Saki Nikaido (Zombie Land Saga Collab)/Stories

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Episode 1
Saga Turf War

During a street performance, Saki gets into a verbal spat with Symphonia, a girl who leads her own musical troupe and claims the area is her turf. They decide to compete by seeing who can earn the most money by busking, with the loser having to do what the winner says. Saki ends up winning, but Symphonia refuses to take the loss, and the two decide to keep the competition going.

???: The hell'd you say to me? You got a death wish or something?!

???: Bring it on! It's about time somebody put you in your place!

Alk: Don't tell me that's who I think it is...

Saki: You're gonna regret picking a fight with me, punk!

Pushy Girl: Be grateful I bothered giving you a warning, newbie!

Sakura: Aaaahh! Please don't egg her on!

Alk: Okay, okay, time-out!

Alk: You're in public. There are other people watching—

Saki: You sure can talk the talk, but are you ready to walk the walk?!

Pushy Girl: Ha! More than you, I bet! You're in for it now!

Alk: So uh... Why exactly are they so mad at each other?

Sakura: Well...

Saki: Thanks for sticking around! Our next song is even more hype—

Pushy Girl: You lot need to scram! You're in the way!

Sakura: H-huh? But... We have permission from the Guild to be here...

Pushy Girl: Guild Shmild. I'M the one who owns this place. You've got some guts prancing around without MY permission.

Saki: You say that like we're supposed to know who you are.

Townsperson: You mean you don't? She's Symphonia, leader of her very own musical troupe.

Pushy Girl: Running around someone's turf without even saying hello... You need to be taught a lesson.

Saki: You can shove that lesson up yours. We don't need your permission to be here.

Pushy Girl: *scoff* Let me tell you how things work around here, newbie: keep up the attitude, and I'll make sure you never perform in Saga again!

Saki: What, scared that we'll show you up?

Pushy Girl: As if! An arrogant nobody like you could never hold a candle to me!

Alk: Er... Everybody, take a deep breath. We can talk this out—

Pushy Girl: Oh, shut it! I'm not walking away until we've settled this!

Saki: You wanna go? Then let's go!

Pushy Girl: If you lose, you're banned from performing on my turf ever again!

Saki: Loser does what the winner says? Works for me!

Sakura: H-huuuuh?! Are you serious?! Oh my gosh, this isn't gonna end well!

Nimbus: Eh, let them go at it. Could be fun.

Alk: Honestly, it might be easier to let them get it out of their systems...

Sakura: You're just going along with it?!

Pushy Girl: Whoever earns the most while busking will be declared the winner!

Pushy Girl: Don't worry—even when I win, I'll consider letting you off the hook if you get down on your knees and beg!

Saki: Well, aren't you just a saint.

Saki: Snap out of it, Sakura. We've got this. Trust me.

Sakura: Why is it always something...

Saki: Let's get this show on the road!

Alk: Whoa... They've got this in the bag!

Nimbus: ...Maybe, maybe not. The competition ain't too shabby.

Nimbus: Guess she wasn't just talk after all.

Saki: Heh, that punk's pretty good. But we won't let her hog the spotlight. Right, Sakura?

Sakura: Yeah! No point holding back now!

Alk: Final tally's done. The winner is... Franchouchou!

Saki: That was pretty fun! You put up one helluva fight.

Pushy Girl: What is the meaning of this? Did you properly count all the money?!

Musician: I-I swear I did—but they ended up earning just a little more than you!

Pushy Girl: Then they must've slipped some coins in while we weren't looking!

Nimbus: Yeah? How? There were eyes on us the whole time.

Saki: We won fair and square, and you know it.

Pushy Girl: Don't think you're better than me, just because you beat me once! I'll show you who's boss next time!

Saki: Heh, come back anytime you want another ass kicking!

Sakura: Um, can we... not? We already won, so...

Saki: The battle, sure, but not the war! You and me, we'll take her on as many times as she wants!

Sakura: Say what?!

Saki: Come on, let's go for another round.

Saki: Gotta prove to the world that Franchouchou has what it takes to win it all!

Episode 2
Full Speed Ahead

The competition is tied 10 to 10, so Nimbus suggests Saki and Symphonia do a test of courage as a tiebreaker. They decide the winner will be whoever can get closest to a big sleeping monster. Saki enthusiastically charges in, waking the sleeping monster, but wins because she gets right up next to the beast.

Saki: You got... more guts... than I gave... you credit for...

Pushy Girl: *wheeze* You should... give up... while you still have... the chance...

Alk: They're 10 to 10 now, but... how much longer is this gonna go on for?

Sakura: Beats me. They keep asking for one more after every round...

Saki: Sakura! Your soul's gotta burn with more Saga spirit than that!

Sakura: How exactly am I supposed to do that...

Nimbus: *yawn* Ain't it about time you two settled this?

Pushy Girl: Fine! Next match will be the last, and we'll finally decide who wins!

Saki: Sounds good to me. We're getting nowhere as is!

Saki: It's been fun, but I'm ready to take the win home!

Sakura: So what's the last match gonna be?

Alk: We need something that can determine a clear winner, right? Hmm...

Nimbus: What about a test of courage?

Saki: Oh, yeah! Now that's the perfect way to end things with a bang!

Alk: Huh? You're gonna decide just like that?!

Saki: Why not? It's as straightforward as straightforward gets.

Saki: Take us to the closest danger zone you can think of!

Nimbus: Hmm. Guess I've got a place in mind...

Nimbus: Whoever can get the closest to the monster wins.

Sakura: Isn't this a little TOO dangerous?

Pushy Girl: You must be joking. How dare you waste my time—

Saki: I'm in. Let's do it.

Saki: Nothing beats a simple stare down with death to decide who's got more guts.

Nimbus: Looks like one of you's good to go. How 'bout you?

Pushy Girl: F-fine! I won't back down either!

Sakura: Saki-chan, are you sure? What if you get bit or worse?!

Saki: You dummy, did you forget we're already dead? What's the worst that could happen?

Nimbus: Yeah, you've got nothing to worry about.

Nimbus: Go get 'em, tiger.

Sakura: I'm REALLY not sure this is a good idea though!

Saki: Heh, relax. I've got this in the bag.

Alk: Nimbus, just in case...

Nimbus: Yeah, yeah. Way ahead of you.

Alk: All right... Ready, set... GO!

Saki: You look like you're about to wet your pants. Sure you don't wanna give up?

Pushy Girl: H-hmph! Right back at you!

Saki: Well, have it your way... 'Scuse me, coming through!

Sakura: What is she doing?!

Saki: Ain't much of a test of courage if you don't go all in!

Monster: Graaaawr!

Saki: Heh, do your worst!

Nimbus: That kick wasn't half bad!

Saki: Oh, come on... Why'd you have to interrupt? I had it!

Sakura: *sigh* You're lucky I'm literally incapable of having a heart attack...

Saki: So... Ready to admit defeat?

Pushy Girl: ...As much as it pains me, I know when I've lost.

Pushy Girl: It wouldn't do for the challenger to be a sore loser, after all.

Sakura: Does that mean... we're in the clear?

Pushy Girl: Yeah, do what you like. Sheesh, you gals are pushy.

Saki: You fought good, Symphonia.

Saki: I was pretty pissed when you first came at me, but...

Saki: You proved you're burning with plenty of Saga spirit too! I like your spunk!

Pushy Girl: And you proved you're more than just a gutless newbie. I'll be watching to see how far you go.

Saki: Heh, then keep your eyes trained on the top.

Saki: Franchouchou's gonna take over the entire country! Just watch!

Episode 3
The Takeover

During another street performance, Saki stops Symphonia as she passes by, and declares to the entire audience that they will have a showdown concert, as she wishes to show the world their burning spirits. Initially taken aback, Symphonia gets fired up, and Saki happily exclaims that she's ready to take her on anytime.

Saki: More and more people are coming to see us every day! We're gonna conquer the country in no time at this rate!

Sakura: Sure... Sounds nice...

Saki: What's up with you? Come on, you gotta get pumped if you wanna put on a good show!

Saki: Oh, there you guys are! Yo!

Alk: Heya, thanks for inviting us.

Alk: You guys ready to go? We can help if you need anything done.

Saki: Nah, we're good!

Saki: You're supposed to kick back and enjoy the show! Y'know, as thanks for helping us out with the whole throwdown.

Alk: Speaking of which... You're looking pretty good for someone who went toe to toe with a monster.

Nimbus: Unlike a certain somebody else here.

Sakura: I know, I know, I'm a zombie. I shouldn't get tired...

Sakura: But my soul just about left my body after all that craziness...

Saki: Worrying's not gonna do you any good! You gotta be ready to handle whatever life throws at you!

Sakura: Yeow, ow, ow! I can't help it, okay!

Nimbus: What's there to worry about anyways? She's got more guts than Alk, and he's the one who spends his days adventuring.

Saki: Hell yeah I do! Thanks for the shout-out, man!

Sakura: ...Those two get along really well, don't they.

Alk: Like two peas in a pod. A really wild pod...

Saki: Woo, thanks for coming! We'll be back after a quick break!

Alk: Your concerts are pretty easygoing compared to other ones, I gotta say.

Alk: Almost makes me nervous that people are gonna swarm you or cause a riot though...

Saki: Ehhh, we're already used to people crashing the show.

Saki: Besides, these folks'll listen to what I say if I put my foot down.

Alk: I guess some people are into the idea of an idol that can kick their butt.

Nimbus: Could really light a fire under folks with an attitude like that. Even teach 'em how to fight.

Saki: See, he gets it! That's how I'm gonna take over the country as an idol!

Saki: We should throw hands one of these days when I'm free!

Sakura: Saki-chan, how many times do I have to tell you...

Saki: I'll still be mainly doing idol stuff, so you've got nothing to worry about!

Saki: Anyways, that's probably a long enough break—

Saki: Hold it right there, Symphonia!

Saki: I got something I wanna say before we keep going. Come here.

Sakura: Wh-whoa! What're you doing?!

Saki: Just stay put. Trust me.

Pushy Girl: ...You're free to have your little performances now, so why are you dragging me into this?

Saki: You'll see.

Saki: Yo, do you guys know who this is?

Townsperson: Of course! We all know Symphonia!

Saki: So the other day, me and her had a serious showdown...

Saki: We were neck and neck the whole time—and every minute of it was awesome. Felt like my soul was on fire.

Pushy Girl: Easy for you to say. You were the one who won...

Saki: So that's why... We're gonna have a showdown concert in front of you guys! That way you can all get fired up too!

Townsperson: Whoa... A concert with Franchouchou AND Symphonia? That'd be sick!

Townsperson: Ain't nothing more spicy than a battle between rivals!

Saki: We'll announce the details later, so keep a lookout!

Saki: Loser has to do what the winner says, remember?

Alk: They got along so poorly in the beginning, but now look at them.

Pushy Girl: You better bring out all the stops for this concert.

Pushy Girl: Not that it matters—I'll still be better, and everyone will see that I am.

Saki: Heh, bring it on!

Sakura: We need to get permission to hold another show though...

Saki: Eh, we'll work something out! Sweat the small things later!

Saki: Hey, don't be a stranger either. Show or no show, I'm down to go anytime you wanna.

Saki: I won't run away or hide. I'll always face things head on—full throttle!