suspicious quest drags Alk deeper into a local scandal, but Shion blackmails their way out of the sticky situation.

Light: Is this the correct address for the parcel?

Stella: It should be. The merchant it's addressed to recently purchased this mansion to celebrate his new marriage.

Light: Your "big quest" is delivering a wedding gift? Remember what happened last time you played postman?

Alk: I do, but we can't afford to be picky. Would you rather deliver packages or go hungry?

Light: ...Packages.

Stella: Packages.

Alk: Come on, chins up! I'm flattered you're all big eaters, even if we DO eat through the pantry in no time flat.

Light: Our funds aside, are you certain the quest came from a reputable source?

Alk: It was issued by the Guild itself, so it should be legitimate.

Alk: The Guild wouldn't do anything shady, would they?

Light: What if someone forged the quest listing? To make it appear as though the Guild issued it?

Alk: R-relax, that's a little far-fetched, isn't it?

Light: Remember Shion? The one who ripped you off last time? I wouldn't put it past someone like him.

Alk: You have a point there... Now that you mention it, the Dermot guy with him was a Guild member.

Light: I have a bad feeling about this. Something tells me his deal with Shion was NOT Guild business. We should report it to Lilie.

Guard: You there! State your business at the Dreyden Estate.

Alk: Um, we're here to deliver a package.

Guard: Dermot, that spineless coward! He can send all the henchman he likes. En garde, scoundrel!

Light: Alk, look out!

Guard: If you want to leave in one piece, you'd better fess up where Dermot hid the photos!

Alk: P-photos?! What photos?!

Guard: Don't play dumb! We know you've been blackmailing Master Dreyden with evidence of his infidelity!

Alk: Dermot... Looks like you were right, Light.

Light: The two men feuding over the actress... Could it be that Dermot—?! And to go as far as blackmail!

Stella: This seems like a complex situation.

Shion: Oh, NO! Looks like I missed the opening act! No sense in watching a show from the middle, so I guess I'll just take my leav—

Guard: Hey! They've got reinforcements!

Shion: Gulp... Sorry, I thought I heard shouting, but looks like I misheard. I'll just be on my way. I don't know those guys anywa—

Alk: Shion! This is your doing, isn't it?! DO SOMETHING!

Shion: All right, all right, fine!

Shion: Gentlemen! I hear you're looking for photos, and I have a few negatives left that might interest you. Let's strike a deal, shall we?

Guard: Do you think we'll believe you after all that blackmail?!

Shion: Whether you believe me or not is on you, not me. But well, I'm sure you boys read the paper, don't you?

Guard: What does the newspaper have to do with anything?

Shion: Oh, EVERYTHING. I'll let you choose tomorrow's headline. Option One: Caught in the Act?! Actress' Rich New Husband Found Cheating

Shion: Option Two: Guild Member Abuses Position, Coerces Wealthy Merchant

Shion: ...What'll it be boys?

Guard: How do we know you'll keep your word?

Shion: Affairs are a dime a dozen, but misconduct in the Guild? Now THAT'S a scoop!

Shion: I'm advertising my services to the journalistic world, so I'd prefer to go with a story that'll make a SPLASH! What do you think?

Guard: ...Fine, you've got a deal.

Guard: Looks like the photos are all here. We'll look forward to seeing Dermot's face plastered all over the papers tomorrow.

Light: Shion. What do you have to say for yourself?

Shion: I should've kept a tighter leash on Dermot. I got my scoop in the end, but that was risky.

Shion: I bet the fool thought those photos would convince her to dump her filthy rich husband. They didn't. That's showbiz!

Light: That has nothing to do with US.

Shion: I don't think she even cares THAT much about the money. Sounds like she was just sick of suitors and their squabbling.

Light: Stella, Alk, don't listen to a word he says.

Alk: Why are you doing this, Shion?

Shion: To build my brand! I'm not going to stop at being AN information broker; I'm going to be THE broker. The whole world—my oyster!

Shion: That and well, at the end of the day, who doesn't love a steamy scandal?

Alk: You... You're HORRIBLE...

Shion: Call it an occupational hazard! It's been a pleasure doing business with you—I'll look forward to working with you again!