Selgir (Half Flipperversary)/Stories

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Episode 1
New Career

After quitting the military, Selgir moves to a remote Float and becomes a handyman. His first job is to find a lost cat, but while following it, ends up also running into a group of poachers. He takes care of the criminals and rescues the cat, much to the gratitude of the Float's citizens.

Alk: So this is your new place!

Selgir: My home and new office. Make yourselves at home.

Nimbus: Gotta say, never expected you to become a handyman.

Alk: It's kinda weird to see you out of your military uniform.

Stella: You look great.

Selgir: Thanks.

Selgir: After leaving the military, I needed to find a way to make a living somehow.

Selgir: With my skills, I should be able to get by here.

Alk: Not a bad way to earn an income, in all honestly. It's kind of like us taking odd jobs in Palpebra.

Selgir: Right. Pretty similar, actually. I'm sure you see jobs like this all the time.

Light: A request to find a lost cat named... Catherine?

Alk: Oh yeah, we've definitely had our share of lost pet jobs. They always end up a lot more troublesome than you'd think.

Selgir: Someone in the neighborhood made the request. If you spot her while you're here, do let me know.

Nimbus: Expanding your network of intel, huh? Smart.

Light: If I may... Why not become an adventurer in Palpebra instead?

Light: The work is a lot more steady there.

Selgir: Maybe doing that every once in a while wouldn't be bad.

Selgir: But I'd like to make my roots here. I'm a man of the sea. Can't live without hearing the waves outside.

Alk: Well... That's fair enough.

Alk: If we can help out in any way, just let us know.

Selgir: Much appreciated... Master Alk.

Alk: Okay, don't call me that...

Alk: Whew, we sure talked for a while.

Selgir: I would've cooked dinner, but I'm afraid I'm awful in the kitchen.

Selgir: But I know a good bistro around these parts. Why don't we have a bite there?

Alk: Stella? What's up?

Stella: Isn't that Catherine over there?

Alk: Ah! The cat looks exactly like the one on the flyer!

Alk: Hmm... She should be around here... But where'd she go?

Light: You know, this Float has... quite the unique charm to it.

Nimbus: You find this worn-out, rusty heap of metal "charming"?

Light: I-I was trying to be polite!

Selgir: This Float is pretty far from the capital. It's fairly old and doesn't see much maintenance done.

Selgir: Which means an outcast like me won't stick out here.

Light: I see. It's a relatively quiet place, which I suppose makes it comfortable to live in.

Stella: There she is!

Selgir: Wait. Something about this place seems off.

Alk: Yeah, something's definitely not right... You think they're pirates?

Nimbus: Doubt they're upstanding citizens, that's for sure.

Selgir: Why don't we have ourselves a closer look?

Alk: F-fine by me... But why do you sound so excited about it?

Selgir: That's... deep coral!

Selgir: People used to make jewelry out of the stuff, but nobody's allowed to collect more of it nowadays.

Light: That means... they're poachers!

Poachers' Boss: You moron! Don't damage the goods! Or are you tryin' ta get yerself shot in the head?

Catherine: Meow?

Poachers' Boss: Who's there?!

Stella: Catherine!

Poachers' Boss: Wh-who the hell are you!

Selgir: Now, now. Let's be calm about this. Sorry for entering without knocking.

Poachers' Boss: Oh, you think you're funny, do ya? I'll show you funny! Get 'em, lads!

Selgir: Well, no way around it now.

Selgir: What do you say to a little dance class before dinner.

Poachers' Boss: Urgh... Wh-who in the world are you?

Selgir: Just a handyman out looking for a lost cat. I just started my business recently.

Proprietress: Eat as much as you like! Consider it the least I can do after you went and found my dear Catherine!

Catherine: Meow!

Cheerful Drunk: Hey, you! I heard all about how you secretly took out those coral poachers!

Lively Drunk: Ain't that something! Y'know, if I ever need anything done, I'll be sure to come to you!

Alk: Guess things are about to get lively for you, huh?

Stella: I think that's a good thing.

Nimbus: Haha! What happened to not sticking out and living all quiet-like?

Selgir: Change of plans...

Selgir: I think I could get used to living like this instead.

Episode 2
Risk and Reward

Selgir accepts a job from Selene to destroy an artifact. He sets up on a tall building and expertly snipes the artifact, shattering it. Afterward, Selene follows through on his reward- placing The-Island-at-the-End-of-the-Sea under her protection.

Alk: Huh, we finished the job a lot faster than I thought we would.

Nimbus: The lack of action's kinda disappointing, but I guess it doesn't hurt to kick back every once in a while.

Light: I agree. Before we head back home, we should stop somewhere for a bite- hm?

Light: Was that Selgir just now?

Nimbus: Huh... With a lady friend too. Maybe I haven't given him enough credit.

Alk: Uh, what makes you so sure they're like THAT?

Nimbus: I'm not. But they definitely seem like they know each other, at the very least.

Nimbus: Wanna follow them and find out?

Light: Stalking does not become you. Nimbus.

Alk: Can't say that this is a morally just thing to do, but...

Alk: I'm dying of curiosity. She looked so mysterious and cool!

Light: Not you too, Alk!

Nimbus: Haha, that's two-to-one! Let's go see how much of a lady-killer our man is.

Selgir: You look good... I never thought... for the help that... On that day... The navy... With that in mind... About Star-

Alk: Well? Can you hear anything?

Nimbus: Not anything clear. How about you, Light?

Light: I do not spy on my friends, thank you very much.

Nimbus: Uptight as always.

Alk: There she goes. Guess this wasn't a date?

Selgir: Good grief... And here I was wondering who could've been following me.

Alk: Gah! Y-you noticed us?!

Selgir: Anyone would've. Your eyes were practically burning holes into our skulls.

Alk: S-sorry, we just couldn't help ourselves...

Nimbus: Eh, it's all fine though, ain't it? Didn't look like we ruined his chances with the lady.

Selgir: Sorry to disappoint, but me and her aren't like that.

Selgir: I know better than to wander into a wolves' den.

Alk: I'm not sure what that means, but... She sure was pretty though.

Selgir: Wait. Didn't you notice who she was?

Nimbus: Huh?

Selgir: Nothing. Never mind.

Selgir: Thing is, she just hired me for a job.

Selgir: And I could actually use a few helping hands.

Selgir: How about it? Mind joining me for some work?

Selgir: It'd be the lest you can do, considering you got a free show off of me.

Light: Your job is to... snipe a salvaged artifact?

Selgir: A dangerous relic was recovered from an ocean ruin the other day. I'm to destroy it before it makes its way into the public.

Selgir: That's what the woman wanted me to do.

Nimbus: Sounds to me like some other people are pulling the strings here.

Selgir: Oh, I'm sure. One wrong step, and this could blow up pretty badly.

Selgir: But the reward I was offered more than makes up for the risk.

Nimbus: Yeah?

Nimbus: Guess we better make sure this goes off without a hitch, then.

Selgir: If you guys could keep a lookout and find us an escape route, I'd appreciate it. I'll be lining up my shot.

Alk: You got it!

Navy Commander: Here's the relic. Inspect it if you wish.

Canid Thug: S-so all I have to do is hold this dagger, and you'll let me go?!

Well-Dressed Figure: Of course. We promised, and we keep our promises.

Canid Thug: Ha... Hahaha! Would you look at that? Now I can finally-

Canid Thug: Wh-what's going on?! You never wared me about this?! A-ahhh!

Well-Dressed Figure: Heh, that went perfectly. Now about the money-

Well-Dressed Figure: No! Not after we just discovered such a sacred relic! My lord...

Alk: Whoa, that was wild... Can you normally shoot through something like that?

Selgir: Focus, Alk. Our enemies aren't fools. They'll figure out where the shot came from quickly.

Nimbus: Our turn to shine! We'll get you outta here, no sweat!

Selgir: I leave our exit in your capable hands. Now let's go!

Selgir: ...And that's all for my report. I hope I met your expectations.

Selene: Exceeded them, actually.

Selene: It's good that you were able to save a man before he was tricked and sacrificed to a monster by his comrades.

Selene: I've already begun the process of finalizing your reward. The-Island-at-the-End-of-the-Sea will be under my protection from this moment forward.

Selgir: Thank you very much.

Selene: If you ever start to feel lonely yourself, I'd welcome you with open arms, you know.

Selgir: The offer is much appreciated. I'll think about it.

Selgir: ...Now, everyone'll be...

Selgir: Heh... I should crack open a bottle and celebrate.

Episode 3
Never Too Late

Selgir and co. rescue a young boy from monsters and are treated to a meal at his grandpa's restaurant. They learn that the grandpa is studying to become a mage to fulfill a childhood dream, inspiring Selgir to make an old dream of his come true too.

Selgir: This should be all of the harvest that the Guild wanted, right?

Alk: Should be. We finished super early with your help. Thanks, Selgir.

Selgir: Don't mention it.

Alk: Isn't today your day off though? You sure you want to spend it helping us?

Selgir: Well... About that...

Selgir: Truth is, I'm not sure what to do with all this free time.

Selgir: At least with work, I know exactly what to do and how to do it.

Alk: Talk about being a workaholic...

Selgir: Not trying to be. Just a leftover habit after being on the frontlines for so long.

Light: While I might not be the most qualified to speak on this topic... Why not pick up a hobby or two?

Alk: Yeah, or like... Is there something you always wanted to do before but never got the chance to?

Selgir: Hmm... Hobbies... Old dreams...

Alk: How about we stroll around Palpebra for a bit? After we turn all this into the Guild, of course. Maybe we'll find something-

Young Voice: AAHHH!

Little Boy: No... Stop! Stay away!

Little Boy: G-Grandpa, save meee!

Selgir: That was a close one. You okay, kid?

Little Boy: Wah... WAAAH! I was so scared!

Alk: So your grandpa's a mage? That's cool.

Light: And you were out searching for herbs that serve as magic catalysts...

Little Boy: Yeah... I wanted to help him out, but then monsters found me...

Selgir: While your heart was in the right place, you shouldn't have gone into the forest alone.

Selgir: Your grandpa would've been heartbroken if you were hurt. Promise me you'll never do it again.

Little Boy: I... promise... I'm sorry...

Selgir: When you're a little older... and stronger... then you can help your grandpa as much as you want.

Little Boy: Okay! Yeah, I'll get stronger!

Old Man: Sam! Thank goodness you're all right!

Old Man: Thank you for saving my grandson! I don't know how I can ever repay you!

Old Man: Actually... it may not be much, but I can treat you to a hearty meal at my restaurant!

Stella: This is delicious!

Alk: Yeah, every dish is spectacular! What is this subtle flavor I'm tasting?!

Light: I'm beginning to see the picture now. Being a chef of this caliber is truly magical.

Selgir: Sorry if it's none of our business, but your grandson told us you were a mage.

Old Man: Ah, I see. Well, the truth is, I am one.

Old Man: Or at least... in the process of becoming one!

Old Man: As embarrassing as it is to admit, my childhood dream was always to wield magic...

Old Man: I never could give up on it, so a few years ago, I handed the reigns of this place over to my son and started studying.

Old Man: Just last year I was finally accepted into the academy. I'm a full-fledged first-year Voluntas student now!

Alk: That's incredible! Good for you!

Sam: Yeah! My grandpa is awesome!

Selgir: It's certainly impressive.

Selgir: To follow through on a childhood dream...

Alk: Selgir?

Selgir: Ah, it's just... I remembered something.

Selgir: When I was a kid, I used to read this adventure story. I always wished I could be the main character in it.

Alk: Yeah? What kinda story was it?

Selgir: Oh, nothing special. It was just about someone who chose to sail freely, without being bound to any pirate group or government.

Selgir: Guess I lost sight of it all once reality kicked in, and I could barely keep myself afloat.

Stella: But things are different now. I believe in you.

Selgir: Yeah... I guess things are, huh?

Selgir: Thanks to you guys, I can now explore the world as I see fit...

Selgir: Do things that I forgot I wanted to do, once upon a time...

Selgir: This may be exactly what I've been looking for.

Alk: Hey, is it just me, or are there fewer monsters than usual? Not that I'm complaining, but...

Light: Perhaps another party already passed through here earlier.

Selgir: Oh, hey. I see you guys are exploring the Kaleidoscope too.

Old Man: Hello, Alk. Light. It's nice to see you again.

Alk: Huh? What're you two doing here?

Selgir: Just spending some time hanging out... Exploring. The works.

Selgir: Captain, let's try that route next.

Old Man: Fine by me! I still have plenty of new magic that I want to try out!

Nimbus: What the hell?

Alk: A lot happened. And now... I think they're roleplaying?

Selgir: I'll see you guys later.

Selgir: Onward, Captain!