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Episode 1
Knight and Blade

Rolf, hero of the canid, makes haste for the royal castle upon hearing of a coup d'état. There, Albert asks him to help maintain peace, but Rolf refuses, saying his past is stained with blood. Later, Rolf attempts to throw a duel with Nimbus, but the wily cat sees through Rolf's intentions and takes the old knight somewhere he can process his conflicting allegiances.

Canid Knight: A message for Lord Rolf Zahn!

Canid Knight: The Western Brigade confirms that enemy troops are in retreat! Our forces are prepared to hound them!

Canid Knight: Cat tribe reinforcements have appeared to face the Eastern Brigade! Neither side will be able to take much ground!

Canid Knight: But the Southern Brigade has the worst of it! Ensorcelled storms have ruined the gunpowder reserves!

Rolf: Tell the West to abandon their chase and rendezvous with the East. The South is to retreat.

Rolf: I'll cover their escape myself.

Rolf: Now that they've lost the White Tiger, they're easy prey! This battle will be the last!

Rolf: Victory... Victory for our king! We will show them the majesty of his cruel fangs!

Rolf: All troops, move out!

Rolf: Hah, has it already been twenty years?

Rolf: Those cats had no options left. And yet the king would show them no mercy...

Canid Knight: I b-bring tidings, L-Lord Zahn!

Canid Knight: There's been a rebellion! Albert has sided with the catfolk and deposed the king!

Rolf: Is the king safe?

Canid Knight: Thankfully! But there's word that all diplomatic rights granted to the cats have been transferred to Albert...

Rolf: I never thought I would see the day... And yet here are.

Canid Knight: Shall I rally the troops?

Rolf: No need. I'll head for the palace.

Rolf: You handle the rest.

Rolf: Rolf Zahn, knight. I've come to inspect a possible coup d'état.

Albert: Lord Zahn, your words are far too harsh. I may hold power at the moment, but I've no plans to claim the throne.

Albert: Ah, I see you're the same as ever, my friend.

Albert: You were considerate to come alone. Your actions have saved countless lives.

Rolf: They should be thanking you. I am merely a general who has lost his king.

Rolf: I demand compensation for the troops. Though they might have other ambitions, they have served their country well. I won't see them forgotten.

Albert: Of course. I'll make arrangements to secure their livelihoods.

Albert: Lord Zahn, times are changing. Dogfolk, catfolk... Soon our differences will be behind us, and we walk into the future paw in paw.

Albert: Though I fear some would stand against this future. That's why we'll still need power to keep the peace.

Albert: You are the strongest of our knights; you paint the battlefield in glory as an artist covers his canvas. Will you not lend that talent to our new kingdom?

Rolf: Lord Fang, you are not the king. Though perhaps you should be.

Rolf: Blood stains my sword, not glory. So many lives taken, all by decree of the crown. My actions will still be fresh in the minds of the people.

Rolf: If you want to avoid the same mess as His Majesty, you will take a new path. Without me.

Albert: If it must be this way, then very well. You leave with my gratitude, Lord Zahn.

Rolf: A final warning, Lord Albert: Do not become a knight who fosters strength alone. Farewell.

Rolf: I AM the bloody sword of the king. Strange as that is to admit.

Rolf: There is no justice in tyranny; no peace in revolution. Then I shall be a sword of loyalty and courage... And yet, I am still a weapon.

Rolf: No! That's fool's logic! An excuse to avoid responsibility!

Rolf: Though I wore the mask of a noble sword, I am a cowardly soldier who could not properly guide his king. What kind of end do I deserve?

Nimbus: Who gives a rat's ass. I thought I'd leave you to your grumbling, but suddenly I wanna see this bloodthirsty wolf in action.

Nimbus: It's what you want, right? You were the one who sent me that invitation for a duel.

Nimbus: Well, I accept your challenge! Bring it on!

Rolf: ...I'm in your debt.

Rolf: I am the Black Wolf, Rolf Zahn. Though my sword serves no master... I will find glory in this match!

Nimbus: Hold up... Why are you holding back?

Rolf: One moment of lost focus and you landed a blow. As expected of the White Tiger. The rumors about you are true.

Rolf: Come. I offer you my neck... Take your victory by slaying this treacherous whelp.

Nimbus: Like hell I will! You think I can't see straight through this? You better deal with your own problems!

Nimbus: Follow me! I'm taking you to a place where you won't spout all this nonsense ever again!

Rolf: ...What greater shame awaits me? Will I finally sheath my sword for good?

Rolf: Your Highness, if you're out there, forgive me for my errant loyalty.

Episode 2
Knight and Tribute

Rolf visits a catfolk village with Nimbus. He quickly garners suspicion from Claw, but the tension dissipates when some local kittens begin to play with the old knight. Coming across the scene, the adults of the village throw stones at Rolf, champion of their former foes, but he takes their attacks without argument.

Claw: Gaaah! The Black Wolf?!

Nimbus: Put a lid on it! You always start screaming out of nowhere.

Claw: I think I have a right to! There was a reason the coup d'état was planned when he wasn't around!

Rolf: You're correct to fear me.

Rolf: But for now I am the humble guest of Sir Nimbus. I have no intention of overthrowing the current government. You may even take my blade, as a show of good will.

Claw: F-forgive the impertinence, but we couldn't possibly hold ourselves responsible for such a sword. We will trust you.

Rolf: I'm in your debt.

Claw: Hold up! I was expecting a maniacal hound, but he seems like a good guy!

Nimbus: Good might be overselling him, but yeah, he's at least a knight, tried and true.

Claw: Yep! Our side couldn't beat him once... across a whole decade! What if he's got something sinister planned?

Rolf: Ha. I have been routed. Though I've dealt with a hundred foes, I've yet learned to wrangle a few children.

Kitten: Yay! I beat the big knight!

Claw: Yikes... Sorry about the kits...

Rolf: Not at all. It was a great opportunity to learn about the future of our kingdom.

Claw: Come again?

Rolf: In these children, I see a future from the curses of the past. We will walk bravely forward, with naught but good will and curiosity to guide us.

Rolf: That is surely a better path than the rocky road the former king and I were building.

Claw: Hah, man, maybe I had you all wrong.

Claw: What are you doing! Do you know who this man is?!

Feline: Oh, we know alright! He's murdered our comrades and taken our villages countless times... It's that damnable Black Wolf!

Elderly Feline: Strike him down! Execute him on the spot! Get revenge for my poor boy!

Claw: Cut it out! Two wrongs don't make a right!

Nimbus: Rolf, you ain't got nothing to say for yourself? At least claim your innocence.

Rolf: No. I am proud of the work I did on the battlefield. A warrior has no use for shame.

Rolf: But... perhaps I may still find use as a tribute.

Rolf: For those with their hearts and minds stuck in the old ways, it's the only way to ease their pain.

Rolf: Please... claim your justice.

Feline: Get away from our children!

Kitten: Stop it! He didn't do nothing wrong!

Feline: Get over here this instant! Or he'll kill you too!

Kitten: He wouldn't never do nothing like that! Even if his fangs are scary!

Rolf: I ask you... Could we settle this later?

Elderly Feline: Oh, we sure will! This day has been a long time coming!

Rolf: I'm in your debt.

Nimbus: Wait, our debt? That mob's debt?

Claw: Sorry for the rough treatment. I should've spoken up, but I...

Rolf: No, there's nothing to be said. I behaved in a way that would bring shame to my king. I'm sure you would agree, Sir Nimbus.

Nimbus: Yeesh, lighten up a little.

Nimbus: Hey, Claw. I think this old knight's helmet is on too tight. What say we get him some grub so he can relax?

Claw: Now you're talking! You're going to love my traditional feline fixings!

Rolf: I shall gratefully accept.

Episode 3
Knight and Valor

Canid soldiers, formerly under the command of Rolf, rebel at the castle gates. Albert calls for the Black Wolf to handle the situation. After defeating his ex-troops, they accuse him of treachery, but Rolf explains the true meaning of loyalty amidst the uncertain currents of political turmoil.

Rolf: Ah, more children play in the streets these days. How wonderful.

Nimbus: You never sound this happy. You wanna hang up your sword to start a nursery?

Rolf: Perish the thought. I'm afraid my teaching methods would be too strict for mere babes.

Rolf: Besides, I mustn't stray from my path.

Nimbus: You sure about that?

Rolf: As sure as the sun shines and the winds blow.

Albert: Lord Zahn! What perfect timing!

Rolf: What's the matter, Lord Fang? Your fur is disheveled.

Nimbus: Whoa, you two seem to be awfully friendly with each other.

Albert: Whatever you're implying, it can wait!

Albert: There's a mass of angry rebels at our gates, formed of your former troops who are still loyal to the king! They won't listen to a word we say!

Rolf: What would you have me do?

Albert: I wish there were another way, but I'm afraid we can't let them continue unabated... Lord Zahn. I leave it in your capable paws.

Rolf: Understood.

Nimbus: What are you going to do?

Rolf: Well, he made a request, not a royal decree. Which means I have discretion in how I handle this situation.

Rolf: Watch and learn, Lord Nimbus. This loathsome knight you saved that day has learned where best to throw his life.

Albert: That was a perfectly good gate!

Rolf: Was it truly? It fell to a single swipe of my flaming sword. I recommend the next gate be made of reinforced steel.

Nimbus: Hah! He's found his funny bone! I thought you were all about blood and guts and death!

Rolf: I admit I have a penchant for violence, or else I would've given up the sword long ago... Now, we fight, my brothers-in-arms.

Canid Knight: Lord Zahn! You've returned to lead us!

Canid Knight: W-wait! Isn't that Albert by your side? What is going on?!

Rolf: Allow me to ask you instead: will you draw your swords and face me? Or will you drop them and kneel before him?

Rolf: We are soldiers loyal to the crown. We don't brandish our blades unless the king decrees we do. So on whose authority do you knaves fight now?

Canid Knight: We, we fight to avenge our king! To protect him from those traitors who stole the kingdom!

Rolf: Then you are foolish to point your swords at Albert. If you wish to reclaim this country, then you should do so through political acumen.

Canid Knight: What hogwash is this! Did you trade your loyalty for money, Lord Zahn?!

Rolf: Believe whatever you'd like. I'll entertain this tedium no longer.

Rolf: I am Rolf Zahn, bloody sword of the king... If you stand in my way, then you will taste my steel!

Canid Knight: Lord Zahn... Lord Zahn is a traitor! Kill him! Kill them all!

Rolf: What? You think I'll fall to numbers alone? You would need quite the explosive force to even scratch me.

Rolf: Come at me with everything you've got. Take my life and claim your glory!

Rolf: Victory... Victory for our cause. The sword is but a compass that points to our true loyalties.

Nimbus: Holy mother of... He took out all those troops on his own.

Albert: Lord Zahn is a fearsome one... I'm glad he's on our side.

Canid Knight: Treacherous snake! Only the rightful king deserves this victory!

Rolf: You will shut up, surrender, and receive medical attention. Do not shame your king any further.

Canid Knight: Why! If only you'd been there to lead us...

Rolf: Albert has been entrusted with the rights to govern this land. Our king's land. To forget that is to disgrace His Majesty's legacy.

Rolf: By forcing a doomed rebellion, you risk sullying the king's name in the annuls of history. True loyalty requires more than blind obedience.

Rolf: You must protect his honor, perhaps more so than his person. THAT is how you display your pride as his soldiers.

Rolf: Now, will you be blind hounds? Or loyal wolves?

Canid Knight: Forgive us, Lord Zahn! We will protect the king's honor, the king's history! For as long as we live!

Rolf: Good. We will make good use of your devotion, so that even His Majesty learns of your deeds.

Albert: Thank goodness. I was right to leave this matter in your hands.

Nimbus: Hah, you sure about that? But, uh, now that I think about it...

Nimbus: I guess teaching your sad pack of hounds about the true meaning of loyalty ain't such a bad thing.