Seafang Tome

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Seafang Tome
Icon Seafang Tome.png
Rarity 5★
Element Water Water
Base HP 424
Base Attack 122
Max HP 635
Max Attack 183
Release Date March 17, 2022
An exquisite trophy obtained through battle with the Seafang Serpent. Reading the incantations contained within is said to summon a devastating deluge.
Base Skill
If self is a water character, while own HP is at or above 80%, own ATK +50% / If self is a water character, when battle begins, extend barrier worth 5% of max HP to self / Grant self resistance to fire resistance debuff
Max Skill
If self is a water character, while own HP is at or above 80%, own ATK +100% / If self is a water character, when battle begins, extend barrier worth 10% of max HP to self / Self immunity to fire resistance debuff
Awaken Level 3
Awaken Level 5
Ability Core
Seafang Tome (Core) [Main] If self is a water character, while own HP is at or above 80%, own ATK +50% / If self is a water character, when battle begins, extend barrier worth 5% of max HP to self / Grant self resistance to fire resistance debuff