Rue Ruto/Stories

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Episode 1
Tiny Player

While enjoying pancakes at a café, Alk and the others meet Rue Ruto, a Sheephird pretending to be a child to get girls' attention. Stella reveals his secret, causing the girls to run away, only to be attacked by pirates. Ruto defeats them, but fails to win back his adoring fans. The local squadron tries to recruit him, but he runs away, agreeing to go back to Palpebra with Alk and co.

Alk: Mm... That smell! The Endless Blue's cuisine really knows how to get your attention. What an inviting aroma!

Nimbus: You know, you become an entirely different person when it comes to food...

Pretty Woman: Don't worry, little guy! We'll find your mama soon! Now, say "ah!"

Rue Ruto: Ah... Yummy!

Alk: Hey... That kid over there...

Light: Yes, I believe he's a Sheephird from Palpebra...

Nimbus: Wait, so he ain't just some needy brat?

Nimbus: ...What a weirdo.

Rue Ruto: S-sowwy, ladies, gimme a minute!

Rue Ruto: Hey... The hell you think you're doing? Quit staring at me and mumbling to yourselves.

Nimbus: We could be asking you the same question, "kid." Why pretend to be a brat?

Rue Ruto: What I do with my time is MY business. What do you care?

Alk: Well, we were just wondering... Are you a drifter from Palpebra?

Alk: We could take you back to Palpebra if you like.

Rue Ruto: Whoa, seriously? I didn't expect that...

Alk: Yeah, if you just come with us, we'll-

Rue Ruto: Hold on, I never said anything about going anywhere.

Rue Ruto: I don't really have any reason to go back... In fact, this place is... Well...

Nimbus: Just spit it out, brat. We ain't got all day.

Alk: Wait... Don't tell me you want to keep tricking girls into thinking you're a kid!

Rue Ruto: O-of course not! I-I-I would never!

Alk: ...Not very convincing, are you?

Rue Ruto: Sh-shut up! Just don't go blabbing about the Sheephirds in front of-

Pretty Woman: What's a Sheephird?

Rue Ruto: I-I dunno! I have nooo idea what they're talking about!

Stella: The Sheephirds are an ethnic group, many of whom live in the city of Palpebra.

Stella: The defining feature of this group is their youthful appearance. They resemble children, even as adults.

Pretty Woman: Um... Are you one of these Sheephirds, Ruto?

Sharp Woman: Wait... Wouldn't that mean... you're actually a lot older than you look?

Rue Ruto: N-n-no! I weally am a widdle seven-year-old boy!

Sharp Woman: Uh... Yeah, sure you are... What a creep...

Rue Ruto: Huh? W-wait, ladies! Come back! Come baaack!

Alk: Um... Are we supposed to apologize here?

Nimbus: Nah, that kid got his just deserts. Anyway, let's get going.

Cute Woman: Eeek!

Rue Ruto: You! What are you doing to my precious lady friends?!

Crewmate: What the... Who's the runt?

Rue Ruto: R-runt? Who the hell are you calling a runt?!

Rue Ruto: Eat this, dirtbag!

Rue Ruto: Hmph. Not so tough now, are you?

Rue Ruto: Don't worry, ladies! Your knight in shinning armor has saved the day! Now, how about we get some cake and-

Squadron Member: That was amazing! Hey, kid, wanna join our junior squadron? The training's tough, but it's worth it!

Rue Ruto: No way! You see, I... I-I'm already part of this group!

Alk: Huh? Wait, I thought you said-

Rue Ruto: Lalala, I can't hear you! Now let's get a move on!

Alk: Huh?! W-wait, we never agreed to this!

Episode 2
Player in Love

Ruto's attempts to act like a child fail to get the ladies, but when Stella hands him a handkerchief, he tales that as a sign of her affection. He invites her on a date and confesses with flowers, but she rejects him. Embarrassed, he runs off with tears in his eyes.

Rue Ruto: Oho! I spy with my little eyes... A beauty beyond compare!

Rue Ruto: Owie! Waaah, it hurts so baaad!

Woman: Uh... You're a Sheephird, right? Why are you pretending to be a kid? That's just weird...

Rue Ruto: Dammit! What kinda lady wouldn't fall for a pretty face like mine?

Stella: Is everything all right?

Rue Ruto: O-of course it is! You know me, always cool, calm, collected... and handsome to boot!

Stella: Here, take this handkerchief.

Rue Ruto: Wait, could it be...

Rue Ruto: Has Stella fallen for me?!

Alk: Wh-what makes you think that?

Rue Ruto: Are you dense?! You saw that gaze of hers. Those teary eyes... Those trembling lips...

Rue Ruto: Heh... How cruel of me. I should have noticed her feelings long ago...

Rue Ruto: Anyway, I'm gonna go grace her with a date! And don't you dare get in my way! Bye-bye, losers!

Rue Ruto: Wahaha! Wait for me, Stella.

Rue Ruto: Hey, Stella! Mind helping me find something stolen from me?

Stella: Sure.

Rue Ruto: Great! Then let's make our way over to the rendezvous!

Light: That kid... Just where is he planning on taking Stella?

Alk: Come on, I'm sure they're fine on their own...

Light: Are you mad?! You mean to tell me you're not the least bit worried about Stella?

Alk: Uh... No?

Nimbus: Hm? Looks like they've stopped.

Stella: You seem happy, Ruto.

Rue Ruto: Just thinking about you makes my heart skip a beat.

Stella: Oh dear. Should we go see a doctor?

Rue Ruto: No! I mean... Oh, you're so innocent, Stella... And that's just part of your charm!

Rue Ruto: This place should be perfect... Stella.

Rue Ruto: These are for you!

Rue Ruto: Think you could take a gander at this card as well?

Rue Ruto: Ah!

Nimbus: I have found that which was stolen from me. 'Twas my heart, and you, baby, are the thief. ...Barf. You wrote this without cringing? How?

Rue Ruto: Aaah! That wasn't meant for you!

Stella: What are you all doing here?

Rue Ruto: Yeah! I thought I told you guys to butt out!

Alk: Yeah, uh... Sorry, I guess.

Rue Ruto: Tch, I wasn't expecting an audience, but whatever! Stella!

Rue Ruto: I'm just going to lay it out, and I'll take whatever answer I get! You're... in love with me, aren't you?

Stella: No.

Stella: I certainly LIKE you, but I do not like you in the way you are hoping.

Alk: Uh... You okay?

Rue Ruto: Heh!

Rue Ruto: Hehe... Hahaha!

Rue Ruto: I would never let something as insignificant as this get me down!

Rue Ruto: Stella, make no mistake- I WILL make you fall in love with me! Until then, adieu!

Alk: Well, at least he's not feeling defeated. That's good, right?

Nimbus: He didn't learn a damn thing, did he?