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Episode 1
Light of the Desert

The party is jailed as suspected accomplices to an assassination attempt. The target, a priestess named Sarliha, clears up the misunderstanding- and is invited to visit Starview.

Alk: The Light of the Desert? ...Nope, haven't heard of her.

Traveler: She's a priestess in the town just north of here. Word has it, she welcomes all warmly and fairly- even workers from the borderlands.

Alk: Huh... The kingdom could use more people like that.

Light: I imagine that's why they call her their light.

Traveler: R-right? That's why I have to find her. For... a job.

Stella: What's wrong?

Traveler: Nothing! Nothing. I'm just... sorry. You saved my life, and now I have you escorting me to town...

Alk: Oh, don't worry about that. We're headed the same way, so it's safest to go together.

Traveler: Thank you...

Traveler: Lady Sarliha! I... I've travelled long and far in hopes of working under you! Please...

Sarliha: Well, first and foremost, I'm glad your travels have found you here safe.

Sarliha: Second, I would be glad to arrange employment for you.

Sarliha: Welcome to our town.

Traveler: You're too kind... Lady Sarliha, I...

Traveler: Forgive me!

Alk: What are you DOING?! You said you wanted to-

Guard: Assassins! Seize them!

Alk: Huh?! But we didn't- wait!

Sarliha: Stop! The others-

Guard: Lady Sarliha... Please understand- however small, you DO have some claim to the throne. This is for your safety.

Sarliha: Yes... I know.

Alk: This is bad... This is BAD!

Light: Agreed. The guards hardly seemed open to discussion. We need to escape, NOW.

Stella: Let's search for weak spots in the wall. We may be able to break through.

Sarliha: Please, there's no need for that. I would prefer to settle this matter peacefully.

Sarliha: My name is Sarliha. If I may, I would like to ask your place in this incident.

Sarliha: Specifically, why you stopped the assassin.

Sarliha: I see... You crossed paths by happenstance and offered to escort him to safety. Is that correct?

Stella: Yes.

Sarliha: Hmm. If your actions had been a play to "save" me for favor, surely you would've been more coordinated.

Sarliha: It seems your concern was genuine. I can only hope it was not misinformed.

Light: Misinformed? What do you mean?

Sarliha: If... If I said I believe in a future where the kingdom and borderlands stand on equal footing-

Sarliha: Would you call me a fool?

Stella: No. We could not.

Sarliha: ...That is a relief. It seems I can trust my sense of character yet. You are free to leave.

Alk: Are you sure?

Sarliha: Quite. Too long have I turned a blind eye to justice... I've enough regrets.

Sarliha: Now go- and may your compassion be a beacon of light to others.

Sarliha: I ask nothing more.

Stella: Why don't you come with us to Starview?

Sarliha: Me? W-with you?

Alk: Thaaat might be a bit sudden. I'm sure she has duties here.

Alk: But you're always welcome to sneak over and visit.

Sarliha: Visit? As in...

Light: Our village. We appreciate you releasing us and have nothing but respect for your cause.

Light: We would be happy to provide support where we can.

Sarliha: Thank you. But first- could we discuss this in more detail?

Light: Certainly, as long as the information stays between us.

Sarliha: In all honestly, I doubted your talk of other worlds... To think there are so many!

Sarliha: Surely at least one of them has achieved balance- or perhaps, something even greater.

Sarliha: But... Do you not consider me a liability? I have distant relation to the throne.

Stella: You are welcome in Starview, Sarliha.

Sarliha: Ehehe. And people called ME too trusting. ...I'm glad to have found kindred souls in you.

Sarliha: Thank you for your invitation. It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance, people of Starview.

Episode 2
Unyielding Resolve

After nearly collapsing from overwork, Sarliha heads to Starview for a break, but continue to overtax her body. After some prodding, Sarliha explains to Nimbus why she's so desperate- she hopes to carry on the mission of a certain young man they both knew well.

Priest: Fine... But don't say I didn't warn you!

Light: We did a thorough search of the area but didn't observe anything amiss.

Sarliha: I see... Thank you. I'm sorry to call upon you for guard duty of all things.

Alk: Don't be. We're happy to help, but... are you okay? You're not looking so good.

Light: I haven't seen you take a break even once the entire time we've been here. I think it's time you got some rest.

Sarliha: I'm fine. Really, I-

Alk: Sarliha! You've done enough work for today. Okay?

Sarliha: ...Yes, I suppose you're right.

Alk: Huh? Sarliha?! I thought you were supposed to be resting.

Sarliha: I am. I'm taking the day off, so I thought I might spend the time here, if you don't mind.

Alk: I mean, you're always welcome in Starview, but that encyclopedia sure doesn't look like it's for leisure.

Sarliha: Oh, yes, well... If I can't be up and about, I thought I'd at least spend my break studying.

Nimbus: ...Look, I heard what you're working for. But I don't get why you're pushing yourself this hard.

Sarliha: You're... worried about me? I got the impression that you-

Nimbus: Don't change the subject. You've got royal blood, don't you?

Nimbus: So why? Why are YOU fighting?

Sarliha: As a child, I had a dear friend... who happened to be an orphan.

Sarliha: I didn't fully understand why, but the adults were desperate to keep me away from her.

Sarliha: We'd sneak out to play anyway, but then one day, a snake bit her, and... the venom...

Nimbus: ...Didn't get treated, huh? Figures.

Sarliha: She SHOULD have been, though! If they'd just administered an antidote, she wouldn't have- she...

Sarliha: I... finally saw how little her life had been valued by our society- and all because of the circumstances she was born into.

Sarliha: It isn't right! I will NEVER forget that day.

Nimbus: Heh. You and him both...

Nimbus: Sarliha. I've SEEN someone try to fix it. And he was making a hell of a lot more progress than you.

Nimbus: But you know how that ended for him? ...He was murdered.

Nimbus: And the way you're going, it's only a matter of time until you get yourself killed too.

Sarliha: I recognize that risk. But it's all the more reason to study.

Sarliha: Perhaps I'll find a way to protect everyone. Somehow, some way...

Nimbus: There IS no magical solution.

Sarliha: Maybe not. But I would rather do SOMETHING than nothing.

Sarliha: I want to make a difference, no matter how small.

Sarliha: And I know... that's what Rolan would have wanted too.

Nimbus: ...So you DID know him.

Sarliha: I'm sorry, Nimbus... I wish I could have prevented it.

Nimbus: It's not your fault.

Nimbus: Nothing I say's gonna change your mind, so forget I said anything.

Sarliha: Ah! Nimbus, wait! I realize this is insensitive of me to ask, but...

Sarliha: Would you mind telling me about him?

Sarliha: You're completely right. I've been too reckless for too little results.

Sarliha: So I'd like to learn more. About Rolan's goals, his methods...

Nimbus: His "methods" sure as hell didn't pan out for HIM.

Sarliha: But you yourself said he made more progress than me. Right?

Alk: ...Nimbus.

Nimbus: ...FINE. But don't get your hopes up. I never knew much about politics.

Sarliha: That's all right, anything helps. He's the best example I have!

Nimbus: Okay, okay! Yeesh...

Sarliha: Oh, Nimbus, thank you so much!

Nimbus: I'm too soft...

Alk: I'll go fetch you some drinks.

Alk: And Sarliha? After this, take the rest of the day off for REAL, okay?

Nimbus: Yeah, let's make that my condition. I'm not talkin' unless you chill.

Sarliha: Oooh, all right. I'll do my best! T-to relax, I mean!

Episode 3
You're Not Alone

Sarliha proposes plans for labor reform. She's met once again with violence by an opposing priest, but the Starview crew help her diffuse the situation peacefully- making progress towards her goal of equity for all.

Sarliha: That concludes my explanation of the proposed labor reforms. Are there any questions?

Hostile Priest: Hmph. You can't be serious! Why should we give the borderlands better working conditions? We're already giving them WAGES, aren't we?

Approving Official: BUT- let's focus on the proposal itself. The reform would benefit the employers as much as the employed.

Sarliha: Exactly. This solution stands to enrich the lives of ALL parties concerned.

Sarliha: I cannot imagine why one would reject it- unless out of spite for the laborers.

Hostile Priest: Ah- That's...

Sarliha: I would prefer our board's decision to be unanimous. I would be happy to hear and address any concerns you have.

Priest: Tch... That CHILD'S gotten full of herself. *grumble* "Light of the Desert" ... Ha!

Nimbus: ...Got a baaad feeling 'bout that one.

Sarliha: *sigh* I knew it wouldn't be easy, but... the benefits are so CLEAR...

Light: Unfortunately, this issue runs deeper than the scope of one proposal.

Sarliha: I know... They're just afraid to try anything new. But the OLD ways are all rooted in discrimination.

Sarliha: So no matter how long a fight it is, I will never-

Guard: LADY SARLIHA! Someone's stolen an arcane artifact! We've got reports that he's holed up in the excavation site.

Sarliha: What of the workers?!

Guard: W-we don't know. Around half are unaccounted for!

Sarliha: Understood. I will embark at once.

Alk: Sarliha, WAIT! It's too dangerous to rush in alone! What if it's-

Sarliha: It IS a trap. Given the timing, I can only imagine his true target is me.

Sarliha: The culprit likely has the workers held hostage. Cornering him with guards put innocent lives at risk.

Sarliha: And besides... I'm not alone. YOU are with me. Right?

Criminal: L-Lady Sarliha?! You really came... Aha... Hahaha...

Light: You- you're that assassin!

Light: You escaped?! Or... did someone release you?

Criminal: N-none of your business! Don't try anything funny- I've got THIS!

Criminal: If I activate the artifact, it'll blast these whole ruins!

Sarliha: Please, calm down. I will hear your demands.

Criminal: I demand... I-I demand your life! It's either you or my family!

Criminal: Now, come over here! ALONE!

Sarliha: Understood.

Alk: But!

Sarliha: Stay back, please. I know what I'm doing.

Sarliha: And you... There's nothing to be afraid of. Do what you must.

Sarliha: I promise, I will save everyone- you and your family included.

Criminal: Why?! How can you say things like that?!

Sarliha: Because life is precious. I do not wish to see any lost here.

Criminal: Ah?! The artifact?! But I didn't do anything!

Alk: Sarliha!

Sarliha: It seems the true culprit activated it remotely. They must have planned to sacrifice this man from the start.

Alk: Uh, is it safe to touch that thing?

Sarliha: It's fine. It was a close call, but I managed to nullify its power with my own artifact.

???: Tch. Then nullify the damn thing from the start.

Sarliha: I knew the ringleader had to be watching from somewhere- so I pushed them for a hint, is all.

???: Real risky hint. But fine. They're all yours.

Sarliha: Let's see... A ledger, and the artifact's activator.

Sarliha: I had my suspicions, but I believe these constitute concrete evidence of your attempts on my life.

Sarliha: Things should settle down, now that the true culprit's been apprehended.

Sarliha: Thank you, everyone- for all your help.

Sarliha: I realize now... Ever since I lost my friend, I've been fighting something I couldn't see.

Sarliha: Fighting and fighting... Chasing after shadows in the dark, with nothing but formless ideals to guide me.

Sarliha: And I was so... disappointed in my lack of power.

Sarliha: Until I met you.

Light: You don't have to fight alone. You have all of us at your back.

Sarliha: Thank you. I swear... I WILL change the world.

Sarliha: However long it takes... Someday. SOMEDAY, we will prevail.