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Episode 1
Parting Shot

When Alk and co. arrive at The-Island-at-the-End-of-the-Sea with a package for its Defense Captain, Selgir, they soon find themselves embroiled in a battle against pirates. It is soon revealed that the attack was orchestrated by a corrupt Gaean official, forcing Selgir to flee to Starview.

Alk: Hellooo? We've got a delivery!

Alk: It's for a Selgir? Defense Captain who lives on The-Island-at-the-End-of-the-Sea?

Selgir: That would be me.

Alk: Oh

Selgir: What happened to the guy who usually runs this route? He on vacation?

Alk: We don't know

Selgir: You're not from around here

Nimbus: UGH! That reeks! The hell is IN that box?

Selgir: Rotten fish. Someone wants me to join 'em... In Davy Jones' locker.

Selgir: And...

Selgir: There. That's why you were given the job.

Selgir: This float's completely isolated

Young Sailor: Captain! Enemy ship at two o'clock!

Selgir: I'll be right there.

Selgir: You got a plan?

Nimbus: We'll stick with you. Smarter than running around like headless chickens.

Selgir: Not bad. Guess you weren't dead weight after all.

Nimbus: You're Gaea's people

Selgir: Tending the wounded comes first. A few sailors also fell overboard...

Young Sailor: Captain! We finished securing the enemy ships and... You're gonna want to see this for yourself.

Selgir: Lieutenant Bragé. I'm disappointed

Alk: Wait

Selgir: Guess you really wanted me out of the way

Young Sailor: This always happens! Corrupt swine have been trying to build a secret sty here for years

Young Sailor: But the Captain won't have them or their dirty money

Nimbus: So they hire guns to kill him. Hmph. I wouldn't call 'em swine. That's rude to the pigs.

Bragé: Lies! Lies and libel

Light: You were found cowering amidst corsairs. That is proof enough.

Bragé: SHUT YOUR FILTHY MOUTH! I am a LIEUTENANT! I was born on the mainland!

Bragé: You cannot TOUCH ME! You're no more than filthy BILGE RATS

Nimbus: Hah! Wanna say that again?

Selgir: Stop!

Selgir: That's my job.

Bragé: Selgir! Y-you wouldn't! There will be consequences!

Bragé: EEEEK!

Selgir: It doesn't matter to me whether you live or die. Either way

Selgir: You have one chance

Young Sailor: Captain Selgir!

Selgir: Seems I've sailed us straight into a storm.

Young Sailor: No

Selgir: You give me too much credit. Even without me

Selgir: Be seeing you.

Nimbus: Hey. Know where you're headed next?

Selgir: I haven't given it much thought.

Nimbus: Then come with us.

Nimbus: Be a helluva lot more interesting than driftin' alone on the waves.

Nimbus: Doubt I need to ask

Stella: Of course. Selgir

Selgir: All right. I'll take you up on your offer.

Selgir: Sailors

Selgir: You better all be there for my return.

Episode 2

A drinking contest between Selgir and Nimbus is interrupted by a sudden shark attack. After dispatching it with ease, Selgir tells Alk and co. the story behind his gun, which was a gift from a pirate.

Swashbuckler: YAAAAH! KEEP GOIN'

Thrill Seeker: DON'T LET UP

Alk: What do you think you're doing?

Selgir: Nothing. Having a drink.

Alk: Yeah. Like this hooting crowd of monkeys would be here to watch you have a drink.

Light: ...How many HAVE you had?

Selgir: Twenty.

Nimbus: Hey

Selgir: So am I.

Eager Onlooker: It's a close race

Thrill Seeker: YOO-HOO! SNOWPAWS! I'm bettin' a whole week's salary on ya!

Swashbuckler: EY! Whatever I put on Selgir? DOUBLE IT!

Selgir: No shame in backing down now

Nimbus: Why? You wanna quit?

Selgir: Don't make me laugh.

Stella: I would also like a pint.

Light: No

Townsfolk: HEEELP! There's a man-eating shark by the beach!

Nimbus: Man... Just when things were getting interesting.

Selgir: Let's go. For fisherfolk

Nimbus: Yeah

Alk: You guys good to fight?

Selgir: Yeah. All the drinking put me in the mood for shark-fin soup.

Alk: Are you SURE you're not gonna puke?

Selgir: Yes.

Nimbus: Please. Might as well have been drinking mountain spring water.

Light: It's here!

Alk: Whoa... Nice shot!

Nimbus: Hah. Gotta admit

Nimbus: You up for another round of drinking when we get back? We gotta celebrate this hunt!

Selgir: Yeah. But after I finish maintaining my gun.

Alk: You really care about that gun. Is there some kind of story behind it?

Selgir: A long time ago

Selgir: Among their crew

Selgir: And taught me how to use it.

Selgir: I can't shoot with one eye.

Ol' Crazycap: Try sayin' that to one of yer foes

Selgir: What do you care?

Ol' Crazycap: You got more backbone than most Gaean dogs. Be a shame if you retired so early.

Ol' Crazycap: Get enough experience in ya

Alk: Wow... You must have a bunch of memories wrapped up in—

Light: Alk! Are you all right?

Alk: Yeah. Barely.

Selgir: Don't worry. If there's one thing that man taught me

Alk: That's so cool! You must've put in so much training!

Alk: ...Think you could tell me more about being a pirate?

Selgir: Sure. When you're old enough to drink.

Selgir: It's not something I like to talk about sober.

Alk: Wait. So I've gotta wait until YOU'RE drunk? I don't think my liver can handle that...

Stella: Alk

Alk: Stella... You're a genius! And that means we can listen to Selgir's stories tonight!

Nimbus: Learn to open up a little

Selgir: Heh. Can't argue with that.

Episode 3
Hidden Treasure

A group of corrupt Gaean officials send Selgir after the fabled trove of the late Jolly Jack. Selgir hands over the treasure chests, but not before bugging them, thereby exposing the crooks to the Gaean government.

Gaean Officer: Selgir from The-Island-at-the-End-of-the-Sea? You're under arrest for desertion of your post!

Alk: Wait

Light: Selgir was formally discharged. We know he is guilty of no crime!

Gaean Officer: In the Navy


Selgir: Wait

Selgir: So. You here because you have a job for me?

Gaean Officer: Hah. You've always been a reasonable man

Gaean Officer: Everyone else

Light: We are Selgir's allies. His business is our own.

Gaean Officer: Where'd you get the circus animal

Gaean Officer: Don't wanna answer? Fine. We're not here for small talk.

Gaean Officer: You are gonna find Jolly Jack's treasure for us. And that's a command.

Selgir: You believe in the myths about Jolly Jack's trove?

Selgir: Even if they are true

Gaean Officer: Don't play dumb with us. We know you were chummy with one of Jolly Jack's descendants. What's more

Gaean Officer: If you won't tell us

Selgir: ...Fine. But if you want me to go on this treasure hunt

Gaean Officer: Deal. What you're gonna fetch for me is worth far

Young Sailor: We're sorry. We've been nothing more to you than extra baggage.

Selgir: First Bragé

Young Sailor: Seems those men were demoted. And that resentment's the only thing keeping them from crawling back to Gaea.

Young Sailor: They must be real desperate if they gave us all these resources to chase an old wives' tale.

Selgir: It's more than a tale.

Selgir: There's the island.

Selgir: Trove's up ahead.

Alk: Whoa... Real pirate treasure!

Selgir: I'll be taking this as a tip.

Gaean Officer: Sure

Nimbus: I couldn't care less about the gold and jewels. Not worth letting 'em use us like that!

Young Sailor: Yeah... That money could've gone to someone who needed it. Now all it's gonna do is make fat pigs even fatter.

Selgir: Knowing them

Selgir: They're so blinded by greed

Light: How? We never even suspected...

Young Sailor: Captain... Don't tell me you did it for us.

Selgir: Only thing I could think of. But you're on your own from here.

Selgir: Show 'em what you're made of.

Young Sailor: Yessir!

Selgir: There's one last thing I need to take care of. Follow me.

Elderly Belle: Selgir?

Selgir: Here. I found it in the trove.

Selgir: Never saw him without it. You know what it is

Elderly Belle: The locket with my portrait

Elderly Belle: Thank you

Selgir: Yeah. My new friends are waiting for me.

Selgir: Take care of yourself.

Alk: Sure you don't want to stay any longer?

Selgir: Yeah. Let's go.

Selgir: Why don't we all have a drink tonight? I'm in the mood for company.

Stella: I'll bring the tea and juice.

Selgir: Hah. Appreciate it.