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Episode 1
Patrolling Prankster

Ritta spots Alk and co. while they're off exploring the Kaleidoscope, warning them of a trap. She ends up joining their group to act as a scout, leading them to a place where a mysterious treasure chest. As they open up, it turns out to be an elaborate prank orchestrated by Ritte. She takes a great liking to the party's exaggerated reactions.

Light: Hmmm. Awfully quiet today, isn't it? Where are all the monsters?

Alk: Yeah. This might be a good day to try delving a little deeper than usual.

Adventuring Girl: Wait, don't move!

Adventuring Girl: It's really dangerous over there! See?

Alk: That was close...

Light: Those are some sharp eyes you have. Who might you be?

Ritta: My name is Ritta! I'm a professional scout!

Ritta: You do know what a scout is, don't you?

Stella: A scout is a person sent out to survey the land and perform reconnaissance. Am I correct?

Ritta: Yes, yes! That was perfect. It's my job to spot dangerous situations from afar- and prevent them, of course.

Ritta: We scouts are a must-have on any adventure!

Ritta: Well... Shall we get going?

Ritta: Today I'm offering a special deal! You can avail yourself of my scouting services for FREE!

Ritta: Normally I'd charge quite a hefty fee for this, but... today's your lucky day!

Light: What do you think?

Alk: It can't hurt! Show us the way, Ritta.

Ritta: Good news, good news! I've spotted a deposit of high-quality elemental ore over in that direction!

Alk: Wow, our luck is really amazing today. First we get a guide for free, now this!

Ritta: Hehehe. Don't stop there, keep the compliments coming!

Ritta: People often say that scouts are uncool, or boring. They look down on us... but the truth is we're very, very useful!

Alk: Oh my... That is an enormous amount of treasure!

Stella: There is even a treasure chest as well.

Ritta: Oooh, there's sure to be good stuff inside! Open it, open it!

Alk: Odd that there's just one chest here... Hmm.

Alk: Ahh! Wh-what on earth is this?!

Ritta: HEHEHE! That's what we call a jack-in-the-box! Surprise!

Ritta: Oh man, you should have seen your reaction! I love it when a prank goes off perfectly!

Alk: A prank? I figured it was a trap or something- you know I thought I was about to die, right?

Ritta: O-oh. Sorry! My bad, whoops. Totally. I apologize. Really.

Alk: That's an unconvincing apology if I've ever heard one. Why did you go through all this trouble? Are you that bored?

Stella: Is all this treasure also yours, Ritta?

Ritta: Hehe. I'm sorry, that reaction was just so... fresh! That might be my favorite one so far!

Ritta: Uh-oh. Danger spotted in the distance. But no worries!

Ritta: Ritta's got the solution ready to go! A handcrafted, special item that solves any problem! What is it, you ask?

Ritta: Why, a BOMB, of course!

Ritta: And that concludes my tour of the day. Great work, everyone!

Alk: That was certainly an eventful day... but a pretty good one overall, I think!

Adventurer: Hey, you're that scout girl, aren't you? Are you still working for the day?

Adventurer: If you don't have any jobs lined up, I've got one tomorrow you could do. Could you help me? No pranks, though, please and thank you.

Ritta: Actually, I have plans tomorrow! Find someone else to do it!

Light: Are you sure that was oaky to do?

Ritta: Yep, yep! Reason being, those guys are a TOTAL bore to prank. ZERO reaction.

Ritta: But you guys... Now those are some faces that I want to see! All freaked out, eyes wide open- that was great!

Ritta: Anyway, if you ever need any scouting done, you know who to call! I offer complimentary pranks as well, of course.

Light: We could do without the pranks, to be honest...

Alk: Or maybe just cut down on the pranks where I think I'm about to die? Not a fan of those ones.

Episode 2
Prankster on the Store

Alk and co. bring Ritta along to a coastal area, but before they realize it, Ritta disappears. They then hear a voice asking for help, but when they check it out they are attacked by a monster. However, that monster is actually Ritta wearing a costume, much to Alk's chagring. Later, Stella tries to imitate Ritta and pull off pranks of her own, vowing to get better.

Ritta: Oh my gosh, it's the sea! I love the sea.

Ritta: So, what'll it be for today? Where do you want me to scout?

Alk: Oh, actually we didn't call you here for work. You've been helping us so much lately, we felt that you needed a break!

Ritta: A,,, break? Really?

Ritta: I didn't expect that!

Ritta: Let's have a good time, then!

Alk: Ahh... Sitting around and doing absolutely nothing is the best...

Light: What's the matter, Stella?

Stella: Ritta is missing.

Ritta: Ahh!

Light: She's over there, hurry!

Alk: A monster? What's it doing all the way out here?

Alk: It's coming!

Monster?: A monster? You expected a monster...

Ritta: But it was actually me, Ritta! Haha, this is a handmade suit of mine!

Alk: Oh come on...

Ritta: Huh? That wasn't as good a reaction as before...

Ritta: Are you... actually angry or something?

Alk: I was really worried about you there- I'd prefer it if you didn't do stuff like that...

Ritta: You were... worried about me?! Oh my, I'm blushing!


Ritta: Yep. I had to take a lot of money out of my food budget to buy the materials, haha.

Alk: Huh?! You've gotta get your priorities straight!

Alk: Well, I suppose that's it for today. Should we get going?

Ritta: Yeah! Thanks so much for today. I haven't had this much fun in a while!

Monster?: Groar!

Monster?: Groar, groar!

Ritta: I know it's you, Stella.

Stella: Oh. You saw through my disguise.

Stella: That was payback. For your previous pranks.

Ritta: Hahaha! Oh man, that's hilarious. You're really something, Stella!

Ritta: So that is what it feels like to GET pranked. Huh!

Stella: Yes, you got pranked.

Ritta: It wasn't a bad effort! But... you've got a long way to go. Your pranking skills need honing!

Ritta: Don't worry- Ritta's here to teach you the ropes. I'll show you a REAL prank, so watch carefully!

Stella: Understood. Please show me.

Light: But don't go getting TOO good at pranking. Please.

Alk: I'm not sure my heart could handle that...

Ritta: Okay, Stella, let's practice screaming for help!

Ritta: Ah.

Ritta: Again! But this time, with more feeling! Like this!

Ritta: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Stella: Aaaah.

Alk: Aaaaaah!