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Episode 1
Man with a Tail

Absorbed in a rant, Amelia crashes into Saar and accidentally inhales some poison he was carrying. He brings her back to his lab to administer an antidote, where Alk and co. learn he is researching his own identity.

Amelia: You totally should've been there. He was all, don't go there, don't do that, blah-blah-blah.

Amelia: I wanted to be like, GRANDPA! How old do you think I am?! I am the definition of a strong independent wo—

Alk: Are you guys okay?!

Man with a Tail: What the hell?! Watch where you're swimming!

Amelia: Right back at you! Do you have, like, two left... fins?

Light: Are you not merfolk?

Amelia: O. EM. GEE. What are you?!

Man with a Tail: You tell me!

Amelia: Okay, what's with the attitude?! If you think you can scare me, mister, you have another thing—AH!

Man with a Tail: Must've inhaled the stuff I dropped.

Light: Is it poisonous?!

Amelia: Goodbye, cruel world... The waves are so cold...

Amelia: I only wish... I could've died in Czarina's warm embrace...


Man with a Tail: Cut the drama and follow me. We've got time to save her.

Amelia: Oh snap. I'm back.

Man with a Tail: No crap. What kind of idiot develops poison without an antidote?

Amelia: Uh, what I want to know is why you're making poison in the first place.

Man with a Tail: It's a by-product, okay? I'm doing research on myself.

Man with a Tail: As you can see, I'm not a human or a fish or even a flippin' dolphin. I'm not mer- or beastfolk either. I'm a damn enigma I've been trying to solve for years.

Amelia: *sniff* I could've, like, never imagined you'd have such a tragic backstory.

Amelia: Al? Lighteous? We HAVE to help him out.

Alk: Yeah, sure. I'll do what I can.

Amelia: So, my name's Amelia... And that's Al and Lighteous.

Alk: She means we're Alk and Light.

Saar: Saar.

Saar: I don't get it. What's got you interested in my plight?

Amelia: Well, Al here has amnesia, so both of you don't know who you are! And you and I are aquatic critter buddies! Yay!

Alk: Yeah, sure, why not?

Saar: Buddies? Listen, I don't call anyone a friend unless they have a tail.

Alk: That's most of us.

Light: No, I— Oh, right.

Saar: AND they have to breathe under... You're breathing underwater now, aren't you?

Amelia: What should I call you? Saarcastic? Ceasaar? Saarsy? I have waaay too many ideas upstairs.

Saar: *groan* FINE! Do whatever suits you!

Episode 2
Underwater Genius

At the end of a fruitless day of fishing, Alk and Light bump into Saar, who asks them to procure a few chemicals. When they return, they find he has filled their empty bucket with seafood. As thanks, Alk offers to cook Saar dinner, and the researcher brings out a potion of his own making that lets the un-gilled breathe underwater.

Alk: They're not biting...

Light: Indeed...

Alk: Saar?!

Saar: WHAT?! Oh, it's just you two.

Saar: You fishing? Not a bad haul you got there.

Alk: You're not here just to laugh at us, right?

Saar: Do I look like I've got that much free time? Hey, if you're ready to give up for the day, I could use some help shopping.

Saar: Show that to the local pharmacist. He should have everything in stock.

Light: Research materials... I think you had best go yourself. To guard against any confusion.

Saar: It's a pain, putting on a disguise. And I hate it when people freak out about my tail.

Light: Saar, there are beastfolk in this world. And in the eyes of your people, Nimbus and I must appear as strange, if not stranger than you.

Saar: ...I don't like being on land, okay?

Saar: Just do me this favor. I'll be waiting here.

Alk: We got everything!

Saar: Thanks. I owe you.

Saar: By the way, I took the liberty of filling your bucket.

Light: That takes care of dinner. You have our gratitude, Saar.

Alk: Hey, why don't you eat with us tonight? I'm accepting requests.

Saar: I told you I don't do well on land. Your floating island is no exception.

Alk: I could also cook at your place. Did you have a kitchen?

Saar: I've got a stove, but uh... I only use it to refine poisons.

Alk: Good enough. Let's get—

Alk: Wait. There aren't any merfolk around.

Saar: ...You needed them to breathe underwater, right?

Saar: Wait here.

Saar: Here. Drink up.

Alk: A potion?

Saar: Yeah, made from my cells. Have you breathing underwater for several hours.

Saar: What? You coming or not?


Light: Do you understand the greatness of your own research?

Saar: Don't get your tail in a knot!

Saar: Like I said, I'm researching my identity. Stumbled on that formula by accident.

Saar: Anyways, doesn't matter! What I wanna know is, are you feeding me or not?!

Alk: One underwater feast coming up.

Episode 3
Fight Poison with Poison

Saar, Alk, and Light confront a giant sea monster that has been poisoning all the fish. On the spot, Saar develops an antidote that neutralizes the monster's toxins, before handing Alk an experimental potion that summons forth superhuman power.

Saar: What do you mean, all the fish are dying?

Alk: I heard it from the fishermen. Apparently, all their nets are coming up with dead fish.

Light: They wonder if someone has poisoned the waters.

Saar: It's not me!

Alk: We didn't think it was. But we're worried someone might've broken into your lab.

Saar: No. Security around here's water-tight. If so much as a speck of dust goes missing, I'd know.

Saar: Why do you care so much anyways? It doesn't affect you.

Alk: Okay, first off, I'm not watching a bunch of people starve to death.

Alk: And second, where else am I supposed to get my fish? They don't even EXIST in Palpebra, and there's not much to choose from in Starview!

Light: Furthermore, the merfolk have fallen under suspicion.

Alk: They don't really get merfolk up there, you know? And I don't like to hear people trash-talking my friends.

Light: Think. If the humans choose to scout the ocean depths, they could upend your home.

Saar: *sigh* Yeah... Don't want that happening.

Saar: Listen, I got an idea as to the perpetrator.

Saar: Only thing in these waters with enough poison to wipe out schools of fish.

Alk: What'll happen if I touch its tentacles?

Saar: You'll feed a very hungry squid.

Saar: Relax. I've got this under control.

Saar: *cough* Analysis complete.

Saar: I neutralized its poison.

Saar: And this is for you. Bottoms up.

Alk: Yuck...

Saar: Right. Now grow a spine, and get out there!

Alk: O-oh... Okay!

Alk: Wait, what's happening? It's like everything's moving in slow motion!

Alk: Whoo! That potion of yours is AWESOME!

Saar: I'm writing off this experiment as a success.

Saar: The formula worked pretty well on me.

Saar: But I wanted to know if it'd have the same effect on humans.

Light: That was idle curiosity? Have you lost sight of the purpose of your own research?!

Saar: Yeah, yeah. To figure out who I am. But who says I can't invent a few potions along the way? And you've been reaping the benefits.

Saar: I'll be asking you two to help out with experiments from now on. Come on. It's the least you can do for a friend.