Sera (Summer)/Stories

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Episode 1
Sera and Dez

Invited by Alk and friends, Sera and Dez join the gang for a vacation on Paradise Isle. Sera rescues a drowning girl and trains the lifeguards on duty, while Dez runs around enjoying the scenery. The two reflect on how, from what little memories they retain, both of them are still the same as ever.

Sera: Establishing today's schedule.

Sera: First is aiding the investigations into unsolved cases in Palpebra, as well as perimeter patrols...

Alk: Still as hardworking as ever, I see...

Sera: Hello, everyone. Have you assembled together for a new job?

Alk: Nah, not a job. We're going out for the exact opposite, actually.

Stella: Sera, would you like to join us on a vacation?

Sera: A... vacation?

???: It's an extended break. We're all headed out for several days of fun.

Sera: Dez! You are going to join them?

Dez: Yeah, they invited me a second ago.

Nimbus: And there's always room for more. Wouldn't wanna split up a duo like you two anyway.

Sera: Is that so... If you are certain I will be able to join this "vacation" without being a hindrance, then I have no reason to object.

Stella: You won't be. We're going to have lots of fun.

Sera: Understood. I am concerned you will find Dez to be a difficult travel partner, so I will accompany you.

Sera: Dez, this area is extremely crowded. Take care not to become separated from us!

Sera: I am disappointed to find that my predication was correct. I was right to join you.

Nimbus: What's the big deal? Dez ain't a kid, so it's fine.

Light: More importantly, Sera, how are you finding your new body? Does everything feel all right?

Sera: ...I would appreciate it if you did not inquire into this body.

Stella: But you look so cute.

Sera: Y-you should not say such things...

Sera: That errant Rec Register... Why did he equip me with an unbecoming form like this?

Alk: Well... It wouldn't be the first time someone's regretted putting their trust in Regis.

Sera: I found some parts of the body the Administrator gave me to be questionable, but not to this degree.

Sera: The dissonance I feel now is causing me a great deal of stress.

Alk: Apparently the person who made this is the same one who made that little devil version for you-know-who.

Stella: It's cute.

Sera: At least I can reduce stress by nuzzling Commander Light. Blessed are those who can nuzzle.

Light: What about MY stress?! Remember, THAT part of the tail is off-limits!

Sera: Dez! Take care not to wander too far. Disrupting formation will cause confusion.

Dez: Right, sorry. I've just never seen the ocean before. I can't believe waves really wash over like that...

Sera: I do not wish to stifle your curiosity. However, you should not cause trouble for the others. I only ask that you be mindful of your behavior.

Light: There's no need to be overly strict. This is a vacation, after all.

Sera: You can only say that because you do not realize what Dez is capable of-

Dez: Wait, Sera. Do you hear that?

Voice: Hey! That kid's drowning out there! Do you see her?!

Sera: Emergency detected. Seraphim Form activated.

Sera: Heading to the incident site.

Light: Thank goodness the child was all right. Excellent work, Sera.

Sera: It is my duty to save lives, no matter the time or place.

Lifeguard: Thank you for rescuing that girl! You acted appropriately when we failed to do our job... Truly, we owe you everything!

Sera: Are you the public safety force in charge of this area? If I had arrived any later, the child would have been in serious danger.

Sera: ...Though I have no authority in your jurisdiction, I shall do my best to prevent any further incidents.

Lifeguard: Wait! You clearly know the ins and outs of being a lifeguard.

Lifeguard: We need to do our part to make sure this never happens again. Please... could you train us, even just for a little bit?

Lifeguards: Please, Coach!

Sera: Hehe, your enthusiasm is admirable.

Sera: Very well! I hope you are prepared to risk life and limb to better yourselves!

Sera: You will continue to address me as Coach Sera from this moment forward!

Sera: Speed is crucial when performing a rescue!

Sera: You need to move faster! We go again!

Lifeguards: Yes, Coach!

Dez: You truly haven't changed a bit.

Sera: That took a lot longer than I predicted... I am ashamed to have wasted your time.

Sera: Wait a moment. Where has Dez gone?

Alk: Oh, just out to take a look around town. Should be back soon, I think.

Light: I believe our friend was curious about the town's architecture and the building materials that went into them.

Sera: Is that so... Then I suppose we should wait here for now.

Nimbus: If you're that worried, maybe you shouldn't have done all that training and kept Dez company instead.

Nimbus: You guys are best pals, aren't ya?

Sera: We both lost our memories before.

Sera: And even when we reclaimed then, our memories were not fully restored. It is still a cause for concern.

Sera: ...However, even with those incomplete memories, I know better than anyone that this is just the way Dez is- extremely excitable with unrestrained curiosity.

Nimbus: Heh. Then you've got nothing to frown about, yeah?

Dez: Sera!

Dez: Sera, this town is fascinating! I've never seen the ocean and the sky melt into a red haze on the horizon before!

Dez: There are so many other places I want to see... Can I? Please?

Nimbus: Excitable and curious, huh? I'll say...

Nimbus: Okay, Dez, relax. We've still got plenty of time here. Anywhere you wanna go, we'll tag along.

Dez: Thank you. I'll take you up on that offer.

Sera: Good grief... You are still the same as ever.

Episode 2
Dez's Day Out

Dez drags everyone out for some sightseeing. Sera and Light get into a light argument, resulting in them competing to see who can keep up with Dez the longest. Sera gets separated from the group, but finds Stella, who ends up giving her advice that inspires her to take everyone on a tour of the isle.

Dez: Sera, we've seen plants like this in the archive before. Do you remember?

Sera: ...I do not quite recall.

Dez: Oh... That's too bad.

Dez: I suppose you never were that interested in this kind of thing. It'd be more surprising if you did remember.

Sera: ...

Sera: Attention, everyone. Our itinerary for the day is accompanying Dez through town. Are you prepared?

Nimbus: What do we gotta be prepared for? We're on vacation- what's the worst that can happen?

Sera: Do not say I did not warn you!

Dez: Ahaha, I don't mean to cause such trouble. You're free to do whatever you like instead.

Light: We've seen our fair share of hardships. I promise WE have the stamina to accompany you for as long as you wish.

Sera: Commander Light. It is arrogant of you to assume that you can accompany Dez for longer than I.

Sera: This calls for a competition. May whoever is the better tourist win!

Alk: By the way, Dez, where specifically did you wanna go?

Dez: Oh, I don't have any specific destinations in mind. I was thinking of going around the entire island at least five times or so.

Alk: You what.

Sera: Once again, I have underestimated Dez's information processing speed.

Sera: My own memory is at its limit. I cannot process any more...

Sera: I have also been separated from the group. It is hazardous to disrupt squad formation...

Stella: Sera? Sera. Are you okay?

Sera: Is that you, Stella? I am afraid I require some rest.

Sera: ...So you have also lost track of everyone else.

Stella: Everyone disappeared while I was looking at ice cream.

Stella: Are you feeling better?

Sera: I am. However, I believe I should take it easy for a little while.

Sera: Allowing Dez to roam free was a mistake. I have no lost the competition as well.

Stella: I am also a loser.

Sera: By the by... Stella, what are you holding?

Stella: "Brilliant Miracle Crowberry" flavored ice cream.

Stella: You should try a bite.

Sera: Ah. I nearly forgot this body is equipped with tasting and digestive functions. Are you truly all right with sharing?

Stella: Of course. Here, it's sweet and tasty.

Sera: I-is this... what sweetness tastes like? It is marvelous...

Sera: Stella, I have a question.

Sera: I would like to be good friends with Dez, but I am not sure if this is how a friendship should be. Do you have any suggestions?

Sera: A-actually, never mind! Please forget that I asked. My apologies for wasting your time.

Stella: That's a difficult question... that doesn't have just one answer.

Stella: Relationships are hard. And they are also not simple.

Stella: But from my point of view, you and Dez look like you're having fun when you're together.

Sera: Hehehe. If that is the case, then I definitely know I am having fun when I am with you, Stella.

Stella: Me too.

Sera: It is the same with Alk, Nimbus and Commander Light. I enjoy spending time with everyone.

Sera: That means that... I am friends with you all.

Sera: I am filled with joy at the thought- enough that I would never wish to be deleted...

Stella: ...

Sera: Thank you, Stella. I believe I know how to tackle the problem now!

Sera: We should regroup with the others. Are you finished with your ice cream?

Stella: I am. We can head out.

Nimbus: Can't... move... another... muscle...

Dez: Ah, I'm sorry. You said I could go wherever I wanted, so I may have gone overboard...

Light: S-Sera... I won... the competition... correct?

Alk: Were you seriously competing this whole time...

Sera: Yes, you won. I should have known that you would have no trouble marching with Dez, Commander.

Dez: I definitely went overboard, considering you had to pull out your jets to try to keep up.

Dez: As an apology, take this. I thought it'd look good on you. What do you think?

Sera: Ha... Hahaha! You may have left me behind today, but soon, you will be the one keeping up!

Sera: I have already acquired the knowledge necessary to treat you all to an even better tourist experience!

Sera: Prepare yourselves- I will not be taken lightly!

Nimbus: Uh... We're all headed back to the same hotel. Is she gonna be like this for the rest of the day?

Stella: It's fine. She had a smile on her face as she blasted off.

Episode 3
As You Are

Despite finishing her grand tour and making sure her friends had a good time, Sera feels unsatisfied. After racing Dez on water scooters, Sera realizes that she is bothered because she wants to spend more time with her friends. The gang end the trip watching the sunset on the beach together, enjoying each other's company.

Sera: All tourism-related requests have been fulfilled. Objective completed. My work here is done.

Alk: We stopped by the restaurants on my list, and I got the seasonings I wanted... Talk about a fulfilling day.

Stella: I am excited to taste your future cooking.

Alk: Thanks for showing us around, Sera. It was fun!

Nimbus: Gotta say, I never expected you to be so good at this. Maybe I had you pegged all wrong.

Dez: Huh. So you're meant to take it slow while sightseeing. You learn something new every day.

Nimbus: No way could we take more than a day of your version of sightseeing. Won't be forgetting that mad dash for a LONG time.

Light: Sera, you did a superb job meeting everyone's needs and making sure we all had a great time.

Light: ...Sera? Is something wrong?

Sera: No. Everything is fine. Did you all have a good time today? Was our outing satisfactory?

Light: ...Yes? That's what we were just discussing.

Sera: Is that so? Then I have accomplished my objective. The only matter left on the agenda is to return.

Stella: Sera, are you all right? You seem bothered by something.

Sera: I am not sure what it is. I feel as if I forgot to do something, but I am unsure what.

Sera: Regardless, we are out of time today. I suppose I should not think too much about it.

Dez: The day isn't completely over yet. There's something I'd like to do before we leave... Sera, would you mind coming with me?

Sera: I see you are already looking for another adventure. Very well. I shall indulge your curiosity.

Dez: Oh... Looks like you're going to win again! Guess I can't beat you when it comes to driving, huh?

Sera: I have not neglected my daily training and calibrations, even though I do not often ride a motorcycle as of late.

Dez: Ahaha, I lost. This was your first time driving one of these, right? You're really something else.

Sera: At a high enough speed, the friction of the water's surface becomes similar to that of a motorcycle on the road. Calculating the trajectory of the waves is also easy.

Sera: ...Dez. You already rode a personal watercraft yesterday.

Sera: You also made sure everyone else is waiting back on land. Why did you bring me here alone?

Dez: You caught me. Yeah, racing here was just an excuse. I wanted to chat about the past a little bit.

Sera: The past? You mean when we lived in our old world? It is strange for you to be the one initiating a conversation about it.

Dez: Can you blame me? My memories are more intact than yours. You could say I remember more than I want to.

Dez: But... I still hold onto some. Back when we used to hang out together...

Dez: I remember one day we were off duty and sat on a bench together. Nothing special was going on in the city around us.

Dez: Then, as you were staring at the passing traffic, you whispered, "Life in this moment is... fun."

Dez: The old you never said stuff like that, so it was surprising.

Sera: That seems... likely, though I do not possess memories of such a moment.

Dez: Yeah, well... I guess my point is... I feel the same now.

Sera: I am afraid I do not comprehend what you are trying to say.

Dez: Guess I'll have to spell it out for you. Earlier, you felt bothered, right? I bet it's because you didn't want this trip with your friends to end.

Dez: That's how much you're living int he moment and enjoying the present. So there's no need to worry about your missing memories anymore, you know?

Sera: That is true. I already knew that.

Sera: Or... I suppose I learned that right now. It seems I was mistaken.

Sera: Dez! I completely forgot about my own wish for today.

Sera: Though it is a bit late... We should return to the others and fulfill it.

Nimbus: Dez's little adventure was pretty brutal... especially the part where we went to the casino. Ugh...

Dez: Ahaha, sorry about that. But I lost too, so this might be the perfect timing to use the phrase "I feel your pain."

Nimbus: As if. I was gonna win, but I was stupid enough to let you goad me into throwing.

Sera: Dez is quite the troublemaker. An awful personality trait, in my opinion.

Stella: The sun is halfway below the horizon.

Alk: Yeah... This isn't our first time here, but somehow it feels different than usual.

Light: Sera, was watching the sunset here your wish for today?

Sera: Hehe... Commander, I have a confession to make- I hold no attachment to this place.

Sera: What I wanted was to watch the sunset with everyone. In other words... Your presence is what matters the most.

Light: I see. As long as you're happy, then I am too.

Dez: You've really softened up, Sera. I kind of like this change.

Dez: But the parts of you that haven't changed are also nice. Well, with the exception of your lack of humor.

Sera: Was that an insult, Dez?! Explain yourself this instant!

Nimbus: Yep... Girl can't take a joke.

Alk: Ahaha, it feels like these two are always going at it, huh?

Stella: They look like they're enjoying themselves.

Sera: L-like I informed you before, I am not boring! I have already studied the art of humor and fully grasp it!

Dez: Oh, yeah? Then prove it. Show me you know how to have a good time!

Sera: I have an ace up my sleeve! My ninja friend in Starview Village taught me a trick!

Sera: For a moment like this... You need fireworks!