Schult (White Day)

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Dragon Heartthrob
Schult (White Day)
Fullshot 1

Schult (White Day) fullshot 0.png

Fullshot 2

Schult (White Day) fullshot 1.png

An ancient dragon that had become dependent on the girls who live with him but has now finally found steady work. Having shed his dependent status, Schult dresses like a human and spends time with the girls in a way like never before during White Fest.
Max HP 3590
Max Attack 1015
Power 32x
Hit 20
Rarity 5★
Element Wind Wind
Class Special Special
Race Dragon
Gender Male
VA Ryotaro Okiayu
Release Date November 9, 2023
Leader Talent
New to Love
Wind characters' ATK +70% / Every 2 power flips, wind characters' ATK +12% [MAX: +120%]
Whirlwind Strike
Skill Gauge: 600
Conjures a tornado in front of self, dealing wind damage (32x) / Grant self ATK buff (+100%/10s)
1 If self is a wind character, own ATK +80%
2 If self is a wind character, every 2 power flips, own ATK +12% [MAX: +120%]
3 [Main] If there are 6 wind characters in the party, every 5 power flips, own skill gauge +10% (CT: 15s) / Every 2 power flips, own ATK +18% [MAX: +180%]
4 -
5 -
6 -

Wording for skills and abilities copied from
Stats copied from