Sha Suzu/Stories

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Episode 1
Mechanical Genius

Alk and co. find a rare ore in the Kaleidoscope. Sha Suzu uses her knowledge of firearms to forge a weapon from it, but things don't go exactly as planned.

Alk: Look! There's something on the ground here! I wonder if it's valuable.

Stella: What do you think, Sha Suzu?

Sha Suzu: Upon closer inspection—yes! This ore is perfect for armscraft! I forbid you from selling it!

Sha Suzu: Of course, it'll take no small amount of professional knowledge to process it... But that's where I come in!

Alk: Uh, okay. If you want it that much, here you go.

Stella: Are you going to forge a weapon?

Sha Suzu: Heh-heh! You bet your ribbon! It's going to be my greatest creation to date!

Sha Suzu: Our researchers at Voluntas have been at it for years, but we still don't know everything about the weapons found in Kaleidoscope.

Sha Suzu: Minus firearms, of course! Such simple, elegant, and intricate weapons...

Sha Suzu: And perfectly reproducible! After we deduced how to replicate the firing mechanism, that is!

Sha Suzu: Better yet, they give a bookworm like me a fighting chance against all the nastiest nasties!

Sha Suzu: Bask in the glory of engineering!

Alk: Heh, wow. You sure are passionate, aren't you, Sha Suzu?

Sha Suzu: Oops, pardon me. Whenever I start talking shop, I always get carried away.

Alk: Not just talking, though. Back when we first met, you were shooting that thing like crazy.

Sha Suzu: The Kaleidoscope makes for a great testing range! What's better than moving targets!

Alk: Heh, that's what you call target practice?

Alk: But, Sha Suzu, aren't you a student at the Arcane Arts Academy? Why don't you use, you know, magic?

Sha Suzu: Well, anyone who studies at Voluntas can use magic. That's a given.

Sha Suzu: But now that I've gained a passion for engineering firearms, I'm done with all the hocus pocus!

Sha Suzu: Who cares about grades or exams? Especially while I have this little baby to perfect!

Alk: Whoa! You made that? That's amazing!

Sha Suzu: Oh, well, when you put it that way... Yeah, I guess it is!

Stella: But you still require more ore, correct?

Sha Suzu: Bingo! So we'd bett—whoa!

Sha Suzu: Feast your peepers on that! It's the exact material I need!

Alk: Isn't this weird, though? Like it was just asking to be found.

Sha Suzu: Valor is the mother of invention, as they say! Charge!

Alk: Sha Suzu! Are you okay?!

Sha Suzu: No problem! Thanks to my adjustments, my little friend should be able to blow a hole in this bucket just like that!

Sha Suzu: It absorbed the bullets? Wait, no! This cage is from Voluntas!

Sha Suzu: Eeek! H-heeeelp!

Sha Suzu: Curse my luck!

Alk & Stella: Sha Suzu!

Sha Suzu: Pant, pant...

Magic Arts Instructor: Sha Suzu. You are returning to the academy...

Magic Arts Instructor: And take your overdue classes!

Alk: Uh... classes?

Magic Arts Instructor: Yes, this truant is at risk of repeating a grade. And your distraction is certainly no help.

Magic Arts Instructor: Now, if you'll excuse us...

Alk: G-good luck, Sha Suzu?

Episode 2
Problem Student

Despite being a gifted student, Sha Suzu can't seem to get herself out of trouble at Voluntas—nor does she have any intention of changing.

Magic Arts Instructor: Sha Suzu. Wake up, Sha Suzu.

Sha Suzu: Aaah! P-Professor!

Magic Arts Instructor: Napping despite the circumstances— you've certainly got pluck, I'll give you that.

Sha Suzu: Heh-heh. It's not my first time in detention, you know.

Sha Suzu: Once you're used to the total darkness, it's quite comfortable!

Magic Arts Instructor: It's not meant to relax you!

Sha Suzu: Eep!

Magic Arts Instructor: You understand why you were summoned here today, don't you?

Sha Suzu: Was the test firing? Or accidentally blowing up school property? Oh! Or is this about the principal's statue?

Magic Arts Instructor: My word... None of the above, but I see we have a lot to talk about.

Magic Arts Instructor: You went into Kaleidoscope when you should have been in class! Explain yourself.

Sha Suzu: I've already learned everything I can from lectures— I need field experience now!

Sha Suzu: Enough with magic, what we really need is an expanded engineering curriculum!

Magic Arts Instructor: Sha Suzu. Your technological curiosity is commendable, but you can't forget the purpose of this academy.

Magic Arts Instructor: Therefore, you will quietly study here for your beginner's magic exam next month.

Sha Suzu: ...

Magic Arts Instructor: Wh-what are you doing?!

Sha Suzu: Heh-heh... Putting me in the same cage? Maybe you're the one who never learns!

Sha Suzu: Behold! The perfect material, discovered in Kaleidoscope, which will allow me to complete my experimental firearm!

Sha Suzu: There, material bond complete! We're locked and loaded!

Magic Arts Instructor: Wait, you're going to fire that?! Sha Suzu, calm yourself!

Sha Suzu: Maybe it was just a taad too powerful. Guess I've still got some fine-tuning to do.

Sha Suzu: Welp, looks like a perfect time to go back to Kaleidoscope and get back to the ol' engineering grind!

Sha Suzu: Hope the team's still waiting for me!

Magic Arts Instructor: Cough, cough... What a handful...

Magic Arts Instructor: Looks like I'll have to rearrange her make-up work... I'm really not paid enough for this...