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Episode 1
A Turbulent Past

After taking on a job, Roselia sneaks her way onto a pirate vessel. Realizing she is hopelessly outnumbered, she sets off a bomb- blowing herself up in the process. Falling to the depths of the sea, she is rescued by a mermaid, who takes he to Talk and co. They bring Roselia back to Starview Village.

Dancer Girl: So they've got 5 ships, 50 cannons, and 500 people in total. These pirates sure are loaded.

Roselia: Well, then, how much do you intend to pay for a skilled dancer such as me? The great Roselia's skills don't come cheap.

Citizen: This is about all we've got...

Roselia: Hmm... This might be enough to pay off my tab.

Roselia: Eh, why not? I'll do it.

Roselia: I won't ask you the details, 'cause they don't concern me. But from what I can tell, you've got a bone that needs picking, huh?

Roselia: You can leave it to me. Of course, there's still the chance I could fail, so... yeah, sorry if that happens!

Citizen: Th-thank you! Thank you so much...

Crewmate: Who the hell are you?

Roselia: Why, a dancer, of course!

Pirate Captain: You're the one they call Roselia, ain't ya.

Roselia: Indeed I am! How astute of you.

Pirate Captain: Yes, you're that "dancer" people hire for pocket change! Not right in the head, you- no doubt the worst sellsword I've ever heard of.

Roselia: Ah, but you HAVE heard of me!

Pirate Captain: You think I'm gonna let some third-rate hitman do me and my squad in?

Pirate Captain: You've got another thing coming, missy!

Roselia: Oh my, this has turned into quite the gathering. You know I'm not giving out autographs today, right?

Pirate Captain: It turns out there's a whole load of people out there that hate you!

Pirate Captain: Soon as I mentioned your name, they came runnin' here all on their own!

Roselia: Well, this is... not ideal.

Pirate Captain: Hahaha. This way we can make a few extra coins AND get out revenge on you.

Pirate Captain: Tell me, would you rather be shark food? Or a bird in a cage?

Roselia: Hehe. Well. I might have screwed this one up.

Pirate Captain: What're you giggling at? Ain't no way you're turning this one around on us!

Roselia: No, you're right, I'm totally done for here No doubt about it.

Roselia: However... I don't have any intentions of being caught alive, so...

Roselia: I suppose this is where it ends! It was a good run while it lasted, this little life of mine!

Pirate Captain: She chose to die? How stupid can someone be...

Light: So, you thought the girl that jumped out could have been an ally of ours?

Mermaid: I mean, aside from you lot, who else would be crazy enough to do something like that?!

Nimbus: Is that the kind of reputation we have now?

Alk: Yeah, I'm not too happy to hear that... Anyway, I wonder what happened?

Roselia: So this is the afterlife, huh? It's a lot... wetter than I imagined.

Stella: You are still alive.

Roselia: Huh? I'm alive? Really?! Thought for sure I was a goner after blowing myself up like that.

Light: Blowing yourself up?

Roselia: I was taking care of these pirates, you see... But then they brought their friends, and the situation got outta control.

Roselia: So I figured: that's the end of the line for me! Might as well go out with a BANG, you know?

Roselia: What about you folks? What's your business? Got a score that needs settling here at the bottom of the sea?

Mermaid: We'll be leaving the rest up to you, then.

Nimbus: Now hold on, you can't just dump her on us like that!

Alk: Looks like they just did.

Light: Those mermen saved her life. You were given a second chance. You'd do well to cherish it.

Roselia: Yeah, you're right. I'll use this time to think of some new moves- the bomb bit is a classic, but it's getting old, you know?

Light: New moves? I meant that this is a second chance to live your life. Not to look for new ways of getting yourself killed!

Roselia: Oh. Fair enough. I guess I'll take it easy for the time being- at least until my next brush with death.

Alk: You were fighting with pirates, weren't you? It might not be a good idea to go back to the surface right now.

Roselia: Yeah, they'll find me and catch me right away. Come to think of it, I'm in no place to be taking things easy!

Alk: Stella, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Stella: Yes. I am Stella, the keeper of Starview Village. I welcome you.

Roselia: Not gonna lie, I have no idea what that means- I'm gonna assume you want to be friends?

Roselia: I'm Roselia! I love dancing, and I'm known to run up a tab at restaurants! Oh, and I'm also on assassin. Nice to meet you!

Nimbus: I... see. You better watch out for this one, Stella.

Nimbus: I know types like these. They're reckless and got a penchant for flirting with death.

Roselia: You're probably right! But any of us could suddenly croak tomorrow. Nothing's for sure.

Roselia: That's why I intend to spend whatever time I have left doing the things I love!

Stella: Another fine addition to the team.

Episode 2
An Exciting Present

Roselia takes the gang on a shopping trip in her home world- ignoring the danger passed by her pirate enemies. Nimbus dislikes her careless attitude towards her own life, warning her not to put the lives of others in danger. Roselia makes a promise to exchange presents with Stella and Alk one week from now- and finds she is looking forward to the event much more than expected.

Light: That was very impressive, Roselia, but I might emphasize... We do NOT use the window to enter the cafeteria!

Roselia: Huh? But I saw others fly in though the window before!

Light: That's because they have wings. Last I checked, you don't.

Roselia: Haha... True. My bad, my bad! I'm just not really getting these "safety measures" people keep going on about.

Light: You need to work on adjusting to a peaceful life. Why don't you try doing something normal? Like... shopping, for example?

Roselia: Shopping! I like the sound of that!

Light: Excellent. It's decided, then. I know several good shops around Palpebra you could-

Roselia: Actually, my world has TONS of great stores as well. I'd like to take Stella to see them!

Light: W-wait a minute. If you go back to your world, the pirates will go after you! Did you forget that already?!

Roselia: Look here, Stella! Isn't the handiwork on this coral incredible?

Stella: Yes, it is very beautiful.

Roselia: I told you my world was great!

Alk: Well, it looks like they're having a good time.

Nimbus: You coming, I can understand. But why they hell was I dragged along? I don't know anythin' about fashion.

Roselia: Shopping is hard work, Nimbus! The more people to carry bags, the better!

Nimbus: Carry... bags? What am I, your manservant or something?!

Roselia: What's up, Stella? Found something that caught your eye?

Stella: Roselia... You really like fashion, don't you?

Roselia: I mean, yeah! It makes me happy, what can I say?

Roselia: We could die at any moment, right? When I wake up tomorrow, something unexpected could happen and BAM- no more Roselia.

Roselia: Here's what I figured... If we're gonna die one day, why not die doing what we love?

Roselia: Luckily, today I'm surrounded by the things I love: fashion, and my friends! Even if I were to die right now, I'd at least die happy!

Stella: I see. However... Please don't die, Roselia.

Roselia: Okie-dokie! I'll make sure to be extra careful today!

Roselia: As a thanks for coming out with me today, I want to give each of you one thing you want!

Roselia: Alk and Stella, why don't you two go pick out something together?

Alk: Okay! Wait a minute, is Nimbus not included in this?

Nimbus: Whatever. I don't need to play dress up. You two get goin' and pick out your fancy clothes.

Nimbus: You haven't forgotten that whole business with the pirates, have you?

Roselia: Nope.

Roselia: But this area is under the jurisdiction of the Gaean Navy. We won't be running into pirates here. Most likely.

Nimbus: I don't like the sound of that "most likely".

Nimbus: Listen here. I know you don't much value your life. But when it comes to other people, you need to be careful.

Nimbus: If you're gonna get yourself killed, make sure you don't bring others down with you. Your death wish is yours alone.

Roselia: You're right... I'm sorry. I'll make sure to remember that.

Nimbus: Unfortunately, keeping others from getting hurt because of you is... easier said than done.

Roselia: Have you two decided what you want?

Alk: Not yet- actually, we wanted to talk to you about something!

Stella: Let's exchange presents.

Roselia: Huh? Exchange presents?

Stella: Yes. I think it would be fun.

Roselia: You know what? You're right!

Roselia: That does sound fun! Let's do it! Right now!

Alk: Oh, now? We were thinking about doing it like... a week from now.

Roselia: But why wait?

Alk: I mean, there's no need to rush. It'd be better to take our time choosing a gift, don't you think?

Roselia: I... suppose. A week is aa long time, though...

Roselia: Oh I can hardly wait! I can't remember that last time I felt this excited about something!

Roselia: All right, one week- promise you won't forget!

Roselia: Cross your heart and hope to die!

Stella: Of course. We promise.

Episode 3
A Promising Future

Roselia is attacked by a gang of pirates. She struggles due to being outnumbered, but Alk and Nimbus join in to help her, driving the pirates back. Successfully completing her present exchange with Stella, Roselia is happy to be alive. Determined not to die, she asked Nimbus to help carry out her missions.

Roselia: Oohh... the present exchange is finally happening tomorrow!

Roselia: Nobody ever died from exchanging presents, right? This should be okay!

Roselia: Though I can't help but feel kind of... restless.

Crewmate: Hey you... Are you the dancer, Roselia?

Roselia: And if I were?

Crewmate: I'd cut you to pieces!

Roselia: Oh, you're one of those pirates from before, aren't you? Sorry, you're gonna have to do better than that if you-

Roselia: Uh oh. This isn't good.

Roselia: That's a lot more people than I was expecting. This is hardly fair.

Pirate Captain: You could have at least stayed dead 'n spared us all the work of doing this, you know.

Pirate Captain: When I heard you had survived, I nearly popped a blood vessel! This time, we'll finish you for good.

Roselia: Don't worry, you can rest at ease- I won't be using bombs this time around!

Pirate Captain: Huh? What? Why not?

Roselia: It's getting a bit cliché, you know? I want to try out some new material.

Pirate Captain: Material?! I have no idea what you're talking about!

Pirate Captain: I won't be satisfied until I dump your corpse overboard myself! Rip her to pieces, men!

Roselia: Being ripped to pieces doesn't like a fun way to go...

Roselia: But, I won't be dying.

Roselia: I don't want to die!

Roselia: Death is gonna have to wait just a little while longer. I've got more living to do.

Roselia: How can I go and die today? Who knows what incredible things tomorrow has in store for me!

Pirate Captain: Oh shut up and die already! Do you have any idea how many of my men you've cut down?!

Roselia: I'm gonna be honest- I don't quite remember. As many men as jobs I've taken on? That's my best guess.

Pirate Captain: The sooner you shut your mouth, the better!

???: In my experience, she's not one for stayin' quiet.

Nimbus: This is actually her on a good day.

Alk: Roselia, are you all right?

Roselia: I'm a bit spent, I won't lie! Think I could leave the rest to you?

Alk: Don't worry, we're on this. Be careful!

Roselia: Well, it was a pleasure chatting with you, Mr. Pirate!

Pirate Captain: Gahhhh!

Light: Are you hurt, Roselia? Why would you go and do something so reckless...

Roselia: Haha, I had a feeling I was gonna get a ribbing for this one.

Roselia: But this time I actually tried to stay alive! That has to count for something.

Light: Yes, that's a marked improvement, but... You still need to be more careful.

Roselia: Yeah... Yeah, you're probably right.

Roselia: I'm not sure if this present'll be to your liking, but...

Stella: I will treasure it. I hope you treasure your present, too.

Roselia: I will. I promise.

Nimbus: You still haven't learned your lesson, huh? Not even after your last encounter with this lot?

Roselia: I guess I haven't. But I can't just sit still and do nothing, you know? Too much peace just makes me... restless.

Roselia: Plus, if I just up and quit, what'll happen to all my clients? All those people out there who have a score they need to settle. Who's gonna hel them?

Nimbus: But you made a promise, didn't you? Not to die.

Roselia: Which is why I've brought you along, silly. So I can finish my jobs without getting killed!

Nimbus: Not a word about this to Light, you hear?

Roselia: Oh, don't worry. We're only taking out bad guys here! I'm sure Light would understand.

Nimbus: Still- not a peep!

Roselia: It's good to have some excitement in your day- it helps tomorrow feel even more fresh! Come on, Nimbus. Let's dance!

Nimbus: Heh. Don't mind if I do.